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DEMO MANUAL DC2156ADescriptionLTC2946Wide Range I2C Power,Charge and Energy MeterDemonstration circuit 2156A features the LTC 2946rail-to-rail system monitor that measures current, voltage,power, energy and charge. It features an operatingrange of 2.7V to 100V and includes a shunt regulator foroperation from supplies above 100V to allow flexibility inthe selection of input supply. The current measurementrange of 0V to 100V is independent of the input supply.An onboard, 0.4% accurate, 12-bit ADC measures loadcurrent, input voltage and an auxiliary external voltage.A 24-bit power value is generated by digitally multiplyingthe measured 12-bit load current and input voltage data.Energy andchargedata aregeneratedby integratingpowerand current. Minimum and maximum values are storedand an overrange alert with programmable thresholdsminimizes the need for software polling. Data is reportedvia a standard I2C interface. Shutdown mode reducespower consumption to 20μA.L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks andQuikEval and Linduino are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarksare the property of their respective owners.The demo board features nested pads for a range of senseresistor package sizes to support currents of up to 15Arange. The full scale sense voltage is 102.4mV. A 20mΩsense resistor is populated on the board for 5.12A fullscale. The full scale current can be changed by populatingRSNS accordingly.The DC2156A was designed to be connected to the DC590andcontrolledthroughtheQuikEval? suiteof software. Allthresholds can be set and ADC registers read back throughthe QuikEval interface, which provides a convenient wayto evaluate the LTC2946.Figure 1. Typical Application CircuitDEMO MANUAL DC2156ADC2156A Pin and Jumper DefinitionsJumper SettingsJP1: Selects the VDD source. It can be set to VIN, INTVCCor EXTVDD (which requires a voltage to be present at theEXTVDD turret.) Please see Powering the DC2156A sectionfor examples of how these different settings are used.JP2 (ADR0), JP3(ADR1): Selects the I2C slave addressof the LTC2946. Any changes here should also be madeinside of QuikEval for communications to persist. Bydefault, both jumpers are set to LOW which correspondsto an address of 0xDE.Turrets and Banana JacksSignal connections are made via the row of turret postsalong the edges of the board.GND: (5 turrets, 2 banana jacks) These turrets are connecteddirectly to the ground planes.VIN: Main Supply Input. The LTC2946 measures the currentflowing from VIN to VOUT.VOUT: Supply Output to Load. The LTC2946 measures thecurrent flowing from VIN to VOUT.INTVCC: Internal Low Voltage Supply Input/Output. Thisturret is directly connected to the INTVCC pin. This turret isused to power internal circuitry and can be configured asa direct input, as a linear regulator from a higher voltageconnected to VDD or as a shunt regulator. In the defaultconfigurationwithJP1 at VIN, INTVCCisinternallygeneratedand is 5V. Please see LTC2946 data sheet for more details.EXTVDD: External Voltage Supply. This turret can be usedto power the LTC2946 independently of the VIN powerpath. Connect to 4V to 100V external supply if this optionis selected through JP1.ADIN: Input Measured by the Onboard ADC. Measuresbetween 0V to 2.048V. ADIN is loaded with a 140k and3k resistive divider to allow voltage measurements of upto 102.4V full scale.VPU: Pull Up Voltage for the LEDs. Derived from a 5Visolated supply on the DC590. It powers the GPIO LEDson the board. If a DC590 is not used and the DC2156Ais operated independently, a 2.5V to 5V supply must beprovided here, in order for the LEDs to work. 5V fromDC590 and the VPU turret input voltage are diode-ORed byD6 to preclude back feeding from one source to the other.SENSE+: Supply Voltage and Current Sense Input. Usedas a Kelvin input for the internal current sense amplifier.The voltage at this pin is also monitored by the onboardADC with a full-scale input range of 102.4V. The full scalecurrent sense voltage is 102.4mV.SENSE–: Current Sense Input. An external 20mΩ senseresistor (RSNS) isconnectedbetweenSENSE+andSENSE–to measure a full scale current of 5.12A. See HardwareSetup section for details.SCL: I2C Clock input.SDA/SDAI: I2C Data Input. Connected to SDAO