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I am having issues with this game.js code that the game.ts file compiles to:


var GameObjects = require("./GameObjects")

I have set up my page index.html js imports as so:

我已经设置了我的页面index.html js imports,如下所示:

and this is the error in chrome:


Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined GameObjects.js:82
Uncaught Error: Module name "GameObjects" has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([]) http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#notloaded

any ideas friends?


2 个解决方案



I'm not sure where the idea of hand-editing the Javascript files has come from. If you compile your TypeScript with the --module amd flag, you shouldn't need to edit the Javascript files as the import statements will be converted into require statements.

我不确定手动编辑Javascript文件的想法来自哪里。如果使用--module amd标志编译TypeScript,则不需要编辑Javascript文件,因为import语句将转换为require语句。

The only script tag you should need on your page is this:


Once require.js has loaded, it will then load game.js, and whenever it comes across a require statement (which is your import statement in your TypeScript file) it will then load that script and then execute the code.


You can load in jQuery and GameObjects and any other modules just by adding import statements in your TypeScript file.




You have no data-main attribute in your require.js script tag. Please read the RequireJS documentation carefully.


In a nuthshell: you should be loading ts/GameObjects.js from a top-level require call, which you put in the file specified in the data-main attribute. e.g. (from the docs):

在nuthshell中:您应该从顶级require调用加载ts / GameObjects.js,该调用放在data-main属性中指定的文件中。例如(来自文档):


My Sample Project

Then in Javascripts/main.js (you can actually call it whatever you want, as long as it matches what you put in data-main), you call require and load your modules and do whatever you want with them:

然后在Javascripts / main.js中(实际上你可以随意调用它,只要它与你在data-main中的匹配),你调用require并加载你的模块并用它们做任何你想做的事情:

require(["ts/GameObjects.js", "ts/game.js"], function(GameObjects, Game) {
  ... use 'GameObjects' and 'Game' here ...

Remember that in ts/GameObjects.js and ts/game.js you need to wrap your code in define() calls, so they are interpreted as modules.

请记住,在ts / GameObjects.js和ts / game.js中,您需要将代码包装在define()调用中,因此它们被解释为模块。

Hope that helps.


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