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So, in my angular application, I'm trying to handle a save on the server side with JSP. The problem I'm having is that when using Angular's $save method, it sends the object data (the object I'm saving) as a JSON object, but not in any way that I'm use to. The object is not accessible through the request.getParameter() and when looking at the request in firebug, I can see it does not send JSON or have any parameters. Instead, it sends the json object in the "POST" part. I don't quite understand what's going on here. ???

因此,在我的角度应用程序中,我尝试使用JSP来处理服务器端上的save。我遇到的问题是,当使用角的$save方法时,它将对象数据(我正在保存的对象)作为JSON对象发送,但不是以我使用的任何方式发送。该对象不能通过request. getparameter()访问,当查看firebug中的请求时,我可以看到它没有发送JSON或具有任何参数。相反,它在“POST”部分中发送json对象。我不太明白这是怎么回事。? ? ?

So here's what I know so far:


The default contentType for posts in Angular is "application/json", so if you change that to be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8" you can at least get the parameters of the json object using request.getParameter() (if you also change the way the json object is transmitted)

角的文章的默认内容类型是“application/json”,因此如果您将其更改为“application/ www-form- urlencodes;charset=utf-8”,您至少可以使用request.getParameter()获得json对象的参数(如果您还更改了json对象的传输方式)


This isn't really the problem in the first place because if I use jQuery.ajax() to make a request and set the contentType to "application/json" and then pass the json object as data, then I still get the json object attributes as parameters so I can use request.getParameter(), you just don't get the query string in the url.

首先这不是真正的问题,因为如果我使用jQuery.ajax()请求并将contentType设置为application / json,然后通过json对象数据,然后我仍然得到json对象属性作为参数,所以我可以使用request.getParameter(),你就不要让url的查询字符串。

SOOO, my questions are:


1) What the heck is going on with the way Angular sends it's data


2) Is there any way I can change it while still being able to use the $resource $save function (changing the contentType of the $http has some bad effects when using $resource methods), and, most importantly

2)我是否可以在使用$resource $save函数的同时更改它(更改$http的内容类型在使用$resource方法时有一些不好的影响),最重要的是

3) If I can't change it (or even if I can), how do you parse the json data in a JSP with the way it works now.


Your help is much appreciated, I can't believe I can't find something about this yet, I've been looking for a while.


1 个解决方案



Well, in case anybody was wondering about this:


I still don't really understand why angular and jquery "post" methods act differently when giving them the same dataType ("application/json"), but as far as I can tell it seems that Angular uses REST and I'm guess JQuery does not?


As far as how to parse the json on the server side, just see this post: Retrieving JSON Object Literal from HttpServletRequest


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