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I'm currently migrating my project from PHP (codeigniter) to Rails3 and it's amazing. But I'm a rails/ruby newbie so I've faced a problem which I don't know how to solve.

我目前正在将我的项目从PHP (codeigniter)迁移到Rails3,这非常棒。但是我是一个rails/ruby新手,所以我遇到了一个我不知道如何解决的问题。

I get new stuff on my site (A) from one certain site (B). It works like this:


  1. On site B on a page I want to submit to my site I click a button.
  2. 在站点B上,在我想提交给站点的页面上,我点击一个按钮。
  3. Site B makes a POST request to my script on site A with an identifier of that page.
  4. 站点B对我在站点a上的脚本发出POST请求,其中包含该页面的标识符。
  5. I take this ID, and make a POST request with CURL back to the site B.
  6. 我拿着这个ID,用CURL返回到site B。
  7. Site B returns me a JSON feed with links to files.
  8. 站点B返回一个JSON提要,其中包含指向文件的链接。
  9. Then I use CURL to download the files with that ID.
  10. 然后我使用CURL来下载具有该ID的文件。

Sorry if the explanation is a bit cluttered.


For steps 1 and 2 I assume, I have to make a POST route and a method in some controller. But the rest isn't that clear to me.


Additionally, in php project I hosted files on the same servers. And now I use heroku, so I need to put those files to S3.


1 个解决方案



update: On reading the Q again, I see that the remote files must be posted from a remote location into the rails app, not from a user-provided url. Carrierwave can most probably still deal with this, but I have no experience in this particular area.


This is really simple with carrierwave.


Once set up, carrierwave will detect wether something is either a file upload or a path to a remote file and import it.


<%= form_for @user, :html => {:multipart => true} do |f| %>

<%= image_tag(@user.avatar_url) if @user.avatar? %> <%= f.text_field :remote_avatar_url %>

<% end %>

S3 storage is supported natively, trough fog, wich needs no set-up or configuration other then a few lines in your uploader file in carrierwave itself.


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