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Bug Report

What's the issue you encountered?

I've been playing around with a glitch in BOTW (latest version) that can consistently crash the game. If done on stock with no CFW, the normal "software was closed because an error occurred" screen pops up and I can go back to the home menu. If done while running atmosphere, the console instead freezes on a black screen, and must be manually shut down by holding the power button.

Removing the creport (0100000000000036) folder from the SD card stops this from happening.

How can the issue be reproduced?

Not sure if this happens with all game crashes or just this one. I don't know how to crash the game in any other way, or how to crash other games.

To reproduce the exact crash, follow this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL_DAl63zxg
Except when you gain control of link while also controlling the gyro, jump into the pit. The game should get stuck with the camera looking at the pit. Press start and select "return to title screen" and the game should crash after the loading screen.

Crash Report

No crash report is generated.

System Firmware Version



Fresh installation of atmosphere 0.8.6, booted with fusee-primary. Also happened in 0.8.5.

Additional context?



Was playing Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon, then was going to charge the Switch at the dock and come back to it later. When I came back it had a crash for some reason. Rebooted it to payload and it now hangs after the Nintendo Switch logo at bootup.

Not the same issue if you had the error screen with the reboot to payload option.


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