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I'm starting some work on an existing ColdFusion application with no version control and what look like unused cfm files (test.cfm, test2.cfm etc.). I'd like to get a picture of what files are actually part of the application so I can get it into git or subversion in a manageable state.


How would you go about this? A regex and some methods to find and map cfinclude and cfcomponent tags? Is there some existing tool that does this?


6 个解决方案


Ben Nadel has a method to examine the live stack trace from a running template. It seems to me that you could easily plop this into your application and log the results to a database. Once you've done that, you've got a good idea of what's in use and what's not.

Ben Nadel有一种方法可以检查正在运行的模板中的实时堆栈跟踪。在我看来,您可以轻松地将其填入您的应用程序并将结果记录到数据库中。一旦你完成了这个,你就会清楚地知道什么是在使用中,什么不是。

I think the easiest way, however, is to enable debugging (standard caveat here about development server, etc). The standard ColdFusion debugger will give you a complete list of every file used during the execution of a single page. ColdFire will do the same thing in a handy Firebug extension (click ColdFusion then click Exec Times).

我认为最简单的方法是启用调试(这里有关于开发服务器的标准警告等)。标准的ColdFusion调试器将为您提供执行单个页面期间使用的每个文件的完整列表。 ColdFire将在一个方便的Firebug扩展中执行相同的操作(单击ColdFusion,然后单击Exec Times)。

It should be pointed out that the built-in debugger even shows you the files included from CFC calls, and the files included from within those calls as well. It is all inclusive.


Ben Nadel on Stack Traces

Ben Nadel在Stack Traces上

Ray Camden's ColdFire

Ray Camden的ColdFire

Sample of CF Debugging from a live page:
alt text http://i43.tinypic.com/ofvh37.jpg

来自实时页面的CF调试示例:alt text http://i43.tinypic.com/ofvh37.jpg


Put it into git first! Then, if you screw up, you can easily roll back.
(If you're concerned about having a 'clean' repository, when you're finished and fully tested, you have the option to just remove the single .git folder and create a new one.)

先把它放入git!然后,如果你搞砸了,你可以轻松回滚。 (如果您担心拥有'干净'存储库,那么当您完成并经过全面测试后,您可以选择删除单个.git文件夹并创建一个新文件夹。)

Then, as Tomalak suggests, use cflog on every file. Infact I'd say maybe even log twice, at the top and bottom of each script, could potentially help you to map out how the application runs.



A regex is not advisable. Since ColdFusion is quite flexible in the way files can be included or referenced, there will be no way to determine the definitive list of dependencies from the source code alone.


You could insert a into each file and build a log from the running application. Examine the log after the application was active for a while and all functionality had been accessed at least once.

您可以在每个文件中插入 ,并从正在运行的应用程序中构建日志。在应用程序处于活动状态一段时间后检查日志,并且至少访问过所有功能。


Don't bother instrumenting each file, just cflog the page name in OnRequest inside application.cfc - the target page is an argument.

不要费心检测每个文件,只需在application.cfc中的onRequest中cflog页面名称 - 目标页面是一个参数。

Of course then the issue becomes code coverage and the ability to fully excercise the app.




cfinclude won't tell you if a url is supposed to load the file directly. I've seen system where some files are not included via an index.cfm even when the framework expects it. I have it in my own work where index.cfm loads most code but reset.cfm bypasses the framework to reset configs and session data.



Download a trial of Dreamweaver and define a ColdFusion site. DW can create a site map and tell you which files are not included, linked, cfmoduled and so forth. I don't know if it can figure out unused CFCs, but CFMs should be easy. Note that I haven't used DW for years, but it had this functionality around CF 4/5.

下载Dreamweaver的试用版并定义ColdFusion站点。 DW可以创建站点地图并告诉您哪些文件未包含,链接,cfmoduled等。我不知道它是否可以找出未使用的CFC,但CFM应该很容易。请注意,我多年没有使用过DW,但它在CF 4/5附近有这个功能。

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