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This question already has an answer here:


  • C++, Free-Store vs Heap 7 answers
  • C ++,Free-Store vs Heap 7答案

Originally a pedantics war on @Als answer here, it also sparked a discussion in the C++ chatroom.

最初对@Als的一场迂腐战争在这里回答,它也引发了C ++聊天室的讨论。

This article by Herb Sutter distinguishes between the two, but is also over a decade old, as it clearly was written before 2000 and also talks about the standard draft, which can only mean C++98 draft. Though, I still expect Herb, as part of the committee, to be knowledgeable about this stuff.

Herb Sutter的这篇文章区分了两者,但也有十多年的历史,因为它显然是在2000年之前编写的,并且还讨论了标准草案,它只能代表C ++ 98草案。尽管如此,作为委员会成员,我仍然希望Herb能够了解这些东西。

I know of this and this question/answer, but the second just cites Herb's article while the first cites another source that simply rejects the use of the term "heap", aka they are both not exactly satisfactory. Also, I can't find any free-store or freestore tag on SO (until this question, I created the former one now).


Now, what is really the difference, if any?


3 个解决方案



Well, the current C++ standard only uses the term "free store" - the only use of "heap" in the Standard is to describe the heap data structure in the Standard Library. So "heap" is not a very useful term to use when trying to discuss C++ problems accurately, though of course everyone does it.

那么,当前的C ++标准只使用术语“免费存储” - 标准中唯一使用“堆”的是描述标准库中的堆数据结构。所以“堆”在尝试准确地讨论C ++问题时并不是一个非常有用的术语,当然每个人都这样做。



In Herb's book "Exceptional C++", he defines:

在Herb的书“Exceptional C ++”中,他定义:

Heap: A dynamic memory area that is allocated/freed by the malloc/free functions.

堆:由malloc / free函数分配/释放的动态内存区域。

Free Store: A dynamic memory area that is allocated/freed by new/delete.


Its possible for new and delete to be implemented in terms of malloc and free, so technically, they could be the same memory area. However, as the standard doesn't specify this, its best to treat them separatly, and not to mix malloc/delete or new/free.

它可以用malloc和free实现new和delete,所以从技术上讲,它们可以是相同的内存区域。但是,由于标准没有指定这一点,最好分开处理它们,而不是混合malloc / delete或new / free。



The free-store technically isn't the heap, just as local variables technically aren't on the stack. However, it's extremely rare in my experience to find anybody who won't accept those terms.


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