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I'm trying to post a large volume of text into specific fields on a tax submission form. In all, there are over 1000 fields. The code I have works fine when testing a handful of entries. But there are a couple thousand lines and when when I try to post all fields, Excel gives me an error stating "Procedure too large". Now I am trying to clean up the code using variables.


Here is the original code:


Sub Fill_Form()

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
    .Visible = True
    .navigate URL:="https://ritx-fl-cst2.bswa.net/(S(2kgryl5f1znhcqtjkb3tlvpb))/Schedule1.aspx"
    Do Until .readystate = 4

    Set txtSales1 = .document.all.Item("outerRep__ctl0_txtStateSales")
    txtSales1.Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e2").Value
    ...Code shortened for brevity but there are 548 of these in total...
    Set txtSales548 = 
    txtSales548.Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e549").Value

    End With
    End Sub

Since the project uses an Excel sheet, I want to post the values of certain cells into the tax website. Specifically, E2 through E548, which are revenue fields and G2 through G548, which are tax collected fields. Each of these rows is associated to a taxing jurisdiction and I have collected their associated form ID in columns D and F 2 through 548.

由于项目使用Excel工作表,我想将某些单元格的值发布到税务网站。具体来说,E2到E548,这是收入领域,G2到G548,这是税收领域。这些行中的每一行都与一个征税管辖区相关联,我已经在D和F 2到548列中收集了它们的相关表格ID。

The code that I am trying to write 1. Looks up the form ID in column D and posts the related value from column E 2. Looks up the form ID in column F and posts the related value from column G


I think that variables for each portion of the lookup could be automated. For example.


Set txtSales1 = .document.all.Item("outerRep__ct10_txtStateSales")

could be:


Dim SetTxt1 As String
Dim Counter1 As Integer
Dim SetTxt2 As String
Dim CellVSales As String
Dim SetTxt3 As String

SetTxt1 = "Set txtSales "
Counter1 = Counter1 + 1
SetTxt2 = "= .document.all.Item("""
CellVSales = E1 + 1
SetTxt3 = """)"

For the second line, txtSales1.Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e2").Value, it would have these settings:

对于第二行,txtSales1.Value = Sheets(“cst”)。Range(“e2”)。Value,它将具有以下设置:

Dim SetTxt4 As String
Dim Counter2 As Integer
Dim SetTxt5 As String
Dim CellVTax As String
Dim SetTxt6 As String

SetTxt4 = "txtSales"
Counter2 = Counter2 + 1
SetTxt5 = ".Value = Sheets(""cst"").Range("""
CellVTax = G1 + 1
SetTxt6 = """).Value"

This is where I am completely lost and have no idea where to start. How do I combine the strings and also increment the cell value (e.g. E1 to E2 to E3, and so on)?


I envision the fist string would change from


Set txtSales1 = .document.all.Item("outerRep__ct10_txtStateSales")



and the second


txtSales1.Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e2").Value



Please tell me if I am way off base here. I would absolutely appreciate any advise or assistance on how to accomplish this script. Thank you so very much!


2 个解决方案



'Procedure too large' means your code is too big for the VBA compiler to handle (the number here isn't that great). The only way to let the procedure run is to shorten it.


The code you pasted above seems to be painfully repeatable. First thing to do in my opinion would be to declare ranges you are working for and use a For Each loop.

你上面粘贴的代码似乎很难重复。在我看来,首先要做的是声明你正在使用的范围并使用For Each循环。

If I understood right, your range goes row by row from E2 to E584. You can simply set it up as Rng variable by using:


Dim Rng as Range
Set Rng = Range("E2:E548")

Using .document.all.Item can be replaced by .document.getElementByID which usually works better to my knowledge.


For Each loop is explained here: http://www.homeandlearn.org/for_each.html

For Each循环在这里解释:http://www.homeandlearn.org/for_each.html

Finally, if you are working with the data from cells that are always situated in the same pattern for each of the cells, you could just use offset to get to them.


So, the for each loop within Rng would be setting up txtSales dynamically by taking the string from offsetting cell position and then just changing the value of the cell adapting the txtSales value.




as per my earlier comment ...


try this ... you will have to edit your code


Option Explicit

Sub Fill_Form()

    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With IE
        .Visible = True
        .navigate URL:="https://ritx-fl-cst2.bswa.net/(S(2kgryl5f1znhcqtjkb3tlvpb))/Schedule1.aspx"
        Do Until .readystate = 4

        With .document.all
            .Item("outerRep__ctl0_txtStateSales").Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e2").Value

                    '    ...Code shortened for brevity but there are 548 of these in total...

            .Item("outerRep__ctl66_innerRep__ctl5_txtLocalSales").Value = Sheets("cst").Range("e549").Value
        End With
    End With
End Sub

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