Exception: The number of the whole data (800) is smaller than the batch_size * devices_num * num_workers (2048)---------------------- Error Message Summary: ---------------------- FatalError: Blocking queue is killed because the data reader raises an exception.[Hint: Expected killed_ !&#61; true, but received killed_:1 &#61;&#61; true:1.](at /paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/reader/blocking_queue.h:154)[operator <read> error]
搜索FatalError: Blocking queue is killed because the data reader raises an exception.发现报这个错的还不少。。。我的应该就是因为上面所说的 整体数据量太小了导致的&#xff0c;重新导一遍数据好了&#xff0c;多产一些&#xff0c;产2400张好了。
import ujson error: No module named &#39;ujson&#39; use json 2020-09-29 06:24:37,367-INFO: places would be ommited when DataLoader is not iterable 2020-09-29 06:24:37,367-INFO: Distort operation can only support in GPU.Distort will be set to False. 2020-09-29 06:24:37,746-INFO: Loading parameters from ./pretrain_models/rec_mv3_none_bilstm_ctc/best_accuracy... // 加载预训练模型参数 2020-09-29 06:24:37,821-WARNING: variable ctc_fc_b_attr not used 2020-09-29 06:24:37,821-WARNING: variable ctc_fc_w_attr not used 2020-09-29 06:24:37,878-INFO: Finish initing model from ./pretrain_models/rec_mv3_none_bilstm_ctc/best_accuracy // 初始化模型完成 W0929 06:24:37.938328 116973 build_strategy.cc:170] fusion_group is not enabled for Windows/MacOS now, and only effective when running with CUDA GPU. !!! The CPU_NUM is not specified, you should set CPU_NUM in the environment variable list. CPU_NUM indicates that how many CPUPlace are used in the current task. And if this parameter are set as N (equal to the number of physical CPU core) the program may be faster.export CPU_NUM&#61;8 # for example, set CPU_NUM as number of physical CPU core which is 8.!!! The default number of CPU_NUM&#61;1.
根据github-issue_Add warning info If CPU_NUM is not set可知&#xff0c;使用之前需要设置一个 CPU_NUM系统变量。 但是这只是一个警告信息&#xff0c;其实不影响程序运行。。。 然后等了很久很久。。。。才出现第一行 训练结果&#xff1a;
RuntimeError : ( PreconditionNotMet ) The third-party dynamic library(cublas64_102.dll;cublas64_10.d11)that Paddle deperon is not configured correctly(error code is 126)