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My code is pasted here. Below is my ghci debug session. I still don't understand why it has a range of (0, -193459561) when the 'len' binding is 90570.


*Main> :break 125
Breakpoint 4 activated at SVMCF.hs:125:13-86
*Main> :trace main
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:13-86
_result :: UA.Array Int [User] = _
len :: Int = 90570
rts :: [RTuple] = (1,1,5.0) : (1,2,3.0) : (1,3,4.0) : (1,4,3.0) :
                  (1,5,3.0) : ....
[SVMCF.hs:125:13-86] *Main> :lis
124      points :: A.Array Int [Int]
125      points = assert (len > 0) $ A.listArray (1::Int, len) $ map (\(u,i,r) -> [u,i]) rts
126      values :: UA.UArray Int Double
[SVMCF.hs:125:13-86] *Main> :ste
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:13-28
_result :: UA.Array Int [User] -> UA.Array Int [User] = _
len :: Int = 90570
[SVMCF.hs:125:13-28] *Main> :ste
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:21-27
_result :: Bool = _
len :: Int = 90570
[SVMCF.hs:125:21-27] *Main> :ste
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:32-86
_result :: UA.Array Int [User] = _
len :: Int = 90570
rts :: [RTuple] = (1,1,5.0) : (1,2,3.0) : (1,3,4.0) : (1,4,3.0) :
                  (1,5,3.0) : ....
[SVMCF.hs:125:32-86] *Main> :ste
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:32-56
_result :: [[User]] -> UA.Array Int [User] = _
len :: Int = 90570
[SVMCF.hs:125:32-56] *Main> :lis
124      points :: A.Array Int [Int]
125      points = assert (len > 0) $ A.listArray (1::Int, len) $ map (\(u,i,r) -> [u,i]) rts
126      values :: UA.UArray Int Double
[SVMCF.hs:125:32-56] *Main> len
[SVMCF.hs:125:32-56] *Main> :ste
Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:60-86
_result :: [[User]] = _
rts :: [RTuple] = (1,1,5.0) : (1,2,3.0) : (1,3,4.0) : (1,4,3.0) :
                  (1,5,3.0) : ....
[SVMCF.hs:125:60-86] *Main> :ste
*** Exception: Ix{Int}.index: Index (1) out of range ((1,-193459561))

1 个解决方案



I suspect the index out of range exception is not being caused in the expression that you think it is!


Data.Array.listArray (1,-10) [2,3,4,5]


does not throw any exception, it just gives you an empty array. Also note the column numbers in the last debug message:


Stopped at SVMCF.hs:125:60-86


60 to 86 is map (\(u,i,r) -> [u,i]) rts which doesn't obviously have any indexing going on in it: There's certainly none in map, nor in its first argument, and rts looks clean too as it comes straight from ua.base via Parsec.

60到86是map(\(你,我,r) - > [u,i])rts,其中显然没有任何索引:地图中没有,也没有第一个参数和rts看起来很干净,因为它直接来自ua.base通过Parsec。

Because Haskell is allowed to be fairly free with its evaluation order, it's possible that the exception is being thrown by a reduction in a completely different expression. Are you sure all the other things you're passing into SVM are set up correctly? In particular, given that you're using Int-indexed arrays, are you sure there's no integer overflow occurring in any array? Are any of your datasets, for example, 4101507735 or 8396475031 records long, because these overflow to -193459561 as Int).


Does the :history command in the GHCi debugger give you any more information?


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