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Many times I have problems with Buffer Overflow.

很多次我遇到Buffer Overflow问题。

int y[10][10][10];


y[0][15][3] = 8;

How can I prevent this problem? Is there any good tool that can help me?


6 个解决方案


Neil's answer is better in the general case, but if you have a reason for using plain old arrays, you can use functions to get and set the values and also check that you're within the array bounds:


#define MAX_INDEX 10


int get_y(int a, int b, int c)
    ASSERT(a >= 0 && a = 0 && b = 0 && c = 0 && a = 0 && b = 0 && c 

...all wrapped up in a class, ideally.



Don't use raw C-style arrays. Instead, use C++ container classes such as std::vector, which have the ability to check for invalid accesses and raise exceptions when they occur.

不要使用原始C风格的数组。相反,使用诸如std :: vector之类的C ++容器类,它们能够检查无效访问并在异常访问发生时引发异常。

Also, what you are describing is not really a buffer overflow.



Solution at the code level

In C++, one solution is to never use arrays, but C++ containers instead. Vectors, for example, have out of bounds detection if you use at intead of [] for indexing

在C ++中,一种解决方案是永远不使用数组,而是使用C ++容器。例如,如果在[]的intead处使​​用索引,则向量具有超出范围的检测

In C, you should always design your functions such as you give the pointers and the dimension(s) of your arrays, there is no way around it.


Solution at the tool level

A great tool for checking out of bounds access is valgrind. It works by running your binary unaltered, and can give the precise line where errors occurs if you compile with debug information. Valgrind work on many unix, including mac os x.

valgrind是一个检查越界访问的好工具。它的工作方式是不加改变地运行二进制文件,如果使用调试信息进行编译,则可以给出出现错误的精确行。 Valgrind在许多unix上工作,包括mac os x。

Note that valgrind cannot always detect those bad accesses (in your example, assuming it was a real out of bounds access, it would have gonve unnoticed by valgrind because the variable is on the stack, not on the heap).



In addition to the other comments, you might also have a look at the suggestions in this thread, which deals with static code analysis tools:


C/C++ Free alternative to Lint?

C / C ++免费替代Lint?


I've found an interesting software for buffer overflow. You can download it for free from www.bugfighter-soft.com


It says that it can discover buffer overflow and that it is independent from compiler and platform.


I tried it with Visual C++ Express 2008 and it worked well. I could discover buffer overflow in a multidimensional array such int y[10][10][10];

我尝试使用Visual C ++ Express 2008,它运行良好。我可以发现多维数组中的缓冲区溢出,例如[10] [10] [10];

Do you think it is cross platform?


Do you know something more about it?



using sprintf in TRACE MACROS is the biggest evil

在TRACE MACROS中使用sprintf是最大的罪恶

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