through0Ω resistor R14. Remove R14 if opto-isolated I2C functionalityis desired.SDAO: I2C Data Output. Connected to SDAI through 0Ωresistor R14. Remove R14 if opto-isolated I2C functionalityis desired.GPIO1: General Purpose Input/Output 1. Configurablegeneral purpose output and logic input. Configured bydefault as General Purpose Output, pulls low to light D3.GPIO2: General Purpose Input/Output 2. Configurablegeneral purpose output, logic input, and ACC control inputto gate internal accumulators. By default it is configured asACC input and pulled high so that the energy and chargeaccumulation are active. If GPIO2 is configured as anoutput, LED D4 lights up when GPIO2 is asserted low.GPIO3: General Purpose Input/Output 3. Configurablegeneral purpose output, logic input, and ALERT# output.By default it is configured as ALERT#. As ALERT#, it ispulled to ground when a fault occurs to alert the hostcontroller. LED D5 lights when ALERT# is asserted low.3dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AHardware Setup OptionsFlexible Operating Modes of the LTC2946The LTC2946 current sense inputs, SENSE+ and SENSE–are used to make Kelvin connections to a current senseresistor to measure the output current of a supply or thecurrent consumption of a load. They feature a commonmode range of 0V to 100V so that the output current ofeither a positive or negative supply can be measured, aswell as current in either the positive or negative lead of theload. Thus a potentially bewildering number of measurementconfigurations are possible. To allow such flexibility,the SENSE+ and SENSE– pins cannot be relied upon asa source of power; the LTC2946 features a separate VDDpin for this purpose.Power to operate LTC2946 is obtained from the VDD pinor the INTVCC pin (see the block diagram in Figure 2). Ifa supply of 4V to 100V is available, VDD can be used andan internal series regulator powers the device. If a supplyof 2.7V to 5.9V is available, power may be applied directlyto INTVCC. In the event that no supply of less than 100Vis available, the shunt regulator shown connected acrossINTVCC can be used in conjunction with an external droppingresistor to power the LTC2946.RingingIt comes as a surprise to many that seemingly innocentacts, such as making a connection to a live supply, causeringing. Theory tells us that the amplitude of such ringingreaches approximately 2x the input voltage, but in practicethis limit is sometimes exceeded. For general informationon ringing, see the LTC1647 data sheet.Since the VDD pin current is small, ringing there is easilysuppressed by a 51Ω/100nF RC filter (R1 and C1) withoutany compromise to the input voltage range. The SENSE+and SENSE– pins however are not so easily protected.To protect these pins and to prevent damage to theLTC2946 that might arise from ringing, VIN is clamped byan SMAT70A TVS (D1). D1 has a minimum breakdownvoltage of 77V at room temperature and thus VIN DCinput rating to 75V maximum. While D1 may be removedto operate VIN up to 100V, always remember that anyexcursion above this value may destroy the LTC2946.DC2156A Pin and Jumper DefinitionsConnectorsDC590 Connector (J5): J5 allows connection of theDC2156A to the DC590 demo board through which theLinear Technology? QuikEval software can communicatewith the board. When DC590 is connected, 5V is providedto power the GPIO LEDs through this connector.LEDINTVCC – D2:LightsupgreenwhenbothVPUandLTC2946are powered.ALERT# (GPIO3) – D5: Fault Alert Output. Lights up redon an ALERT condition. Can also be monitored on theALERT (GPIO3) turret.ACC (GPIO2) – D4:Will light up amberwhenACCis Low. ByDefaultGPIO2 is an input, pulled high to VPUby D4 and R7.GPIO1 – D3: General Purpose Output. Lights up greenwhen pulled low. Default state is low.Figure 2. Simplified Supply Block DiagramVDDINTVCCGND735k15k5V LDO LTC2946SENSE– SENSE+4dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AHardware Setup OptionsPowering The DC2156AThe LTC2946 offers great flexibility in terms of supplyoptions owing to its separate VDD and SENSE pins.Jumper JP1 is used to select the source of power for VDDandallowseasyconfigurationofthevarioussupplyoptions.If JP1 is set to VIN, then VDD is powered from VIN (Figure?3aand Figure?3b). In this configuration, sensing is done onthe same rail which is supplying