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When I build a site, I'd like to have at least one browser I can show it off in without any hacks or workarounds, and yet still retain maximum functionality. Knowing that none of the browsers have perfect standards adherence, which one comes closest?


Also, are there any standards areas in which a single browser seems to specialize? Opera, for instance, seems to be bent on adhering to all voice-related CSS standards.


12 个解决方案



Safari using the latest WebKit nightly build.


Not that any browser in the world uses this yet (not even Chrome) but if all you're worried about is standards then that's your best bet - it passes Acid3, something no browser on the market can do yet.

并不是说世界上任何浏览器都使用它(甚至不是Chrome),但如果您担心的是标准,那么这是您最好的选择 - 它会通过Acid3,这是市场上没有浏览器可以做到的。



The way most people I know work is to run Firefox(with Firebug) and develop in that. Firebug is an invaluable tool for debugging. They will usually take what the get there and try to squeak it into IE and other browsers. Not exactly the answer to your question (Its not 100% compliant but its close), but hopefully it helps.

我认识的大多数人的工作方式是运行Firefox(使用Firebug)并在其中进行开发。 Firebug是一个非常有用的调试工具。他们通常会采取相应的措施,并尝试将其发送到IE和其他浏览器。不完全是你的问题的答案(它不是100%兼容,但它的关闭),但希望它有所帮助。



This is an excellent question, but I find it hard to give a single answer. Traditionally, Opera has been the most standards compliant. For a long time, it was the ONLY browser to pass the ACID2 test in fact. FireFox and IE haven't been able to claim that (although supposedly IE8 is supposed to fix that, and FF is working on it all the time).

这是一个很好的问题,但我发现很难给出一个答案。传统上,Opera是最符合标准的。很长一段时间,它实际上是唯一通过ACID2测试的浏览器。 FireFox和IE一直未能声称(虽然据说IE8应该解决这个问题,并且FF一直在努力)。

That having been said however, bear mind that IE has the largest "market share" of all the browsers right now (businesses have ties to MS, and Windows always comes with IE out of the box) followed closely by FireFox. So if your goal is to show off your app in a browser that most people will be using, it'll have to be one of those.


Purists will tell you that FF is more standards compliant than IE7 (and they are right), so that you should design for that and not IE. I can tell from many years as a designer/developer that pages taking that approach may not be a great idea. Bear in mind again - IE has the market share, and usually where it counts. So if it looks great in FF but breaks in IE, most users will be very upset, and the same vice-versa.

纯粹主义者会告诉你,FF比IE7更符合标准(并且它们是正确的),所以你应该为此设计,而不是IE。多年来,我作为一名设计师/开发人员可以说,采用这种方法的网页可能并不是一个好主意。再次牢记 - IE拥有市场份额,通常在重要的位置。因此,如果它在FF中看起来很棒但在IE中中断,大多数用户会非常沮丧,反之亦然。

Best compromise - concentrate on those two. Tweak it to look right in at least FF AND IE, and now you've covered 90%+ of the people that will be using your website.

最好的妥协 - 专注于这两个。至少在FF和IE中调整一下,现在你已经覆盖了将使用你网站的人的90%以上。

Don't get me wrong here - I'm not trying to dismiss the users of Opera, Safari, or any other browser. But if you want the most results for the least amount of work, then there ya go.

不要误解我的意思 - 我不是要解雇Opera,Safari或任何其他浏览器的用户。但如果你想要最少的工作量,那么你就去了。

Best answer - take your time, do it right, test ALL the major browsers. The time spent working through these browser headaches ahead of time (when you can do it at your own pace) will be well rewarded. Compare that to the screaming client who wants to know why your page breaks in his favorite browser, and wants it fixed today. :)

最佳答案 - 花点时间,正确行事,测试所有主流浏览器。提前完成这些浏览器工作所花费的时间(当您可以按照自己的进度完成时)将得到很好的回报。相比之下,尖叫的客户想知道为什么你的页面在他最喜欢的浏览器中断,并希望它今天修复。 :)



"When I build a site, I'd like to have at least one browser I can show it off in without any hacks or workarounds, and yet still retain maximum functionality."


If you are testing your site, you would be better served to choose target browsers based on your users' needs.


Unless you are in a position where you can force your users to change to a particular browser, you need to test your site in whatever browser(s) they use.




Opera comes closest to standards compliance.




I use Firefox with IE tab and chrome. Firefox with IE tab because those are the two browsers with the most market share and chrome because it is one of the few windows browsers that use webkit, meaning it should display similarly to safari.




The way most people I know work is to run Firefox(with Firebug) and develop in that. Firebug is an invaluable tool for debugging. They will usually take what the get there and try to squeak it into IE and other browsers. Not exactly the answer to your question (Its not 100% compliant but its close), but hopefully it helps.

我认识的大多数人的工作方式是运行Firefox(使用Firebug)并在其中进行开发。 Firebug是一个非常有用的调试工具。他们通常会采取相应的措施,并尝试将其发送到IE和其他浏览器。不完全是你的问题的答案(它不是100%兼容,但它的关闭),但希望它有所帮助。

+1 - I prefer firefox for most browsing as I find it most stable and easiest to use, but when it comes to web development it takes the cake when combined with firebug! The others are good for testing, but I find that firefox+firebug makes everything so much easier to use

+1 - 我更喜欢使用firefox进行大多数浏览,因为我发现它最稳定,最容易使用,但是当涉及到web开发时,它会与firebug结合使用!其他的很适合测试,但我发现firefox + firebug使一切都更容易使用



Don't just use a standards compliant browser, use other tools such as the w3c validator.




Try Google Chrome it uses the WebKit which is feature complete for the latest standards.

尝试使用Google Chrome浏览器,它使用的WebKit功能已完全符合最新标准。



I used to use Opera and Firefox as my "Standards Compliant" browsers, but I've recently become much enamored with Safari. The WebKit under the hood is really solid, the Javascript is really fast (or fast enough, anyway), and and the CSS support is pretty excellent. It's not perfect, but does a really solid job of doing what it's supposed to do.


Also, it has the greatest print-screen feature I've ever seen in a browser. Seriously. Whereas every other browser seems to really munge up any screen I try to print, Safari always seems to get it right. A minor thing, but worth major points in my book.


Edited to add: Chrome is coming close to taking Safari's place, but that print screen thing is still the deciding factor. Being able to just hit "print" during a meeting with a client and not have to fiddle with any settings to get it working right is a major relief.




I find that if you stick to standards compliant markup, and don't use anything too unusual, it will render fine in Firefox 2/3 and Safari/Chrome (and usually fine in IE7/8). If not, you're probably better off trying to simplify your markup, rather than introducing hacks and workarounds.

我发现如果你坚持使用符合标准的标记,并且不使用任何太不寻常的东西,它将在Firefox 2/3和Safari / Chrome中呈现良好(在IE7 / 8中通常很好)。如果没有,你可能最好不要试图简化你的标记,而不是引入黑客和变通方法。



Using one browser for all your testing and then hacking it for others is how most people do it but that often leads to problems. Even though Safari may be a more standards compliant browser it is not a highly popular browser and I'd lean more toward using the browser your customer's are using most while writing 100% standard code and then adjusting for idiosyncrasies of other browsers. It's not ideal but it is more customer centered thinking.


I've seen web development companies with multiple full time employees that had bugs on their homepage because they did exactly what you seem to be thinking is your answer. They developed the webpage on a Mac and tested exclusively with Safari. The result was that over 60% of potential customers may have seen layout bugs if their browser was windowed.


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