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深度学习作为机器学习的一个分支,是近年来最热门同时也是发展最快的人工智能技术之一,相关学习资源包括免费公开教程和工具都极大丰富,同时这也为学习 深度学习技术 的IT人才带来选择上的

深度学习作为机器学习的一个分支,是近年来最热门同时也是发展最快的人工智能技术之一,相关学习资源包括免费公开教程和工具都极大丰富,同时这也为学习 深度学习技术 的IT人才带来选择上的困扰,Yerevann整理的这个深度学习完全指南 ,汇集了目前网络上最优秀的深度学习自学资源,而且会不定期更新,非常值得收藏关注,以下是IT经理网编译整理的指南内容:


数学知识:学员需要具备普通大学数学知识,例如 《Deep Learning》 一书中若干章节提到的数学概念:

Deep Learning第二章:线性代数

Deep Learning第三章:概率与信息理论

Deep Learning第四章:数值计算


Justin Johnson’s Python / NumPy / SciPy / Matplotlib tutorial for Stanford’s CS231n 

Scipy lecture notes – 涵盖了常用的各种库,介绍也比较详细,还涉及一些深入的技术话题



Hugo Larochelle’s video course   这是YouTube上很火的一个深度学习视频教程,录制于2013年,但今天看内容并不过时,很详细地阐释了神经网络背后的数学理论。  幻灯片和相关资料传送门 .

Stanford’s CS231n (应用于视觉识别的卷积神经网络) 由已经投奔Google的李飞飞教授和 Andrej Karpathy、Justin Johnson共同执教的课程,重点介绍了图像处理,同时也涵盖了深度学习领域的大多数重要概念。  视频 链接(2016) 、  讲义传送门 

Michael Nielsen的在线著作: Neural networks and deep learning 是目前学习神经网络  最容易的教材 ,虽然该书并未涵盖所有重要议题,但是包含大量简明易懂的阐释,同时还为一些基础概念提供了实现代码。

Ian Goodfellow、Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville共同编著的 Deep learning 是目前深度学习领域  最全面的教程 资源,比其他课程涵盖的范围都要广。



Visual introduction to machine learning – decision trees

Andrew Ng’s course on machine learning , the most popular course on Coursera

Larochelle’s course doesn’t have separate introductory lectures for general machine learning, but all required concepts are defined and explained whenever needed.

1. Training and testing the models (kNN)

2. Linear classification (SVM)

3. Optimization (stochastic gradient descent) 

5. Machine learning basics 

Principal Component Analysis explained visually 

How to Use t-SNE Effectively 

机器学习的编程学习资料:大多数流行机器学习算法都部署在Scikit-learn 这个Python库中,从头部署算法能够帮我们更好地了解机器学习的工作原理,以下是相关学习资源:

Practical Machine Learning Tutorial with Python covers linear regression, k-nearest-neighbors and support vector machines. First it shows how to use them from scikit-learn, then implements the algorithms from scratch.

Andrew Ng’s course on Coursera has many assignments in Octave language. The same algorithms can be implemented in Python.



A Visual and Interactive Guide to the Basics of Neural Networks – shows how simple neural networks can do linear regression

1. Feedforward neural network 

2. Training neural networks (up to 2.7) 

4. Backpropagation 

5. Architecture of neural networks 

1. Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits 

2. How the backpropagation algorithm works 

4. A visual proof that neural nets can compute any function 

6. Deep feedforward networks 

Yes you should understand backprop explains why it is important to implement backpropagation once from scratch

Calculus on computational graphs: backpropagation 

Play with neural networks! 


Implementing softmax classifier and a simple neural network in pure Python/NumPy – Jupyter notebook available

Andrej Karpathy implements backpropagation in Javascript in his Hacker’s guide to Neural Networks .

Implementing a neural network from scratch in Python




2.8-2.11. Regularization, parameter initialization etc. 

7.5. Dropout 

6 (first half). Setting up the data and loss 

3. Improving the way neural networks learn 

5. Why are deep neural networks hard to train? 

7. Regularization for deep learning 

8. Optimization for training deep models 

11. Practical methodology 

ConvNetJS Trainer demo on MNIST – visualizes the performance of different optimization algorithms

An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms 

Neural Networks, Manifolds, and Topology 


目前很多 深度学习算法 都对最新的计算机硬件进行了优化,大多数框架也提供Python接口(Torch除外,需要Lua)。当你了解基本的深度学习算法的部署后,是时候选择一个框架开工了(这部分还可CTOCIO文章:  2016年人气最高的六款开源深度学习工具 ):

Theano provides low-level primitives for constructing all kinds of neural networks. It is maintained by  a machine learning group at University of Montreal . See also:  Speeding up your neural network with Theano and the GPU – Jupyter notebook available

TensorFlow is another low-level framework. Its architecture is similar to Theano. It is maintained by the Google Brain team.

Torch is a popular framework that uses Lua language. The main disadvantage is that Lua’s community is not as large as Python’s. Torch is mostly maintained by Facebook and Twitter.

There are also higher-level frameworks that run on top of these:

Lasagne is a higher level framework built on top of Theano. It provides simple functions to create large networks with few lines of code.

Keras is a higher level framework that works on top of either Theano or TensorFlow.

如果你有框架选择困难症,可以参考斯坦福课程 Lecture 12 of Stanford’s CS231n .