power to the LTC2946.Provide 4V to 75V at VIN in this configuration to powerthe LTC2946. The 75V limitation is set by the zener clampD1 which protects the LTC2946 against voltage transientsexceeding 100V, while the 4V limitation is the minimumoperating voltage of the VDD pin. D1 can be removed ifthe full voltage range of 100V is desired.Figure 3a. DC2156A Is Powered from VINFigure 3b. LTC2946 Powered from VINSENSE– SENSE+ LOADLTC29465dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AHardware Setup OptionsIf JP1 is set to EXTVDD then VDD is powered by theEXTVDD turret (Figure 4a and Figure 4b). Providea separate 4V to 100V at the EXTVDD turret in thisconfiguration. The maximum input VIN is limited to75V by D1. D1 can be removed if the full voltage rangeof 100V is desired.Figure 4a. DC2156A Powered from External VDDFigure 4b. LTC2946 Powered from External VDDSENSE– SENSE+ LOADLTC29466dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AIf JP1 is settoINTVCC, thentheLTC2946’s internal circuitryis powered from INTVCC. A low voltage supply (2.7V to5.9V) connected to INTVCC helps minimize on-chip powerdissipation (Figure 5a and Figure 5b). The device canalso be used as a shunt regulator in this configuration tomonitor rails higher than 100V.Regardlessofwhichconfigurationis selected, ifthe systemis connected properly, the green INTVCC LED should be lit.By default the DC2156A is configured, with VIN providingpower to VDD.In order to support a wide range of applications, theLTC2946 demo board also features multiple nested sensepads to support high current monitoring. These padsare Kelvin sensed. By default the board supports currentmonitoring of up to 5.12A. An appropriate sense resistorcan be used to support monitoring of desired currentlevels up to 20A with an on-board sense resistor. TheSENSE+ and SENSE– turrets may be used to connect toan external sense resistor and power path for any currentlevel. Remove RSNS in this case.Figure 5a. DC2156A Powered from INTVCCFigure 5b. LTC2946 Powered from INTVCCLTC2946Hardware Setup Options7dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156ADC2156A Shunt RegulatorFor supply voltages above 100V, the shunt regulator atINTVCC can be used in both high and low side configurationsto provide power to the LTC2946 through anexternal shunt resistor, RSHUNT. RSHUNT should be sizedaccording to the following equation:VS(MAX) 5.9V35mA≤ RSHUNT ≤VS(MIN) 6.7V1mA +ILOAD(MAX)(1)Figure 6a. Powering DC2156A from High Side Shunt Regulator to Allow for Input Voltage Higher than 100VTO DC590OR DC2026+ LOAD –VIN80V TO 200VRSHUNTFigure 6b. Powering LTC2946 from High Side Shunt Regulator to Allow for Input Voltage Higher than 100V– SENSE– SENSE+ LOADLTC2946where VS(MAX) and VS(MIN) are theoperatingmaximumandminimum of the supply. ILOAD(MAX) is the maximum externalcurrent load that is connected to the shunt regulator.Figure 6a shows a high side power monitor with an inputmonitoring range of 80V to 200V in a high side shuntregulatorconfiguration. Thedevicegroundisseparatedfromcircuit ground through RSHUNT and clamped at 6.3V belowthe input supply, VIN. Note that due to the different groundlevels, the I2C signals from the LTC2946 need to be levelHardware Setup Options8dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AFigure 7a. DC2156A Derives Power from Low Side Shunt Regulator in High Side Current Sense TopologyTO DC590OR DC2026LOAD0V TO 75V+– 80V TO200VRSHUNT5.1KFigure 7b. DC2156A Derives Power from Low Side Shunt Regulator in High Side Current Sense TopologySENSE– SENSE+ LOADLTC2946Hardware Setup Optionsshifted for communication with other ground referencedcomponents. The DC590, as well as the Linduino?, providethe necessary isolation in this case. The bus voltage can bemeasured with an appropriate external divider connectedto ADIN for full scale operation at 200V. Make sure to setCA[7] intheCTRLAregister sothattheADCmeasuresADINwith reference to INTVCC instead of the GND pin.Figure 7a shows a high side rail-to-rail power monitorwhich derives power from a greater than 100V secondarysupply. The voltage at INTVCC is clamped at 6.3V aboveground in a low side shunt regulator configuration topower the part.9dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AFigure 8a. DC2156A Derives Power through Low Side Shunt Regulator