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极客 项目

极客 项目


Whether it’s your cat, dog, ferret, guinea pig, or rabbit, your pet is as much a part of your family as you are. Here are a few DIY projects for making life with your pet geekier and easier.

无论是猫,狗,雪貂,豚鼠还是兔子,宠物都是您家庭中的一员。 以下是一些DIY项目,可让您的宠物变得更加轻松自如。

(Images by jeffreyw and jon_a_ross)

(图片来自jeffreyw和jon_a_ross )

快速简便的礼物 (Quick and Easy Gifts)

毛衣狗玩具 (Sweater Dog Toys)


(Photo by Erika Kern)

( Erika Kern摄)

Have some old sweaters lying around? Show your canine some love by knitting them around chew toys. Now your pet has a longer-lasting, colorful, easily washable toy to fetch with.

周围有一些旧毛衣吗? 通过将它们编织在咀嚼玩具周围,向犬显示一些爱。 现在,您的宠物有了一个持久耐用的,彩色的,易于清洗的玩具,可以拿来取用。

将旧电视或显示器转换为鱼缸 (Convert an Old TV or Monitor to a Fish Tank)


(Photo by codepo8)

(由codepo8摄 )

If your pet are the swimming kind and not the walking kind, then you might enjoy them in a more classic setting. They get the benefit of a strong housing, and you get to watch them in style. Bonus points if you use an old-school iMac!

如果您的宠物是游泳类而不是步行类,那么您可能会在更经典的环境中喜欢它们。 他们从坚固的房屋中受益,而您则可以按照风格观看它们。 如果您使用的是老式iMac,则可获赠积分!

定制回收领 (Custom Recycled Collar)

recycled collar

(Photo by Keyka Lou)

(照片来自Keyka Lou)

Proudly display your pet’s tag with style and comfort. Using any old cloth, an old collar, or perhaps a geeky t-shirt or tie, your new collar will keep your pet more comfortable than nylon or other material might. If you have a larger dog, though, you probably won’t want to use this to attach your leash to.

骄傲地展示您的宠物的标签,既时尚又舒适。 使用任何旧布,旧项圈,或者也许是怪异的T恤或领带,新项圈将使您的宠物比尼龙或其他材料更舒适。 但是,如果您的狗较大,则可能不希望使用它来拴住皮带。

小型宠物背囊 (Small Pet Carrier-Backpack)


Ever want to take your small pet out into the city, but can’t fit a pet carrier onto your bike? Instructables user Komecake faced that very problem. While this project was based on smaller pets – rats, in particular – it’s a pretty solid basis from which to build something for other animals as well. Larger cats and dogs probably won’t fit, but kittens and puppies might, as well as other pets like ferrets and rabbits.

是否曾经想将您的小型宠物带入城市,却无法将宠物运送器安装到自行车上? 指导用户Komecake遇到了这个问题。 尽管该项目是基于较小的宠物(尤其是老鼠)建立的,但它也是为其他动物建造东西的坚实基础。 较大的猫和狗可能不适合,但小猫和幼犬以及雪貂和兔子等其他宠物可能不适合。

更多豪华作品 (More Luxurious Creations)

可移动的靠窗的座位 (Movable Window Seat)

Do your cats ever try to see the view, but are foiled by your apartment’s lack of window sills? This is the perfect project for you! If you’re not sure how this is moveable, take a look at the last image. Notice that the wall braces are attached to the board; the seat is designed to be secured via closing the window on the seat, and the bracing will help with the weight.

您的猫有没有尝试过看风景,但被公寓缺少窗台的东西所挫败了? 这是最适合您的项目! 如果不确定如何移动,请查看最后一张图像。 请注意,墙壁支架已连接到板上。 座椅设计为通过关闭座椅上的窗户来固定的,而撑杆将有助于减轻重量。

复古手提箱狗床 (Vintage Suitcase Dog Bed)


(Photo by decordemon)

(照片由decordemon拍摄 )

If you think your mutt deserves something special, why not create a comfortable bed? You can recycle an old suitcase to give your dog the perfect napping cushion. Of course, it’s great for cats, too.

如果您认为自己的杂种狗应该得到一些特别的东西,为什么不创建一张舒适的床呢? 您可以回收旧手提箱,为您的狗提供完美的午睡垫。 当然,对猫也很棒。

自制风俗猫树 (Homemade Custom Cat Tree)


(Photo by jon_a_ross)

(照片由jon_a_ross )

Cat trees are the ultimate in feline fun, but they’re fairly expensive. If you’re handy with tools, you can make a custom designed cat tree (complete with scratching-post legs and carpeting) for much cheaper. The tutorial is great, but with some ingenuity, you can make one that’s any shape or size. Perfect for that unused breakfast nook that’s empty, or that oddly shaped corner behind the couch!

猫树是猫科动物娱乐活动中的终极之作,但价格昂贵。 如果您方便使用工具,则可以以更便宜的价格制作定制设计的猫树(配有后刮腿和地毯)。 本教程很棒,但是有一些独创性,您可以制作任何形状或大小的教程。 非常适合空着的未使用的早餐角,或者沙发后角形状奇怪的角落!

