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I am a noob to AS3 so excuse me, please.


I have a timer on my app that I am trying to use as a stop watch, What I would like to do is start it at a specified time not always at 0?


I would like the user to enter in a text box a value of 1 to 99 and the timer starts from there entered value.


Thanks in advance.


import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;

var customtime:int;
clock.text = "00:00";
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,0);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, stopwatch);

function stopwatch(event:TimerEvent):void

    clock.text = convert_time(myTimer.currentCount);


start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startClock);
stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopClock);
reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetClock);
setTime_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setCustomTime);

function startClock(evt:MouseEvent):void

function stopClock(evt:MouseEvent):void

function resetClock(evt:MouseEvent):void
    clock.text = "00:00";

function setCustomTime(evt:MouseEvent)
        var t1:int = int(setTimeTxt.text)*60;
        clock.text = convert_time(t1);
        customtime = t1;

function time_update(t1:int):int
    var t2:int=t1*60;
    return t2;

function convert_time(currentAmountSecs:int):String
    var minutes:int = Math.floor(currentAmountSecs / 60);
    var seconds:int = currentAmountSecs % 60;

    var prependString:String = "";
    if ( minutes <10 )
        prependString = "0";

    var prependStringsec:String = "";
    if ( seconds <10 )
        prependStringsec = "0";

    return prependString + minutes + ":" + prependStringsec + seconds;

1 个解决方案



Well you can't change Timer/currentCount but you can store a start count and display startCount + myTimer.currentCount:

那么你不能改变Timer / currentCount但你可以存储一个开始计数并显示startCount + myTimer.currentCount:

var startCount:int = 100; 

clock.text = convert_time(startCount + myTimer.currentCount);

As for how to determine the startCount from a user text input: you can use parseInt to convert text to an integer. You should also restrict the text input to numbers, and you can enforce a range of 0-99 using Math.min and Math.max:


// restrict input characters to numbers
input.restrict = "0-9";

// update the `startCount` any time user input changes
input.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, inputChange);
function inputChange(e:Event):void {

    // parse an integer from the text input
    startCount = parseInt(input.text);

    // limit the range to 0-99
    startCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(startCount, 99));

    // make sure the input text displays the in-range value
    if (input.text != String(startCount)) 
        input.text = String(startCount);

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