in Low Side Current Sense TopologyVIN80V TO200VRSHUNT5.1k+– LOADTO DC590OR DC2026Figure 8b. LTC2946 Derives Power through Low Side Shunt Regulator in Low Side Current Sense TopologySENSE+ SENSE–LOAD+– LTC2946RSNSVIN80V TO200VINTVCCRSHUNT5.1kHardware Setup OptionsIn low side power monitors, the device ground and thecurrent sense inputs are connectedtothenegative terminalof the input supply as shown in Figure 8a. The low sideshunt regulator configuration allows operation with inputsupplies above 100V by clamping the voltage at INTVCC.10dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AFigure 9a. Current Monitoring in a –48V System–48V OUTPUT–48V INPUTRTN RTN+– LOADTO DC590OR DC2026Figure 9b. Current Monitoring in a –48V SystemSENSE+ SENSE–+ LOAD ––48V RTN–48V INPUT –48V OUTPUTLTC2946RSNSHardware Setup Options-48V System MonitoringThe DC2156A can also be configured to provide powermonitoring in -48V Telecom applications by setting JP1 toEXTVDD, with the -48V input tied to VOUT and GND and the-48V return tied to EXTVDD. The DC590 provides isolationand level shifting, as the I2C interface is operating at -48Vwith respect to -48V RTN, which is normally near earthground potential.11dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AFigure 10. Hardware Bench SetupDC2156A48V POWER SUPPLYDC590PCGND VIN5A ELECTRONIC LOAD– +– +VOUTGNDQuick Start ProcedureThe various features of DC2156A can be demonstrated byusing Linear Technology’s QuikEval Software. QuikEval isa USB-based product demonstration and data acquisitionsoftware meant to be used in conjunction with the DC590that connects to individual daughter cards for specificLinear Technology products. This software can be foundon the Linear Technology website at:http://ltspice.linear.com/software/ltcqev.exeConnect the DC590 to the PC using the USB cable providedwith the DC590. Now, connect the DC590 to the DC2156A.The setup should look like Figure 10.Ensure power is applied to the DC2156A in any one of theconfigurations described earlier in this manual and that aload is connected to the board.Oncesetupiscomplete, runtheQuikEvalSoftware. QuikEvalshould auto-detect the DC2156A and provide the user witha control panel.Interfac ing with the DC2026This board can also interface with the DC2026 LinduinoboardwhichispartoftheLinduinoFirmwareDevelopmentProgram. The Linduino Firmware Development Programprovides users with convenient driver code, written in C,for a wide range of LTC products. Please see the Linduinopage for more details.The DC2026 comes preloaded with a DC590 emulatorfirmware which allows easy interface with QuikEval. SeeFigure 10 for connections but substitute the DC590 withthe DC2026. QuikEval will launch the GUI as it would withthe DC590. The DC2026 can also be used as a developmentplatform, example software along with drivers canbe found on the product landing page: http://www.linear.com/product/LTC2946. 12dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AThe DC2156A software user interface was designed toallow the user to quickly evaluate the LTC2946. The userhas the ability to set fault thresholds, enable/disable andclear alerts, change the source for the VIN measurement aswell asmonitor voltage, current, power, charge andenergy.RSNS is set to 20mΩ by default on the DC2156A, shouldany changes be made on the board, the correspondingvalue should be entered into the software control panel.By pressing Start, the software interface will begin usingthe DC590 for data collection.The LTC2946 software UI is split up into two main components.The Data Acquisition Terminal and a TabbedInterface. A screen shot of the GUI is shown in Figure 11.Figure 11. LTC2946 Software UIDC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACEData Acquisition TerminalThe Data Acquisition Terminal display is always in view ofthe user, providing convenient controls to quickly performcommon functions and displaying real time voltage, current,power, charge and energy data.The Data Acquisition Terminal consists of the followingcomponents.Performance GraphThe performance graph plots data in real time for up tothe last minute. Older data, once scrolled off the screen,is discarded. The user can choose to log all the data in a.csv file by clicking on the logging checkbox which is alsofound on the Data Acquisition