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I recently upgrade our project to grails 2.3.0. Everything works fine except I've been having problems with auto-reload not working whenever I make changes to our code. This include all projects artefacts - controllers, domain, services, gsps, css and Javascript files.

我最近将我们的项目升级到grails 2.3.0。一切正常,但每当我对代码进行更改时,我一直遇到自动重载问题。这包括所有项目人工制品 - 控制器,域,服务,gsps,css和Javascript文件。

My older versions of grails work correctly and reloads and recompile every time I make a change.


I know this question is popular and I have searched Jira, Nabble and here for days now but none of what I have found have been able to solve my problem (I've even tried to add quotes like Peter suggested in this thread http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-7936 and also this thread Grails Project Not Auto Reloading did not help).

我知道这个问题很受欢迎,我已经搜索了Jira,Nabble和这里好几天了,但是我发现的一切都没能解决我的问题(我甚至试图在这个帖子中添加像Peter这样的引号http:/ /jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-7936以及此线程Grails Project Not Auto Reloading没有帮助)。

Am currently running grails on a Macbook pro with the following settings:

我目前正在使用以下设置在Macbook Pro上运行grails:

  • grails version 2.3.0
  • grails版本2.3.0
  • Java version "1.7.0_17" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)
  • Java版“1.7.0_17”Java(TM)SE运行时环境(版本1.7.0_17-b02)Java HotSpot(TM)64位服务器VM(版本23.7-b01,混合模式)
  • Running from terminal with Textmate as IDE
  • 使用Textmate作为IDE从终端运行

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


5 个解决方案



It seems that in Grails 2.3 the reloading is no longer the default

似乎在Grails 2.3中重新加载不再是默认值

In Grails 2.3 the reloading agent is no longer on the build system path unless you pass the -reloading flag to the grails command:

在Grails 2.3中,重新加载代理不再位于构建系统路径上,除非您将-reloading标志传递给grails命令:

grails -reloading run-app

grails -reloading run-app

However, you can enable forking in your buildConfig using the following configuration:


forkCOnfig= [maxMemory: 1024, minMemory: 64, debug: false, maxPerm: 256] 
grails.project.fork = [    
  test: forkConfig, // configure settings for the test-app JVM    
  run: forkConfig, // configure settings for the run-app JVM    
  war: forkConfig, // configure settings for the run-war JVM    
  console: forkConfig // configure settings for the Swing console JVM ]

More information : Forked Execution and the Reloading Agent




I am using Grails 2.4.3 and IntelliJ 13 and I found that I had to have the -reloading part at the end of the run-app command.

我正在使用Grails 2.4.3和IntelliJ 13,我发现我必须在run-app命令的末尾有-reloading部分。

In other words when you edit your Run/Debug configurations, in the 'Command Line' part put run-app -reloading and NOT -reloading run-app.

换句话说,当您编辑运行/调试配置时,在“命令行”部分中放置run-app -reloading和NOT -reloading run-app。

I found this solution here from user longwa




Grails 2.4.x maintained the same support:

Grails 2.4.x保持相同的支持:

grails -reloading run-app

The logs will show the status of the reload once a "watched" file changes in the file-system:


2014-09-23 00:42:02,666 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO  conf.BootStrap  - Checking for registries in system env
| Server running. Browse to http://localhost:8080/docker-registry-ui
| Compiling 1 source files.....



I was not able to fix my problem with reloading by any of the suggestions above. In my case the problem was my path, it contained a space! Took me a couple of days and half my beard but finally figured it out. My path was something like : ~/Box Sync/path/to/project. That single space in Box Sync was the hidden bad guy. I beleive it to be related to this ticket https://github.com/grails/grails-core/issues/9344.

我无法通过上述任何建议重新加载我的问题。在我的情况下,问题是我的路径,它包含一个空间!我花了几天半的胡子,但终于弄清楚了。我的路径是这样的:〜/ Box Sync / path / to / project。 Box Sync中的那个空间是隐藏的坏人。我相信它与这张票有关https://github.com/grails/grails-core/issues/9344。



I dont need run with -reloading in the command line, its problem of springloaded.jar.


replace folder springloaded in grailsHome/lib/org.springframework/springloaded with the of grails sdk 2.4.3

替换文件夹springloaded in grailsHome / lib / org.springframework / springloaded with grails sdk 2.4.3



I tested in grails 2.5.0 and 2.4.*

我用grails 2.5.0和2.4进行了测试。*

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