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使用flutter快速开发 Android 和 iOS 的简易的新闻用户端
API使用的是 showapi(易源数据) 加载热门微信文章


这是一个建议的新闻用户端 页面非常简单

通过网络请求加载 分类数据 和 分类介绍数据 (key都在代码里了,轻量使用~)


使用BottomNavigationBar 分成3个控制器



http: "^0.11.3" #网络请求cached_network_image: "^0.4.1" #图片加载cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 #iconflutter_webview_plugin: ^0.1.6 #webviewshared_preferences: ^0.4.2 #持久化数据url_launcher: ^3.0.3 #调用系统浏览器代码



class UserSinglen { List allTypes = []; static final UserSinglen _singleton = new UserSinglen._internal(); factory UserSinglen() { return _singleton; } UserSinglen._internal();}



class Shared { //保存分类 static Future saveSelectedType(List list) async { SharedPreferences pre = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); await pre.setStringList("selectedTypeIds",list); print(list); return; } //获取已选择的分类 static Future> getSelectedType() async { SharedPreferences pre = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); try { List typeIds = pre.getStringList("selectedTypeIds"); print("typeids = $typeIds"); return typeIds; } catch (e) { return null; } }}




class NavigationIcon { NavigationIcon({ Widget icon, Widget title, TickerProvider vsync, }) : item = new BottomNavigationBarItem( icon: icon, title: title, ), cOntroller= new AnimationController( duration: kThemeAnimationDuration, vsync: vsync, ); final BottomNavigationBarItem item; final AnimationController controller;}



class Index extends StatefulWidget { const Index({ Key key }) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => new IndexState();}class IndexState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { List navigationIcons; List pageList; int currentPageIndex = 0; StatefulWidget currentWidget; @override void initState() { // TODO: implement initState super.initState(); navigatiOnIcons= [ new NavigationIcon( icon: new Icon(Icons.home), title: new Text("首页"), vsync: this, ), new NavigationIcon( icon: new Icon(Icons.category), title: new Text("分类"), vsync: this, ), new NavigationIcon( icon: new Icon(Icons.info), title: new Text("关于"), vsync: this, ) ]; pageList = [ new Home(key: new Key("home"),), new Category(key: new Key("category"),), new About(), ]; for(NavigationIcon view in navigationIcons) { view.controller.addListener(rebuild()); } currentWidget = pageList[currentPageIndex]; } @override void dispose() { // TODO: implement dispose super.dispose(); for (NavigationIcon view in navigationIcons) { view.controller.dispose(); } }rebuild(){ print("rebuild"); setState(() {});} @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final BottomNavigationBar bottomNavigatiOnBar= new BottomNavigationBar( items: navigationIcons.map(((i) => i.item)).toList(), currentIndex: currentPageIndex, fixedColor: Config.mainColor, type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed, onTap: (i) { setState(() { navigationIcons[i].controller.reverse(); currentPageIndex = i; navigationIcons[i].controller.forward(); currentWidget = pageList[i]; }); }, ); return new MaterialApp( theme: Config.themeData, home: new Scaffold( body: Center( child: currentWidget, ), bottomNavigationBar: bottomNavigationBar, ), ); }}



class Home extends StatefulWidget { const Home({Key key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() { // TODO: implement createState return new HomeState(); }}class HomeState extends State { bool _isloading = true; List _list; @override void initState() { // TODO: implement initState super.initState(); API.featchTypeListData((List callback) { Shared.getSelectedType().then((onValue) { print(onValue); if (onValue != null) { print("lentch = "); print(onValue.length); setState(() { _isloading = false; _list = callback.where((t) => onValue.contains(t.id)).toList(); }); } }); }, errorback: (error) { print("error:$error"); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO: implement build return _isloading ? new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text("loading..."), ), body: new Center( child: new CircularProgressIndicator( backgroundColor: Colors.black, ), ), ) : new DefaultTabController( length: _list.length, child: new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text("新闻"), bottom: new TabBar( isScrollable: true, labelColor: Colors.white, unselectedLabelColor: Colors.black, tabs: _list.map((f) => new Tab(text: f.name)).toList()), ), body: new TabBarView( children: _list.map((f) => new Content(channelId: f.id)).toList(), )), ); } @override void dispose() { // TODO: implement dispose super.dispose(); }}



class Category extends StatefulWidget { const Category({Key key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => new CategoryState();}class CategoryState extends State { List _list = []; bool _isloading = true; @override void initState() { // TODO: implement initState super.initState(); API.featchTypeListData((List callback) { Shared.getSelectedType().then((onValue) { setState(() { _isloading = false; _list = callback .map((f) => new WeType(f.id, f.name, onValue.contains(f.id))) .toList(); }); }); }, errorback: (error) { print("error:$error"); }); } _onTapButton(WeType type) { setState(() { _list = _list.map((WeType f) { if (f.id == type.id) { f.isSelected = !f.isSelected; } return f; }).toList(); Shared.saveSelectedType( _list.where((t) => t.isSelected).map((f) => f.id).toList()); }); } _selectAll() { print("all"); var r = _list.where((t) => t.isSelected).toList(); bool res = r.length <_list.length ? true : false; setState(() { _list = _list.map((f) => new WeType(f.id, f.name, res)).toList(); Shared.saveSelectedType( _list.where((t) => t.isSelected).map((f) => f.id).toList()); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return _isloading ? CircularProgressIndicator() : new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text("分类"), actions: [ new FlatButton( onPressed: _selectAll, child: new Center( child: new Text( "全选", style: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white), )), ) ], ), body: new GridView.count( // Create a grid with 2 columns. If you change the scrollDirection to // horizontal, this would produce 2 rows. crossAxisCount: 3, crossAxisSpacing: 0.0, childAspectRatio: 2.0, // Generate 100 Widgets that display their index in the List children: _list .map((f) => new FlatButton( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0), onPressed: () { _onTapButton(f); }, child: new Center(child: _Button(f.name, f.isSelected)), )) .toList(), )); }}class _Button extends StatelessWidget { final String title; final bool isSelected; _Button(this.title, this.isSelected); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO: implement build return new Stack( alignment: AlignmentDirectional.center, children: [ new Container( child: new Center( child: new Text(title), ), decoration: new BoxDecoration( color: isSelected ? Colors.blue[200] : Colors.white, borderRadius: new BorderRadius.all( const Radius.circular(20.0), ), border: new Border.all( color: isSelected ? Colors.white : Colors.blue[100],//边框颜色 width: 1.0,//边框宽度 ), ), ), new Container( child: new Center( child: isSelected ? new Icon( Icons.check, color: Colors.white, ) : null, ), ), ], ); }}代码地址


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