Terminal.The performance graph can plot any two quantities fromVIN, Current, ADIN, Power, Energy andCharge concurrentlyon the same plot. Radio buttons located next to the plotallowtheusertoselectwhichquantity toploton a particularaxis. The axes are color coded. The left axis will always beplotted lime green and the right axis will always be plottedin red. These color codes are conveniently placed next tothe radio buttons for user reference.13dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156ANote: You cannot plot the same quantity on both axes. Attemptingto do so will result in the next available quantitybeing selected instead.Measurement PanelThe measurement panel provides text based output of VINand ADIN registers in volts, current registers in amperesand power registers in watts. For each quantity this paneldisplays the values of the maximum and minimum registers,the high and low limit threshold registers and thereal time reading register. These values get updated witheach polling of the device if there is any change.Figure 13. Measurement PanelDC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACEFigure 12. Performance Graph14dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AAccumulator PanelThe onboard accumulators have their own dedicated panelwhich displays the charge, energy and time base registervalues. The GUI takes this one step further by providingthe user with two extra text boxes which depict the averagecurrent and power from the time the control panel initiatedthe polling of the device. These values get updated witheach polling of the device if there is any change.Figure 14. Accumulator PanelADIN Resistor PanelThe ADIN pin on the demo board has a resistive divider, inthe form of R2 and R10, which allows the user to measurevoltages up to 102V. Since the ADIN pin has a full-scalevoltage of 2.048V, the voltage displayed is scaled internallyby the GUI based on the values entered in the R2 and R10text boxes. If the values of the onboard resistors changed,then these text boxes should be updated to reflect thatchange to get proper scaling. If no scaling is desired or ifthe ADIN pin is to be connected directly to a voltage sourceof up to 2.048V then the “R2 = 0 Ohms” checkbox can bechecked to eliminate the internal scaling presentin theGUI.Figure 15. Resistor MenuSetup and Quick Controls PanelThe Setup and Quick Controls panel allows the user toquickly change the sense resistor value (this must matchthe sense resistor present on the board), clear fault registersas well as the maximum and minimum registers ofall quantities, set the device address, perform ARA in thecase of an alert, as well as put the part in snapshot mode.There are two special checkboxes present in the Setup andQuick Controls panel which require further explanation.DC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACEFigure 16. Setup and Quick Controls15dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AThe Logging checkbox, once checked, will enable the GUIto store VIN, ADIN, current, power, energy and chargeregister values in a user defined .csv file. It will also logthe value of the fault register (in hexadecimal) so that theuser can see at what particular instant the fault registerchanged valueduring a fault. Note thatthis checkbox greysout once the start button is clicked and must be selectedbefore the start button is clicked if logging is desired.The Restore Accumulators checkbox enables the user toindividually clear accumulator overflow faults while stillretaining values. Each accumulator in the LTC2946 has itsown dedicated status and fault bits. Status bits representreal-time status of the part. If a fault occurs and then goesaway, the status bit would get set and then reset with thefault event. The fault bit would stay latched. The accumulatorstatus bits behave slightly differently in the sense thatthey stay latched once an accumulator overflows and donot get reset until the accumulator itself is reset. This isbecause an accumulator is still in overflow state once itrolls over until it is reset. The only way to reset the accumulatorsis by setting bits CB[1:0] to either 10 or 11.This however resets ALL of the accumulator registers. Toprevent this from happening and to allow the user to onlyreset a single accumulator fault, the Restore