1、爬虫——智联招聘信息搜集 原文链接
1 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 import re
3 import csv
4 import requests
5 from tqdm import tqdm
6 from urllib.parse import urlencode
7 from requests.exceptions import RequestException
9 def get_one_page(city, keyword, region, page):
10 '''
11 获取网页html内容并返回
12 '''
13 paras = {
14 'jl': city, # 搜索城市
15 'kw': keyword, # 搜索关键词
16 'isadv': 0, # 是否打开更详细搜索选项
17 'isfilter': 1, # 是否对结果过滤
18 'p': page, # 页数
19 're': region # region的缩写,地区,2005代表海淀
20 }
22 headers = {
23 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36',
24 'Host': 'sou.zhaopin.com',
25 'Referer': 'https://www.zhaopin.com/',
26 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8',
27 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
28 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9'
29 }
31 url = 'https://sou.zhaopin.com/jobs/searchresult.ashx?' + urlencode(paras)
32 try:
33 # 获取网页内容,返回html数据
34 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
35 # 通过状态码判断是否获取成功
36 if response.status_code == 200:
37 return response.text
38 return None
39 except RequestException as e:
40 return None
42 def parse_one_page(html):
43 '''
44 解析HTML代码,提取有用信息并返回
45 '''
46 # 正则表达式进行解析
47 pattern = re.compile('(.*?).*?' # 匹配职位信息
48 '
49 '
51 # 匹配所有符合条件的内容
52 items = re.findall(pattern, html)
54 for item in items:
55 job_name = item[0]
56 job_name = job_name.replace('', '')
57 job_name = job_name.replace('', '')
58 yield {
59 'job': job_name,
60 'website': item[1],
61 'company': item[2],
62 'salary': item[3]
63 }
65 def write_csv_file(path, headers, rows):
66 '''
67 将表头和行写入csv文件
68 '''
69 # 加入encoding防止中文写入报错
70 # newline参数防止每写入一行都多一个空行
71 with open(path, 'a', encoding='gb18030', newline='') as f:
72 f_csv = csv.DictWriter(f, headers)
73 f_csv.writeheader()
74 f_csv.writerows(rows)
76 def write_csv_headers(path, headers):
77 '''
78 写入表头
79 '''
80 with open(path, 'a', encoding='gb18030', newline='') as f:
81 f_csv = csv.DictWriter(f, headers)
82 f_csv.writeheader()
84 def write_csv_rows(path, headers, rows):
85 '''
86 写入行
87 '''
88 with open(path, 'a', encoding='gb18030', newline='') as f:
89 f_csv = csv.DictWriter(f, headers)
90 f_csv.writerows(rows)
92 def main(city, keyword, region, pages):
93 '''
94 主函数
95 '''
96 filename = 'zl_' + city + '_' + keyword + '.csv'
97 headers = ['job', 'website', 'company', 'salary']
98 write_csv_headers(filename, headers)
99 for i in tqdm(range(pages)):
100 '''
101 获取该页中所有职位信息,写入csv文件
102 '''
103 jobs = []
104 html = get_one_page(city, keyword, region, i)
105 items = parse_one_page(html)
106 for item in items:
107 jobs.append(item)
108 write_csv_rows(filename, headers, jobs)
110 if __name__ == '__main__':
111 main('北京', 'python',2005 , 10)