A Parking Management System based on Wechat Mini Program
Based on the selected topics of parking management, the project puts forward a parking management system based on WeChat Mini Program by analyzing the requirements of various parking management and common parking management system schemes.
Based on WeChat Mini Program, the system provides user registration, user binding, VIP reservation, parking lot selection, map navigation and other functions. The project back-end management platform and database is built on Ali cloud server, and the back-end platform adopts SpringMVC, which can more systematic to realize the processing of front-end request. And we implement a Web back-end page which is easy to manage the user data, we also realizes the visualization of database in the back-end Web page. Through the previous design, standardization, conceptual model, logical model, physical model the project established a standardized database system without alarm and error, and it meets the data storage and management requirements of the project.
At present, there are still some operational logic deficiencies in this project, and still need to be further optimized and improved.
Parking Management System; Database Design; WeChat Mini Program;
1 前言 6
1.1 选题意义 6
1.1.1 系统的应用领域 6
1.1.1 面向的用户群 6
1.2 国内外现状 7
1.3 本项目的工作 8
2 本项目主要工作 9
2.1 需求分析 9
2.2 系统设计 10
2.2.1 数据库设计 10
2.2.2 应用程序设计 15
2.3 系统实现 16
2.3.0 总体思路 16
2.3.1 小程序 17
2.3.2 后台服务器 27
2.4 测试 43
2.4.1 小程序 43
2.4.2 服务器界面展示 46
2.4.3 数据库mysql 48
3 总结 49
3.1 工作总结 49
3.2 问题及下一步的工作 49
参考文献 50