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I have a design as show in the below image and i have a requirement where user can click on the link in Rectangular area named as A, B & C. When one click on the click here link in Box B then all the green area should gray out except the BOX B and same should happen with BOX A, C.

我有一个如下图所示的设计,我有一个要求,用户可以点击名为A,B和C的矩形区域中的链接。当点击框B中点击此处链接时,所有绿色区域应该除了BOX B之外灰色,并且与BOX A,C相同。

Example as shown in image. When User open the page One User open the page


When User Click on the BOX B link  When User Click on the BOX B link

用户单击BOX B链接时

I am not sure if this is possible if there is any similar example where i can start from. I looked for but could not find similar example. Usually they example are related to whole page grey-out.


I can do same by using onmouseover and replace the whole image with the another image which has surrounding area in grey. But i am not allowed to do it this way. I am not sure if this is possible. I would appreciate if you can point me in right direction or if this is possible to certain area of page in grey..


These page are designed for PHP scripting


6 个解决方案



I created a little example for you, which you can find here:



Its' basically using a simple css z-index to overlap / hide the entire place, while the current selected element got temporarily a higher z-index than the overlapping


它'基本上使用简单的css z-index来重叠/隐藏整个地方,而当前所选元素暂时获得比重叠


You'll notice, while the overlapping

is visible, you can still click on the selected box. Anything else is not reachable (without removing event handlers or so). Just because there is another element which overlaps the rest.





On click of A/B/C you can add a div overlay with a transparent grey bg color and increase the z-index of the clicked element higher than the overlay.

单击A / B / C时,您可以添加具有透明灰色bg颜色的div叠加,并将单击元素的z-index增加到高于叠加层。



Use an overlay div that will be positioned absolutely above anything else on your page with z-index then set your clicked box's z-index to overlay's + 1.

使用覆盖div,使用z-index将其定位在页面上的任何其他位置,然后将单击框的z-index设置为overlay + 1。



There are a couple of ways to do this, but a relatively quick and easy way is to make the elements that you need to grey out be of the same class. Then when you select an item give that element an additional class, and change the css for the elements named above except for the selected element with the additional class.


This is a link describing one way to accomplish this.




You could try to place an div over the area where A,B,C are placed. In this div you will have a background-color like so :



When you either click a,b or c You "activate" (display:block), the whole thing and set the z.index of your a,b or C that it get's up "higher".


An alternative would be a plugin from jQueryTools, called Expose.


  • http://jquerytools.org/demos/toolbox/expose/index.html



One way to do it would be to temporarily change positioning of the element to absolute and give it a high z-index, then add a layer below it that would act as the overlay.


You could also use a plugin, for example this one: http://jquerytools.github.io/documentation/toolbox/expose.html


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