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I am currently working on a win32 GUI app that does most of its work in the window thread.
This thread can sometimes be blocked since it runs a script engine that can be suspended by an external script debugger (another process). This is not a problem most of the time as it is expected behavior.
However, if the user tries to close the window, the app obviously becomes unresponsive and you get the "This application is not responding..." dialog.
My plan was to periodically call back from the "suspend code" to the app and have it do PeekMessage for WM_CLOSE, and if so, terminate the debugger. Unfortunately, from what I can understand, WM_CLOSE it sent directly to the wndproc.

我目前正在开发一个win32 GUI应用程序,它在窗口线程中完成大部分工作。此线程有时可能会被阻止,因为它运行的脚本引擎可以由外部脚本调试器(另一个进程)挂起。这在大多数情况下都不是问题,因为它是预期的行为。但是,如果用户试图关闭窗口,应用程序显然会无响应,并且您会收到“此应用程序没有响应...”对话框。我的计划是定期从“暂停代码”回拨给应用程序,并让它为WM_CLOSE执行PeekMessage,如果是,则终止调试器。不幸的是,根据我的理解,WM_CLOSE直接发送到wndproc。

Is there some other way that I could detect that the user wants to close the window, short of redesigning the app which is not an option?
For example, is there some other message that can be checked for with PeekMessage?


4 个解决方案


How about this: periodically spin a message loop to dispatch any messages on the message queue (that'll cause mouse/input messages to be handled which will generate the WM_CLOSE). In your app's main window set a flag when WM_CLOSE is received and check that flag after spinning the loop.


Simplest case of spinning a message loop to flush any pending messages would be:


while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))

though your app frame work may already have functions to do this. Hope this helps.



Would you consider adding another thread redesigning the application? It certainly would make your life much easier! Just let the Gui do all the Gui stuff and run it's message loop and do all the hard work in another thread. If the user wants to quit the application, present him a nice OK/Cancel message and suspend/abort the "worker thread" accordingly. Handling two separate tasks in this one thread - with all the workarounds - will make things way more messier than it has to be. Good luck!

您会考虑添加另一个重新设计应用程序的线程吗?它肯定会让你的生活更轻松!只需让Gui做所有的Gui东西并运行它的消息循环并在另一个线程中完成所有艰苦的工作。如果用户想要退出应用程序,请向他显示一个很好的确定/取消消息并相应地暂停/中止“工作线程”。在这一个线程中处理两个单独的任务 - 使用所有的解决方法 - 将使事情变得更加混乱。祝好运!


I guess you can keep handling your WM_ CLOSE message in the wndproc, and when you receive it you call PostQuitMessage(), which in turn will generate a WM_ QUIT message that in turn will be read by GetMessage()/PeekMessage().

我猜你可以继续在wndproc中处理你的WM_ CLOSE消息,当你收到它时你调用PostQuitMessage(),然后它会生成一个WM_QUIT消息,而这个消息又将被GetMessage()/ PeekMessage()读取。

If your window thread is completely blocked, you're out of luck. You have a few options. The thread must be able to periodically do PeekMessage() while in "script engine mode".


while (IsScripting()) {
    while (PeekMessage( .. )) {
        TranslateMessage( .. );
        DispatchMessage( .. ); // <-- wnd procedure will be called
        // ..

This is probabably old news for you, since you already are aware of this. But if you somehow can't give the UI thread a break, there is no way to solve this. If the thread is blocked, it's blocked.



If you are debugging, wouldn't that mean the user was debugging? Why would they be surprised that the app was then "not responding"? Anyway, you have control of the window procedure for the window, so why not just watch for the WM_CLOSE message in there? It is your window?


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