作者:Candy王丫丫 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-13 11:43
I got this code (I know it's in Spanish I can translate if needed) where they give me the function SumVec. What the function does is it receives as parameters two arrays (integer pointers) and an integer (size) and returns a pointer to the sum of the two vectors or arrays. I have to convert it so it can receive any type, not just integer. I know that you do that with a template by using "template " but I've only done simple classes I don't know how to do it with pointers. Any help?
The code
using namespace std;
int * sumVec(int*, int*, int);
int main() {
int n, nCol, nFil = 0;
//Arreglo unidimensional dinmico
int *ptr, *suma, size;
cout <<"Cuantos Items va a procesar:";
cin >> size;
ptr = new int[size];//Asignando memoria al arreglo
for (int i = 0;i> ptr[i];
//Mostrando el contenido del archivo
for (int i = 0;i
1 个解决方案