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Hi have an newbie issue with objective-c, cocoa & iPhone. I've declared mapView in my application delegates applicationDidFinishLaunching:application: which is instance/pointer of MKMapView class. mapView is a member of my application delegate.

大家好,我是objective-c, cocoa & iPhone的新手。我在应用程序委托applicationdidfinishlaunch:application中声明了mapView:application:它是MKMapView类的实例/指针。mapView是我的应用程序委托的成员。

In my view controller in viewDidLoad: I get instance of my application delegate with the following:


appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

My view controller also has got MKMapView *mapView as a member. In viewDidLoad: I try to set it this way:

我的视图控制器也有MKMapView *mapView作为成员。在viewDidLoad:我试图这样设置:

mapView = [appDelegate mapView]; 

but it seems that I'm not able to get pointer or "reference" to the actual mapView because when I try to [mapView setRegion:region animated:YES]; it does not work. How ever [[appDelegate mapView] setRegion:region animated:YES]; does work.

但似乎我无法获得指向实际mapView的指针或"reference"因为当我尝试[mapView setRegion:region animated:YES];它不工作。如何([appDelegate mapView] setRegion:区域动画:是的);做的工作。

So the question is how do I get a pointer to appDelegates mapView from my view controller?

问题是如何从我的视图控制器中获得指向appdelegate mapView的指针?

2 个解决方案



It sounds like you're caching your app delegate's mapView member. However, it's possible that at the time you perform this cache, it's not yet instantiated (setting a breakpoint at this location will reveal that to you).


The answer to your question is: [appDelegate mapView] returns a pointer to the appView member. However, if that member is nil, that's what you'll get back.

您的问题的答案是:[appDelegate mapView]返回一个指向appView成员的指针。但是,如果这个元素是nil,你就会得到这个。



You're not retaining the appDelegate. If you created your delegate like this:


@property (retain) id appDelegate;

Then you have to actually call set on it to retain it:


[self setAppDelegate:[[UIAppliation sharedApplication] delegate]];

Better yet, use assign in your declaration:


@property (assign) id appDelegate;

Best regards,


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