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In the Firebase guides, one of the recommendations is to maintain an inverse index to keep track of user actions. Here's a snippet of what I'm referring to:


// An index to track Ada's memberships
  "users": {
    "alovelace": {
      "name": "Ada Lovelace",
      // Index Ada's groups in her profile
      "groups": {
         // the value here doesn't matter, just that the key exists
         "techpioneers": true,
         "womentechmakers": true
  "groups": {
    "techpioneers": {
     "name": "Historical Tech Pioneers",
     "members": {
        "alovelace": true,
        "ghopper": true,
        "eclarke": true

Each user keeps track of his/her groups in an inverse index - meaning in this case, that the keys hold the real value, and the value doesn't matter.

每个用户在反向索引中跟踪他/她的组 - 在这种情况下,密钥保持实际值,并且值无关紧要。


I wasn't sure how to update the index technically but I got it after a little research: the setValue can take all manor of variables, not just key-value pairs. That means that updating an index is pretty simple: just get a reference to groups/$group_id/members/$member_id and set its value to true.

我不确定如何在技术上更新索引但我在经过一些研究后得到了它:setValue可以采用所有变量,而不仅仅是键值对。这意味着更新索引非常简单:只需获取groups / $ group_id / members / $ member_id的引用并将其值设置为true。

Now my question is different:


Lets say all groups are private. Meaning users can join a group by invitation only - a current group member must add another user to the member list. So if I'm ghopper and I want to add alovelace as a member, I need to update her index which is part of her user object - which means I have to know her user ID somehow and have write access to her groups field - and that seems like a security risk.

让我们说所有团体都是私人的。意味着用户只能通过邀请加入组 - 当前组成员必须将另一个用户添加到成员列表中。因此,如果我是ghopper并且我想添加alovelace作为成员,我需要更新她的索引,这是她的用户对象的一部分 - 这意味着我必须以某种方式知道她的用户ID并且具有对她的组字段的写入权限 - 以及这似乎是一种安全风险。

Any thoughts on how to manage this while keeping access as restricted as possible? Perhaps another DB object that maps a user known identifier, like an email to a group list?


1 个解决方案



Solution 1 - Client-side

解决方案1 ​​ - 客户端

One solution would be to have a separate user invitation object so that ghopper can add alovelace to the private group and have that show up alovelace's invitations instead of automatically adding her to the group. alovelace would then need to approve the addition and update her group membership. This way, only the user retains access to their user record. This is quite similar to adding friends on facebook, or requesting connections on linkedin.


For illustration, the schema could look something like this


// An index to track Ada's memberships
  "users": {
    "alovelace": {
      "name": "Ada Lovelace",
      // Index Ada's groups in her profile
      "groups": {
         // the value here doesn't matter, just that the key exists
         // Only Ada can write here
         "techpioneers": true,
         "womentechmakers": true
  "invitations": {
    "alovelace": {
      "name": "Ada Lovelace",
      "groups": {
         // the value here doesn't matter, just that the key exists
         // Anyone can write here
         "ghoppersfanclub": true, // Ada might accept this and move it to groups
         "explicitcontentgroup": true, // Ada might reject this and delete this entry
  "groups": {
    "techpioneers": {
     "name": "Historical Tech Pioneers",
     "members": {
        "alovelace": true,
        "ghopper": true,
        "eclarke": true

Solution 2 - Server-side

解决方案2 - 服务器端

Although Firebase is meant to enable building apps without server code, there are instances where you should get the server in the mix. In my opinon, security and the execution of trusted actions like one user making changes to another user's record (if we're not using a separate object like 'invitations' above) should be handled by your trusted server using the admin API. When ghopper adds alovelace as a member, one possible event sequence would be:

虽然Firebase旨在支持在没有服务器代码的情况下构建应用程序,但有些情况下您应该将服务器混合在一起。在我看来,安全性和可信操作的执行,例如一个用户对另一个用户的记录进行更改(如果我们没有使用上面的“邀请”之类的单独对象)应由您的可信服务器使用admin API处理。当ghopper添加alovelace作为成员时,一个可能的事件序列将是:

  • Check that ghopper belongs to the group and can add another user (client-side)
  • 检查ghopper是否属于该组,并可以添加另一个用户(客户端)

  • Send a request to your server with payload that includes group name/id, user sending the request and email of the user being added

    向您的服务器发送请求,其中包含有效负载,包括组名/ ID,发送请求的用户以及正在添加的用户的电子邮件

  • Server then looks up alovelace's user id using the provided email and update the user record.


      .then(function(userRecord) {
        // Add group to alovelace's groups.
        // Trigger a client-side notification using child_changed
        // Allow alovelace to approve or decline addition to group
      .catch(function(error) {
        console.log("Error fetching user data:", error);

The above example uses email as a public/shareable unique identifier, but there's also a similar getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) method.


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