卷积神经网络Convolutional networks (CNNs),是一种特定的神经网络,通过一些聪明的方法大大提高了学习速度和质量。卷积神经网络掀起了计算机视觉的革命,并广泛应用于语音识别和文本归类等领域,以下是


9. Computer vision (up to 9.9) 

6 (second half). Intro to ConvNets 

7. Convolutional neural networks 

8. Localization and detection 

9. Visualization, Deep dream, Neural style, Adversarial examples 

13. Image segmentation (up to 38:00) includes upconvolutions

6. Deep learning 

9. Convolutional networks 

Image Kernels explained visually – shows how convolutional filters (also known as image kernels) transform the image

ConvNetJS MNIST demo – live visualization of a convolutional network right in the browser

Conv Nets: A Modular Perspective 

Understanding Convolutions 

Understanding Convolutional neural networks for NLP 



Theano: Convolutional Neural Networks (LeNet) 

Using Lasagne for training Deep Neural Networks 

Detecting diabetic retinopathy in eye images – a blog post by one of the best performers of Diabetic retinopathy detection contest in Kaggle. Includes a good example of data augmentation.

Face recognition for right whales using deep learning – the authors used different ConvNets for localization and classification.  Code and models are available .

Tensorflow: Convolutional neural networks for image classification on CIFAR-10 dataset

Implementing a CNN for text classification in Tensorflow 

DeepDream implementation in TensorFlow 

92.45% on CIFAR-10 in Torch – implements famous VGGNet network with batch normalization layers in Torch

Training and investigating Residual Nets – Residual networks perform very well on image classification tasks. Two researchers from Facebook and CornellTech implemented these networks in Torch

ConvNets in practice – lots of practical tips on using convolutional networks including data augmentation, transfer learning, fast implementations of convolution operation


递归神经网络Recurrent entworks(RNNs)被设计用来处理序列数据(例如文本、股票、基因组、传感器等)相关问题,通常应用于语句分类(例如情感分析)和语音识别,也适用于文本生成甚至图像生成。


The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks – describes how RNNs can generate text, math papers and C++ code

Hugo Larochelle’s course doesn’t cover recurrent neural networks (although it covers many topics that RNNs are used for). We suggest watching Recurrent Neural Nets and LSTMs by Nando de Freitas to fill the gap

10. Recurrent Neural Networks, Image Captioning, LSTM 

13. Soft attention (starting at 38:00) 

Michael Nielsen’s book stops at convolutional networks. In the Other approaches to deep neural nets section there is just a brief review of simple recurrent networks and LSTMs.

10. Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets 

Recurrent neural networks from Stanford’s CS224d (2016) by Richard Socher

Understanding LSTM Networks 


Theano: Recurrent Neural Networks with Word Embeddings 

Theano: LSTM Networks for Sentiment Analysis 

Implementing a RNN with Python, Numpy and Theano 

Lasagne implementation of Karpathy’s char-rnn 

Combining CNN and RNN for spoken language identification in Lasagne

Automatic transliteration with LSTM using Lasagne

Tensorflow: Recurrent Neural Networks for language modeling

Recurrent Neural Networks in Tensorflow 

Understanding and Implementing Deepmind’s DRAW Model 

LSTM implementation explained 

Torch implementation of Karpathy’s char-rnn 




6. Autoencoder 

7.6. Deep autoencoder 

14. Videos and unsupervised learning (from 32:29) – this video also touches an exciting topic of generative adversarial networks.

14. Autoencoders 

ConvNetJS Denoising Autoencoder demo 

Karol Gregor on Variational Autoencoders and Image Generation 



Theano: Denoising autoencoders 

Diving Into TensorFlow With Stacked Autoencoders 

Variational Autoencoder in TensorFlow 

Training Autoencoders on ImageNet Using Torch 7 

Building autoencoders in Keras 


概率图模型(Probabilistic Graphical model,PGM)是统计学和机器学习交叉分支领域,关于概率图模型的书籍和课程非常多,以下我们收录的资源重点关注概率图模型在深度学习场景中的应用。其中Hugo Larochelles的课程介绍了一些非常著名的模型,而Deep Learning一书有整整四个章节专门介绍,并在最后一章介绍了十几个模型。本领域的学习需要读者掌握大量数学知识:

3. Conditional Random Fields 

4. Training CRFs 

5. Restricted Boltzman machine 

7.7-7.9. Deep Belief Networks 

9.10. Convolutional RBM 

13. Linear Factor Models – first steps towards probabilistic models

16. Structured Probabilistic Models for Deep Learning 

17. Monte Carlo Methods 

18. Confronting the Partition Function 

19. Approximate Inference 

20. Deep Generative Models – includes Boltzmann machines (RBM, DBN, …), variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, autoregressive models etc.

Generative models – a blog post on variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks and their improvements by OpenAI.

The Neural Network Zoo attempts to organize lots of architectures using a single scheme.



Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Theano 

Deep Belief Networks in Theano 

Generating Large Images from Latent Vectors – uses a combination of variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks.

Image Completion with Deep Learning in TensorFlow – another application of generative adversarial networks.

Generating Faces with Torch – Torch implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks


Deep learning papers reading roadmap 深度学习重要论文的大清单。

Arxiv Sanity Preserver 为浏览 arXiv上的论文提供了一个漂亮的界面.

Videolectures.net 含有大量关于深度学习的高级议题视频

/r/MachineLearning 一个非常活跃的Reddit分支. 几乎所有重要的新论文这里都有讨论。


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