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I wonder if the UNIX domain socket connections with postgresql are faster then tcp connections from localhost in high concurrency rate and if it does, by how much?


5 个解决方案



UNIX domain sockets should offer better performance than TCP sockets over loopback interface (less copying of data, fewer context switches), but I don't know whether the performance increase can be demonstrated with PostgreSQL.


I found a small comparison on the FreeBSD mailinglist: http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-performance/2005-February/001143.html.




Postgres core developer Bruce Momjian has blogged about this topic. Momjian states, "Unix-domain socket communication is measurably faster." He measured query network performance showing that the local domain socket was 33% faster than using the TCP/IP stack.

Postgres核心开发人员Bruce Momjian在博客上发表了关于这个话题的博文。 Momjian表示,“Unix域套接字通信的速度要快得多。”他测量了查询网络性能,显示本地域套接字比使用TCP / IP堆栈快33%。



I believe that UNIX domain sockets in theory give better throughput than TCP sockets on the loopback interface, but in practice the difference is probably negligible.


Data carried over UNIX domain sockets don't have to go up and down through the IP stack layers.


re: Alexander's answer. AFAIK you shouldn't get any more than one context switch or data copy in each direction (i.e. for each read() or write()), hence why I believe the difference will be negligble. The IP stack doesn't need to copy the packet as it moves between layers, but it does have to manipulate internal data structures to add and remove higher-layer packet headers.

回复:亚历山大的回答。 AFAIK你不应该在每个方向上获得多于一个的上下文切换或数据拷贝(即对于每个read()或write()),因此我认为差异将是可忽略的。 IP堆栈在层之间移动时不需要复制数据包,但它必须操纵内部数据结构以添加和删除更高层的数据包标头。



afaik, unix domain socket (UDS) work like system pipes and it send ONLY data, not send checksum and other additional info, not use three-way handshake as TCP sockets...


ps: maybe UDS will be more faster




TCP sockets on localhost are usually implemented using UNIX domain sockets, so the answer on most systems is neglijable to none. However, this is not standard in any way -- it is just how usually it is done, therefore you should not depend on this.

localhost上的TCP套接字通常使用UNIX域套接字实现,因此大多数系统上的答案都是不可忽略的。但是,这在任何方面都不是标准的 - 它只是通常的方式,因此你不应该依赖于此。

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