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Just as the title says, I see a lot of editors touting macro recording as a feature but cannot find a way to take advantage of these functions myself. So what can you use it for? The type where you can record mouse movement and/or keystrokes? Is it really that helpful to people out there? Specifically, I deal with Eclipse which has a number of built in "fill in" functions, so I really don't see what the advantages could be.


6 个解决方案


I use them all the time. Say, for example, I want to go down a list, indenting by 4 and adding a "|* ". In EMACS, I hit C-x ( to start recording, do one example line to see that it's what I want, ending with C-n C-a to move to the next line, and end the macro with C-x ). Then C-x e repeats it line by line, and C-u number C-x e does it many times.

我一直都在使用它们。比方说,我想在列表中下移,缩进4并添加“| *”。在EMACS中,我点击C-x(开始录制,做一个示例行,看看它是我想要的,以C-n C-a结束移动到下一行,并用C-x结束宏)。然后C-x e逐行重复,C-u数C-x e多次重复。


Depends on what you are doing and what language you are work with. As a simple example, right now I am working with a Visual Basic .NET application that has a number of queries in it. I generally do all of my work with queries in Toad, but Visual Basic .NET has an annoying syntax when it comes to long strings, namely:

取决于您正在做什么以及您使用的语言。作为一个简单的例子,我现在正在使用一个Visual Basic .NET应用程序,其中包含许多查询。我通常在Toad中使用查询来完成所有工作,但是当涉及到长字符串时,Visual Basic .NET有一个恼人的语法,即:

Public Const SelectData As String = _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM myTable " & _ 

Since I really don't like editing the queries when I copy them out of the code or pasting them back in, I have some macros that will automatically format or strip the formatting from them.


Also, some of the macros can be used to automate common tasks that you need to do around the IDE while you are working. Any sequence of commands that you see yourself doing often is something that you can turn into a macro and do with just a single click.



Waaaay back I used a macro to make function header/comments. Other than that I have not used them.


Basically you can "automate" tedious things you do often that do not have built in ways to do the tasks you do frequently. It is a flexible way to give lots of power to people so they can work more efficiently.



I find it very useful in microsoft excel. Rather then having to look through documentation to find every object and function I need to call I can record a macro that does most of what I want, take that code and modify it to give me finer control.

我发现它在microsoft excel中非常有用。而不是必须通过文档来查找我需要调用的每个对象和函数我可以记录一个宏,它可以完成我想要的大部分工作,获取代码并修改它以给我更好的控制。


In Visual Studio, I use macros for many different purposes. One of the most valuable comes when debugging Windows service. I can use the macro engine to start and then attach to the Windows service which just a click of a button.

在Visual Studio中,我将宏用于许多不同的目的。调试Windows服务时最有价值的一个。我可以使用宏引擎启动,然后只需单击一个按钮即可连接到Windows服务。

Also, sometimes I use custom DEFINES that need to be exploded into code--sort of like C/C++ macros.

此外,有时我使用需要分解成代码的自定义DEFINES - 有点像C / C ++宏。

Colby Africa


I don't use them in Eclipse either. Here's why:


  1. Eclipse has many powerful built-in functions and refactorings. So with code, its not necessary.


  2. Eclipse macros aren't that great. You can record them, but its hard to tweak them and do exactly what you want.


  3. Macros become more useful in things like modifying files that aren't code. For that I tend to use something like vim. Also, you have to actually practice using macros to recognize when they will help.


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