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克莱儿 麦克福尔/著

For me, ferryman was extremely a new word. I even really admire the people who put forward this word. This new strange word came into my inner world suddenly and i could not even know the meaning. It is not unique, but has its counterpart. I said that because in China, there was also the same name of movie but i haven’t seen that. By the chance, because of my interests to the briefly introduction, i decided to read it. So my journal of reading started.

This novella gave a imaginary scene to the audience: A 15-year-old girl who called Dylan was confused, cuz her life could be described as a mess. She grew up in a single-parent family and she had no words with her mother; others in school always deliberately playing the fool with her; the only good friend of her also left the school. All these things made her felt helpless and painful. So she was going to find her father alone. But an accident just happened–Dylan died when she did not realise. She arrived at the other place and a boy named Tristan was waiting for her. But she did not know that her fate changed since now–

Along the road, they met so many demons and ghosts so Dylan felt quite amazed and scared. Luckily, she had Tristan protecting her. During the “trip”, she became much braver, more decisive and so different from she used to be. At the same time, she found herself fell in love with Tristan but it broke the rules in that world. The gists which contained in this story were many different emotions that people could face in their lives crossing. People usually not able to deal with them properly so that they will fall into the problems. But it was also the opportunity that Dylan could achieve her ideas. From her behaviours we could see that once you want to do something, you will try your best to do it, whatever it is right or wrong, whatever how much trouble you will face, and whatever others support or not, you should stick on doing it until it became true. If it cannot, then you still will not regret it at all.

The ghosts and demons represented the desire of people, frightened and restless. They can stay in everywhere in our mind and always affect our opinions. Dylan, as a reflection of all of us, need us to consider. She taught us how to love, like what Amazon readers have comment: when we face living, dead and love, what will be your final answer? Obviously, lives were not as easy as we used to think, there are so many things we cannot expect or change, but we can just forget them, and follow our heart.

I hope you will know that–if i exist, that’s because you need me. People sometimes do not live for themselves, but at least we need to be loyal to ourselves.





“I used to feel so sad because of what you did, but i am not a kid who regard himself as infallible anymore. I understand, people always have their choices, you chose the things you thought were important and gave up me. This is just your choice. If i resent you because you did not choose me, then there will have so many things that cannot be forgive in this world. Cuz there is no one have responsibilities to treat me as the first or the most important one. Whatever i hope, i cannot make peremptory demands. The reason i treated you like that, was i want to do it. If i can get the same sincerity back, that’s nice; if i could not, i definitely have nothing to regret.”

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