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So a pretty basic question: is it "okay" to use classes like inline styles?


Basically what I've done is build a "bootstrap"; but instead of doing so by element, I've done it by property. So basically, the CSS is nothing but a set of pre-defined styles.


For example:

.margin-left-1 {margin-left:1px;}
.margin-right-1 {margin-right:1px;}
.bg-blue {background-color:blue;}
.padding-5 {padding: 5px;}
.radius-10 {border-radius:10px;}
.width-10 {width:10%;}
.width-10px {width:10px;}
.font-arial {font-family: 'Arial';}


This makes it so you can quickly & easily build the website and its styles right in the HTML. However, is this a bad practice? Should I simply have styles for things like border-radius, colors, buttons, etc and leave the padding, margin, etc. (general box layout properties) defined within classes/id's?

这使得您可以在HTML中快速轻松地构建网站及其样式。但是,这是一种不好的做法吗?我应该简单地为border-radius,colors,buttons等等设置样式,并保留在classes / id中定义的填充,边距等(一般框布局属性)?

5 个解决方案



Its the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do. CSS selector names should nor represent selector content but rather the nature of the object they are supposed to describe (style). In other words selector names should be as abstract as possible in regards to how much they depend on the selector content itself.

它与你应该做的完全相反。 CSS选择器名称也应该代表选择器内容,而不是它们应该描述的对象(样式)的性质。换句话说,选择器名称应该尽可能抽象,因为它们依赖于选择器内容本身。

Here is a practical problem which you will run into if you decide to use your system. What if you decide to change the value of your margin-right attribute for the .margin-right-1 class? Following your logic you would now have to change its name to lets say margin-right-10 and not only that but you would also be forced to update your complete HTML code in order to replace references to the margin-right-1 with margin-right-10 class.


However if you define a class selector named, lets say, .wrapper you could redefine its attributes later however you like.


Not only that but what will you do if your selector also has a margin-left attribute? Which one would become dominant in order to give name to that particular selector?




I suggest you to use LESS.


You can then create so called "mixins" and use them in your styles. E.g.


.rounded-corners (@radius: 5px) {
  border-radius: @radius;
  -webkit-border-radius: @radius;
  -moz-border-radius: @radius;

#header {
#footer {



There has been a lot of discussion about what constitutes a good class name. Community consensus and the HTML spec itself suggest that your class names describe what the element is, not how it should look.


There are no additional restrictions on the tokens authors can use in the class attribute, but authors are encouraged to use values that describe the nature of the content, rather than values that describe the desired presentation of the content.


Also see the Semantic HTML page on Wikipedia.




Imagine that you then decide to use the same HTML for your mobile website, but a different stylesheet. Let's say you have an article container that you've set to 800px wide. Rather than having .article {width: 800px} you'll have .width-800 {width: 400px}. How confused will you be when trying to write and debug your new layout?

想象一下,然后您决定为您的移动网站使用相同的HTML,但使用不同的样式表。假设您有一个文章容器,您将其设置为800px宽。而不是.article {width:800px}你将拥有.width-800 {width:400px}。在尝试编写和调试新布局时,您会感到困惑吗?

Also, maybe you don't want all elements that were 800px wide to now be 400px, just articles. So using your method, to target your article container, you'd have to chain together all the different classes that are used by it, e.g:


.float-left.border-solid-black.padding-10.bg-blue.font-arial.width-800 {
    width: 400px;

This much longer selector means that:


  • It takes up more room (file-weight) in the CSS file, so slower page loads
  • 它在CSS文件中占用更多空间(文件权重),因此页面加载速度较慢

  • It's slower to parse nodes via XPath or Javascript
  • 通过XPath或Javascript解析节点的速度较慢

  • It's more brittle to changes, as you don't know if any other divs may be affected (if they happen to also have the same classes applied)
  • 它更易于更改,因为您不知道是否有任何其他div可能会受到影响(如果它们碰巧也应用了相同的类)

  • It's much harder to debug and isolate bug-fixes (not negatively impact other areas on the page by mistake)
  • 调试和隔离错误修复更加困难(不会对页面上的其他区域产生负面影响)



Generally you want to use classes to say what your text is, and then use CSS to say how such things should be displayed. This way if you decide you want your headings to have 0.5em of space beneath them instead of 0.3em of space, it's an easy thing (especially with a tool like FireBug).


Using them the way you've indicated isn't taking advantage of this separation. It's brittle and has no additional functionality beyond just putting inline styles all over the place.


That said, you will usually have a few utility classes like this (e.g. .collapsed { display: none }) for toggling and such.

也就是说,你通常会有一些这样的实用程序类(例如.collapsed {display:none})用于切换等等。

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