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With internship season well underway, we reached out to some Alteryx ACEs, top analytics experts and participants in the Alteryx Community, to see what advice they’d offer to interns in data analytics and data science.

随着实习期的到来,我们与Alteryx ACE ,顶级分析专家和Alteryx社区的参与者进行了接触 ,以了解他们将为数据分析和数据科学领域的实习生提供哪些建议。

How can you make the most of an internship experience? What are key things to learn from the people and resources available during this unique opportunity? These data pros provide their perspective on how to be successful in an internship and beyond.

您如何充分利用实习经验? 在这个独特的机会中,可以从可用的人员和资源中学习哪些关键的东西? 这些数据专家提供了有关如何在实习及以后取得成功的观点。

信诺(Cigna)分析主管Jason Mack( @dataMack ) (Jason Mack (@dataMack), Head of Analytics at Cigna)


As an intern, your primary focus should be on building a network of connections that can help you land your next full-time role, or help at some point in the future. A great way to have people remember you is to solve some problem for them, even if it may seem simple or small. For example, an Alteryx workflow that helps them consolidate their weekly spreadsheets: if it saves them from the most boring and dreaded 20 minutes of their week, you have improved their life, and they will remember you.

作为实习生,您的主要重点应该是建立联系网络,以帮助您获得下一个全职职位,或者在将来的某个时候提供帮助。 让人们记住您的一个好方法是为他们解决一些问题,即使它看起来简单或很小。 例如,Alteryx工作流程可帮助他们合并每周的电子表格:如果将其从一周中最无聊和最可怕的20分钟中解救出来,您的生活就会得到改善,他们会记住您。

妮可·约翰逊( @NicoleJohnson ),T-Mobile的高级顾问 (Nicole Johnson (@NicoleJohnson), Senior Consultant at T-Mobile)


Enjoy every day of your internship because it will fly by! One thing I wish I got the chance to do would be for interns to learn about different types of analytics that businesses could do and what those types of roles entail. If you are interning as a business analyst, learn about marketing analytics, real estate analytics, financial analytics, and any other area that sounds interesting! While you are networking with other analytics teams, learn about use cases of analytics that have impacted the business and how the analytics were applied to the business. Network with business partners of the analytics teams to understand how the business operates and the business model it operates on. One last thing that I would consider a bonus in an internship is building your brand and understanding how different people in analytics built their brands.

享受实习的每一天,因为它会飞逝! 我希望有机会做的一件事是让实习生了解企业可以执行的不同类型的分析以及这些类型的角色所需要的。 如果您是一名业务分析师,请学习有关营销分析,房地产分析,财务分析以及其他有趣的领域的信息! 在与其他分析团队建立网络时,请了解影响业务的分析用例以及如何将分析应用于业务。 与分析团队的业务合作伙伴建立网络,以了解业务的运作方式和业务模式。 在实习中,我认为加成的最后一件事是建立您的品牌并了解不同的分析人员如何建立自己的品牌。

For more on this topic, be sure to check out this week’s episode of the Alter Everything Podcast, which features ACE Heather Harris and Cameron O’Donnell. They discuss how Cameron obtained a data analytics internship and used it to successfully launch his career as an analyst.

有关此主题的更多信息,请确保查看本周的 Alter Everything Podcast 情节 ,其中包括ACE Heather Harris和Cameron O’Donnell。 他们讨论了Cameron如何获得数据分析实习机会,并利用该实习机会成功地开始了他的分析师职业生涯。


And for interns and others seeking new opportunities in data analytics and data science, be sure to check out ADAPT as well, which offers free training and credentials from Alteryx and Udacity.

对于在数据分析和数据科学领域寻求新机会的实习生和其他人员,请务必同时查看ADAPT ,它提供了Alteryx和Udacity的免费培训和证书。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-be-successful-in-your-data-internship-6ed718003df3


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