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Java 中带有泛型的有界类型



  • Sometimes we don't want the whole class to be parameterized. In this case, we can create a Java generic method. Because the constructor is a special method, we can also use generic types in the constructor.

  • Suppose we want to limit the object types that can be used in parameterized types. For example, in a method of comparing two objects, we want to ensure that the accepted objects are comparable.

  • These methods are called similarly to unbounded methods, except that if we try to use any incomparable classes, it will throw a compile-time error.

如何在 Java 中声明有界类型参数?

  1. Lists the names of type parameters,

  2. Unicom extends keyword

  3. And arranged according to its upper limit. (In the following example, c is a . )


<T extends superClassName>

注意,在这个上下文中,extends 一般用于表示“extends”(如在类中)。此外,这指定 T 只能被超类名或超类名的子类替换。因此,超类定义了一个包含性的上限。



// This class only accepts type parametes as any class
// which extends class A or class A itself.
// Passing any other type will cause compiler time error
class Bound<T extends A>
    private T objRef;
    public Bound(T obj){
        this.objRef = obj;
    public void doRunTest(){
class A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside super class A");
class B extends A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside sub class B");
class C extends A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside sub class C");
public class BoundedClass
    public static void main(String a[])
        // Creating object of sub class C and
        // passing it to Bound as a type parameter.
        Bound<C> bec = new Bound<C>(new C());
        // Creating object of sub class B and
        // passing it to Bound as a type parameter.
        Bound<B> beb = new Bound<B>(new B());
        // similarly passing super class A
        Bound<A> bea = new Bound<A>(new A());


Inside sub class C
Inside sub class B
Inside super class A

现在,我们只限于类型 A 和它的子类,所以它会为任何其他类型的子类抛出一个错误。


// This class only accepts type parametes as any class
// which extends class A or class A itself.
// Passing any other type will cause compiler time error
class Bound<T extends A>
    private T objRef;
    public Bound(T obj){
        this.objRef = obj;
    public void doRunTest(){
class A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside super class A");
class B extends A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside sub class B");
class C extends A
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside sub class C");
public class BoundedClass
    public static void main(String a[])
        // Creating object of sub class C and
        // passing it to Bound as a type parameter.
        Bound<C> bec = new Bound<C>(new C());
        // Creating object of sub class B and
        // passing it to Bound as a type parameter.
        Bound<B> beb = new Bound<B>(new B());
        // similarly passing super class A
        Bound<A> bea = new Bound<A>(new A());
        Bound<String> bes = new Bound<String>(new String());


error: type argument String is not within bounds of type-variable T



Java 泛型也支持多边界,也就是说,在这种情况下,A 可以是一个接口或类。如果 A 是类,那么 B 和 C 应该是接口。我们不能在多个范围内有一个以上的类。


<T extends superClassName & Interface>


class Bound<T extends A & B>
    private T objRef;
    public Bound(T obj){
        this.objRef = obj;
    public void doRunTest(){
interface B
    public void displayClass();
class A implements B
    public void displayClass()
        System.out.println("Inside super class A");
public class BoundedClass
    public static void main(String a[])
        //Creating object of sub class A and
        //passing it to Bound as a type parameter.
        Bound<A> bea = new Bound<A>(new A());


Inside super class A

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