高级怪异项目 (Advanced Geeky Projects)

These next few ideas are a little more advanced. They require some soldering and use Arduinos. If that scares you, feel free to take a look How To Use A Soldering Iron and What Is Arduino? to catch up on the basics.

接下来的几个想法要先进一些。 他们需要焊接并使用Arduino。 如果这使您感到恐惧,请随时查看如何使用烙铁和什么是Arduino? 赶上基础知识。

鸣叫,RFID认证猫门 (Tweeting, RFID-Authenticating Cat Door)


(Image from ioanghip)

(图片来自ioanghip )

This is a really cool project. An Arduino board is set up to monitor for RFID tags attached to your pets’ collars. It will authenticate the tag, take a photo, and upload it to Twitter so you can monitor your pets’ activities. After authentication, the pet door opens and allows the animal entry. Leaving is controlled by an IR beam. You can also lock the door, or allow your pets to come in but not allow them to get out via different settings.

这是一个非常酷的项目。 设置了一个Arduino开发板来监控附着在宠物项圈上的RFID标签。 它将对标签进行身份验证,拍照并上传到Twitter,以便您可以监视宠物的活动。 验证后,宠物门将打开并允许动物进入。 离开由红外光束控制。 您还可以锁门,或允许宠物进入,但不允许它们通过不同的设置离开。

The great part about this project – aside from giving your pets a web presence – is that it prevents strays or other animals from coming in willy-nilly. It also allows you to easily monitor which pet is coming and going. The website is bit dated, and the links to the parts are missing, but you can easily find substitutions and the relevant code and overall procedure are still there.

除了为宠物提供网络访问功能外,该项目的重要意义在于,它可以防止流浪动物或其他动物随意进入。 它还使您可以轻松地监视正在进出的宠物。 该网站的日期过时,并且缺少各部分的链接,但是您可以轻松找到替代项,并且相关的代码和总体过程仍然存在。

激光控制无线自动食品分配器 (Laser-Controlled Wireless Automatic Food Dispenser)

Demo and overview of spinning barrel/laser sensor

This project uses a customized plastic container, some tubing, a motor, and an Arduino. Essentially, a computer interfaces with the Arduino board, which then starts a motor that turns the cylinder. The cylinder has openings which allow some food to drop out and into the pet bowls below. There is a laser mechanism helps align the cylinder properly so that the right amount of food is dropped and extra doesn’t spill out.

该项目使用定制的塑料容器,一些管道,电机和Arduino。 本质上,一台计算机与Arduino板连接,然后启动一个使圆柱体旋转的电动机。 圆筒上有开口,可以让一些食物掉进下面的宠物碗中。 有一个激光机构可以帮助正确对准圆柱体,以使适量的食物掉落而不会溢出。

The creator, Andres Leon, designed this because his cats were getting overweight, so this allowed him to automatically feed them in smaller portions throughout the day. The software allows access via a web interface as well.

创造者安德列斯·莱昂(Andres Leon)之所以设计该字体,是因为他的猫越来越重,因此这使他可以在一整天内自动分批喂食它们。 该软件还允许通过Web界面进行访问。

自动水循环宠物碗 (Automatic Water-Cycling Pet Bowl)


(Image by Avatar-X)

(图片由Avatar-X提供 )

Avatar-X’s project requires some more tinkering, including some plumbing. His water-bowl uses a set of copper wires to detect if there is water in the bowl. When it is empty, the system waits a set amount of time for the last dregs of water to evaporate (to prevent stale water), then refills the bowl. The water comes from an attachment that hooks into the line used for the icemaker in your fridge. All in all, a smart idea.

Avatar-X的项目需要更多的修补工作,包括一些管道。 他的水碗使用一组铜线来检测碗中是否有水。 当水排空时,系统会等待一段时间,以蒸发掉最后一滴水(以防止陈旧的水),然后重新装满便池。 水来自一个附件,该附件钩在冰箱中用于制冰机的管线上。 总而言之,这是一个聪明的主意。

The creators problem was that traditional water-cycling fountains (even the ones with filters) got too dirty for his dog to drink out of. This came as a pretty handy solution. He even minimized the water sensing to prevent corrosion on his makeshift sensors.

创作者的问题是传统的水循环喷泉(甚至带过滤器的喷泉)太脏了,无法让狗喝光。 这是一个非常方便的解决方案。 他甚至最小化了水感应功能,以防止临时传感器受到腐蚀。

Obviously, most of these projects had cats and dogs in mind, but they can be modified a bit for other pets as well. And, you can make the simpler projects geekier by using shapes inspired by video game characters and pixelated patterns.

显然,这些项目大多数都考虑到了猫和狗,但也可以对其他宠物进行一些修改。 而且,通过使用受视频游戏角色和像素化图案启发的形状,您可以使更简单的项目更加个性化。

Know of an interesting project for a more unusual animal? Made an improvement on these ideas? Share your thoughts below and inspire fellow pet-aficionados!

知道一个有趣的项目,可以饲养更多不寻常的动物吗? 对这些想法做了改进? 在下面分享您的想法,并激发宠物爱好者的兴趣!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/97049/geeky-do-it-yourself-projects-for-your-pets/

极客 项目

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