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How do I work around the 255 characters per cell limit when converting a range (= multidimensional array) to single dimensional array with the use of Application.Index(array, row, column)?


The following truncated example reproduces the error:


Error 13. Type mismatch


(The complete code is on superuser where I tried to help another user).


How to reproduce

  • Open a new Excel sheet and insert the formula =REPT("x",256) to cell A1
    This creates a 256 characters long string which is just 1 character too long for the last step

    打开一个新的Excel工作表并将公式= REPT(“x”,256)插入单元格A1这将创建一个长度为256个字符的字符串,该字符串对于最后一步而言只有1个字符太长

  • Open the VBA editor (Alt+F11) and paste the below code somewhere

    打开VBA编辑器(Alt + F11)并将以下代码粘贴到某处

  • Execute the code line by line with F8


    Function StringLengthTest()       
        Dim arr2D As Variant
        Dim arr1D As Variant        
        arr2D = Rows(1)
        arr1D = Application.Index(arr2D, 1, 0)        
    End Function
  • You'll see the same error at the last line when Excel tries to convert a range (2D) to a 1D array while one of its cells has more than 255 characters.


To prove this, change =REPT("x",256) to =REPT("x",255) and run the code again. This time it will work.

为了证明这一点,将= REPT(“x”,256)更改为= REPT(“x”,255)并再次运行代码。这次它会起作用。

Question: Should I declare my variables in another way? Is there a better way to convert a range (which is always a 2D object at first) to a single dimensional array?


I know I could use a loop to iterate through the arrays and save all 2D array values one by one to a 1D array. But that's not efficient. Imagine really large sheets.


1 个解决方案



by far the best way of getting anything from a cells into memory (an array) is to use an array variant. I think the problem you are having is with index not with your method.


Hopefully this code should explain it.


Dim v_data As Variant
Dim rw As Long, cl As Long ' for row and column
Dim arr1d() As Variant
Dim count As Long

' I'm going to use UsedRange to get the whole sheet  .UsedSheet
' If you just want things from one row or column then just spec
' activesheet.range("A1:A100") or use cells()
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  ReDim v_data(1 To .Rows.count, 1 To .Columns.count)
  v_data = .Value
End With

'now we have all the things from that sheet.
'so to convert to 1d array where the cell value is say = 1
For rw = LBound(v_data) To UBound(v_data)
   For cl = LBound(v_data, 2) To UBound(v_data, 2) ' note the comma 2 for the second dimension bounds.
       If v_data(rw, cl) = 1 Then
           count = count + 1
           ReDim Preserve arr1d(1 To count)
           arr1d(count) = v_data(rw, cl)
       End If
   Next cl
Next rw

For count = LBound(arr1d) To UBound(arr1d)
    Debug.Print arr1d(count)
Next count

now the trick is to farm this off to a function that takes a few args( a 2d range, what you are looking for in that range) and returns your list.


To get your data back into a workbook


ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Resize(UBound(arr1d), 1).Value = arr1d

make a range of the exact same size in terms of the bounds of your array and then ensuring you use .value just pop in the variant array.


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