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计算机应用基础考试(Computer application basic test)

计算机应用基础考试(Computer application basic test)

Computer application basic test

School of network education, central China Normal University

Basic knowledge of computer network and Internet [self test questions]

1. as regards network protocols, the following options are correct.

A? It's a contract signed by Internet users

B agreement, simply speaking, is for the network information transmission, common Compliance Agreement

The C TCP/IP protocol can only be used for Internet and cannot be used in LAN

D, the corresponding protocol for dial-up networks is IPX/SPX

Analysis: A, C is clearly wrong, the D IPX/SPX protocol itself is dedicated to the development of Novell NetWare network protocol, but also very commonly used LAN protocol -- most online games support IPX/SPX protocol, Microsoft systems mostly use its compatible protocol.

Answer: B

2. the following statement is true.

A computer resources in a network mainly refer to servers, routers, communication lines and user computers

B computer resources in the network mainly refer to computer operating system, database and application software

C computer resources for network applications mainly refer to computer hardware, software and data

D computer resources in the network mainly refer to Web server, database server and file server

Analysis: the resources should include hardware resources, software resources and data information resources

Answer: C

The port number commonly used by the 1.FTP server is.

A, 2L, B? 23 C? 80 D? 125

Analysis: if the T address is compared to a house, the port is the entrance to the house. A IP address port can have 65536. Port is marked by port number, port number is only integer, range from 0 to 65535. What is the use of ports? We know that a host with an IP address can provide many services, such as Web services, FTP services, SMTP services and so on, which can be implemented entirely through an IP address. Then, the host is how to distinguish between the different network service? Obviously ca

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