作者:teemitop | 来源:互联网 | 2013-06-21 09:22
利用Smarty+adodb分页示例, 下面给出的是分页部份的代码。
// level E member's product commend list
public function product_comm($size = 5){
$pre = $size <> 5 && !empty($_REQUEST['lb']) ? " AND prolb LIKE '%".$_REQUEST['lb']."%' " : "";
$this->where = " judge_flag = 0 AND pubname = '".$_REQUEST['user']."' $pre ";
$sql = " SELECT id, pingpai, img, huohao FROM user_proinfo WHERE ".$this->where.
" ORDER BY pubtime DESC ";
$res = $this->selectRs->SelectLimit($sql, $size, ($this->page - 1) * $size );
$this->NaviPage_cM("`user_proinfo`", $size, $this->where);
return $res;
// embed in all must be used cat page function
private function NaviPage_cM($table, $size, $where){
$count = $this->selectRs->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $where ");
$pages = @ceil($count/$size);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $pages; $i++) $arr[] = $i;
$navi_cM = array( "option" => $arr,
"page" => $this->page,
"pages" => $pages,
"count" => $count, 字串7
"size" => $size,
"param" => $this->param
$this->tpl->assign("navi_cM", $navi_cM);