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1 Vocabulary Reacting to change

This article is about dealing with big changes. Read the text, and answer the questions.

Stages of Change

Change can be a scary thing. Big changes– for example, having to move or having to find a new job – can mean big stress. Your status quo is interrupted, and you are pushed out of your comfort zone.

There are three basic stages we go through when faced with significant change. The difference is how long you stay at each stage. The first stage is resistance. When you hear about a change, your first thought is that you don't want to change. There is uncertainty and doubt about the future.

The second stage is going with the flow. In this stage, you go with the change, and do what you have to do to survive. You accept the change, but you aren't excited about it.

The third stage is openness. This means having an open mind about the possibilities the change might bring. Even if it's a change you don't like, you start thinking of your strategy for dealing with it. You accept the change and begin to develop your own plan for the future. The more quickly you can reach stage three, the more quickly you can adjust to a change.

Reacting to change

Here are some useful words and phrases when talking about big changes in your home and work life.

Some people in the company are comfortable with the status quo. Some people in the company are comfortable with the status quo.

Speaking in my second language pushes me outside my comfort zone.

Speaking in my second language pushes me outside my comfort zone.

Recent graduates face a lot of uncertainty about the future.

Recent graduates face a lot of uncertainty about the future.

Raul has doubts about the new advertising plan.

Raul has doubts about the new advertising plan.

Anna has an open mind about her move to a new city.

Anna has an open mind about her move to a new city.

Sarah has a positive attitude about moving.

Sarah has a positive attitude about moving.

Tom is very resistant to change. He likes things to stay the same.

Tom is very resistant to change. He likes things to stay the same.

Select the correct words.

He's not comfortable with the status quo.

My new position pushes me outside of my comfort zone .

I faced a lot of uncertainty early in my career.

We all have doubts about the new plan.

It's important to have an open mind about change.

She's great to work with. She has a very positive attitude .

He likes the status quo. He's very resistant to change.

Listen and record what you hear.

I'm not comfortable with the status quo.

Change always brings uncertainty.

An open mind shows a positive attitude.

I was resistant to the change at first.

My new job pushes me outside my comfort zone.

2 Expressions Discussing change

Discussing change

Here are some expressions for discussing change:

I'm trying to stay positive about my new manager.

I'm trying to stay positive about my new manager.

You need to be open to new possibilities.

You need to be open to new possibilities.

I am in a rut in my personal life.

I am in a rut in my personal life.

He's very easy-going. He always goes with the flow.

He's very easy-going. He always goes with the flow.

When you listen to people talking about a change, you can ask questions to help them think about it.

A: How do you feel about moving?

How do you feel about moving?

B: Well, I'm stressed out about it, but that's to be expected.

Well, I'm stressed out about it, but that's to be expected.

A: What are your options?

What are your options?

B: Well, one option is to get more training.

Well, one option is to get more training.

A: How are you dealing with it? How are you dealing with it?

B: I was really upset at first, but now I have an open mind.

I was really upset at first, but now I have an open mind.

Listen and record what you hear.

He's trying to stay positive about work.

How are you dealing with the situation?

One option is to get more training.

She's in a rut at the same company.

They always go with the flow.

We're stressed, but that's to be expected.

Are you open to new possibilities?

3 Grammar Verbs + "that" clauses

Verbs + that clauses

The verbs imagine and think are often followed by a that clause. It's not necessary to always include that, but it does make it clearer.

I thought that it would be easy to find another job.

I thought that it would be easy to find another job.

I never thought the company might go out of business.

I never thought the company might go out of business.

I imagined that we would live in this city forever.

I imagined that we would live in this city forever.

I never imagined that we would have to move.

I never imagined that we would have to move.

Listen and record what you hear.

She never thought she'd lose her job.

We thought the company was doing well.

He imagined that he would get promoted.

When you're finished changing, you're finished.

They never imagined that things were bad.

4 Final Task A big change

Talk with a friend about a big change in your life. Listen and record the correct response.

Well, interesting.

There've been big changes at work.

My manager resigned, so I'm doing her job.

OK. I never imagined that I'd enjoy being a manager.

I know. I'm trying to keep an open mind about it.

You're right. Thanks for your help.

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