Accumulatorscheckbox first stores the information from all theaccumulators, resets the accumulators and then restoresthe accumulator values in the accumulator registers whichwere not selected to be reset.Alert/Fault Mask LEDsIn order to provide a friendly user interface, the LTC2946abstracts the ALERT mask and FAULT registers from theuser in the form of clickable LEDs. Each LED maps to acorresponding bit in the ALERT and FAULT registers. Forexample, the POWER OVERVALUE LED maps to bit 7 inthe ALERT1 and FAULT1 registers. Similarly, the GPIO1Input Fault LED maps to Bit 6 in the ALERT2 and FAULT2registers and so forth.Figure 17. Alert/Fault Mark LEDsThe LEDs have three states which indicate the status ofthe FAULT and ALERT registers.AninactiveLED, representedwith a greycolor, indicatesthatneither the alert bit nor the corresponding fault bit is set.An armed LED, represented with a green color, indicatesthat the corresponding alert bit has been set, however nofault event has occurred. This arms the ALERT# pin to pulllow if that particular fault event occurs.A faulted LED, represented with a red color, indicatesthat the corresponding fault bit has been set. Clicking ona faulted LED will clear that fault by resetting the correspondingfault bit. The LED will then return to its previousstate whether it was inactive or armed.DC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE16dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156ATab Interfac eThe tabbed interface allows the user to cycle between thevarious control and threshold registers of the LTC2946without losing view of the data. It consists of the followingthree tabs.Control Register AAs the name suggests, this tab gives the user direct accessto the CTRLA register in the form of radio buttons.Here, the user can configure the ADIN pin reference, offsetcalibration, voltage channel as well as the duty cycle ofmeasurements easily.Control Register B and GPIO ControlThis tab provides access to the CTRLB and allowscontrol of the GPIO pins through registers GPIO_CFGand GPIO3_CTRL.TheCTRLBregister canbeusedtoputthepartinshutdownmode as well as to configure handling of fault events. Thestate of the individual GPIO pins can also be configuredthrough this tab.DC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACEFigure 19. Control Register B and GPIO ControlFigure 18. Control Register A17dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156ADC2156A SOFTWARE USER INTERFACEThreshold and Initial ValuesThis tab provides access to the threshold registers withintheLTC2946. Theuser cansetthemaximumandminimumthresholds of power, current, VIN and ADIN here by enteringthe desired value and then clicking the correspondingbutton. Once thebuttonis clicked, thedata is first validated.If it is out of range a message box will pop up and requestthe user to enter data within the valid range. Once validdata is sent to the part, the corresponding text box in theMeasurementsPanelwillbeupdatedtoreflectthis change.The user can also set the initial values for the accumulatorshere. The time base is entered in hexadecimal format whilethe charge and energy values are entered in coulombs andjoules, respectively. Similar to the threshold section, theinformation must be sent by clicking on the correspondingbutton so that the data is first validated and then sentto the part.This tab also allows the user to set the frequency of theircrystal oscillator if they are using one. The demo boardcomes equipped with a 4MHz clock which is the defaultvalue. If no external clock is desired, the crystal present onthe demo board can be removed and the “Use LTC2946’sInternal Clock (5% Trimmed 250kHz)” checkbox can beselected to use the part’s internal clock.Figure 20. Threshold and Initial Values18dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AParts ListITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/PART NUMBERRequired Circuit Components1 1 C1 CAP., X7R 0.1μF 200V 10% 1206 AVX, 12062C104KAT2A2 2 C2, C5 CAP., X5R 0.1μF 25V 10% 0603 AVX, 06033D104KAT2A3 2 C3, C4 CAP., C0G, 36pF 25V 5% 0603 AVX, 06033A360JAT2A4 1 D1 VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR, 70V Diodes/Zetex, SMAT70A5 2 D2, D3 LED, GRN PLCC-2 (B-SIZE) Vishay, VLMC3101-GS086 1 D4 LED, AMBER PLCC-2 (B-SIZE) Vishay, VLMH3100-GS087 1 D5 LED, RED PLCC-2 (B-SIZE) Vishay, VLMS3000-GS088 1 D6 DIODE, DUAL SCHOTTKY, SOT-23 Fairchild, BAT54C9 4 E1, E2, E3, E4 TP, TURRET, .094 Mill-Max, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-010 15 E5–E19 TP, TURRET, .064 Mill-Max, 2308-2-00-80-00-00-07-011 3 JP1, JP2, JP3 HEADERS, DBL. ROW 2 X 3 2mm CTRS. Sullins, NRPN032PAEN-RC12 4 J1, J2, J3, J4 BANANA JACK, NON-INSULATED Keystone, 575-413 1 J5 CONN., HEADER, 14 PIN, 2mm Molex, 87831-142014 1 Q1 MOSFET N-CHAN,60V 115MA SOT23 Diodes/Zetex, 2N7002-7-F15 1 RSNS RES., LRC 0.020Ω 1.0W 1% 2010 IRC, LRF20 10LF-01-R020-F16 1 R1 RES., CHIP 51Ω 0.1W 5% 0603 Vishay, CRCW060351R0JNEA17 1 R2 RES., CHIP 147k 0.1W 1% 0603 Vishay, CRCW0603147KFKEA18 4 R3, R5, R7, R9 RES., CHIP 3.3k 0.1W 5% 0603 Vishay, CRCW06033K30JNEA19 3 R4, R6, R8 RES., CHIP 100k 0.1W 5% 0603 Vishay, CRCW0603100KJNEA20 1 R10 RES., CHIP 3k 0.1W 1% 0603 Vishay, CRCW06033K00FKEA21 0 R11, R12 RES, 0603 Opt22 1 R14 RES, 0Ω, 0603 Vishay, CRCW0603000JNEA23 3 R15, R16, R17 RES., CHIP 5.1k 0.1W 5% 0603 Vishay, CRCW06035K10JNEA24 1 U1 I.C., POWER MONITOR, DFN16DE-4X3 Linear Technology, LTC2946IDE25 1 U2 I.C., SERIAL EEPROM TSSOP-8 Microchip, 24LC025-I/ST26 1 Y1 XTAL, 4 MHz, Y-ABLS Abracon Corp., ABLS-4.000MHz-B2-T28 3 SHUNTS AS SHOWN ON ASSY DWG SHUNT, 2mm CTRS. Samtec 2SN-BK-G29 4 MH1–MH4 STAND-OFF, NYLON 0.25 Keystone, 8831 (SNAP ON)19dc2156afDEMO MANUAL DC2156AInformation furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representationthat the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.Figure 21. DC2156A Demo Circuit SchematicSchematic DiagramNOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED1. ALL RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS, 0603. ALL CAPACITORS ARE IN MICROFARADS, 0603.2. INSTALL SHUNTS AS SHOWN.NOTE: EEPROM FOR BOARD IDENTIFICATIONDC590 I2C INTERFACE* DEFAULTJUMPER POSITIONSREMOVE R14 TO SEPERATE SDAI AND SDAOTO DC590BVOUT VININTVCCINTVCCVGPIOVGPIOVPUVPUVPUSIZEDATE:IC NO. REV.SHEET OFTITLE:APPROVALSPCB DES.APP ENG.TECHNOLOGY1630 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035Phone: (408)432-1900Fax: (408)434-0507LTC Confidential-For Customer Use OnlyCUSTOMER NOTICELINEAR TECHNOLOGY HAS MADE A BEST EFFORT TO DESIGN ACIRCUIT THAT MEETS CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED SPECIFICATIONS;HOWEVER, IT REMAINS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITY TOVERIFY PROPER AND RELIABLE OPERATION IN THE ACTUALAPPLICATION. COMPONENT SUBSTITUTION AND PRINTEDCIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CIRCUITPERFORMANCE OR RELIABILITY. CONTACT LINEARTECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING FOR ASSISTANCE.THIS CIRCUIT IS PROPRIETARY TO LINEAR TECHNOLOGY ANDSCHEMATICSUPPLIED FOR USE WITH LINEAR TECHNOLOGY PARTS. SCALE = NONEwww.linear.com2 DEMO CIRCUIT 2156A05/28/2014, 05:25 PM 1 1WIDE RANGE I2C POWER MONITORN/ALTC2946IDEKIM T.SAL H.WITH ENERGY AND COULOMB METERSIZEDATE:IC NO. REV.SHEET OFTITLE:APPROVALSPCB DES.APP ENG.TECHNOLOGY1630 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035Phone: (408)432-1900Fax: (408)434-0507LTC Confidential-For Customer Use OnlyCUSTOMER NOTICELINEAR TECHNOLOGY HAS MADE A BEST EFFORT TO DESIGN ACIRCUIT THAT MEETS CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED SPECIFICATIONS;HOWEVER, IT REMAINS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITY TOVERIFY PROPER AND RELIABLE OPERATION IN THE ACTUALAPPLICATION. COMPONENT SUBSTITUTION AND PRINTEDCIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CIRCUITPERFORMANCE OR RELIABILITY. CONTACT LINEARTECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING FOR ASSISTANCE.THIS CIRCUIT IS PROPRIETARY TO LINEAR TECHNOLOGY ANDSCHEMATICSUPPLIED FOR USE WITH LINEAR TECHNOLOGY PARTS. SCALE = NONEwww.linear.com2 DEMO CIRCUIT 2156A05/28/2014, 05:25 PM 1 1WIDE RANGE I2C POWER MONITORN/ALTC2946IDEKIM T.SAL H.WITH ENERGY AND COULOMB METERSIZEDATE:IC NO. REV.SHEET OFTITLE:APPROVALSPCB DES.APP ENG.TECHNOLOGY1630 McCarthy Blvd.Milpitas, CA 95035Phone: (408)432-1900Fax: (408)434-0507LTC Confidential-For Customer Use OnlyCUSTOMER NOTICELINEAR TECHNOLOGY HAS MADE A BEST EFFORT TO DESIGN ACIRCUIT THAT MEETS CUSTOMER-SUPPLIED SPECIFICATIONS;HOWEVER, IT REMAINS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITY TOVERIFY PROPER AND RELIABLE OPERATION IN THE ACTUALAPPLICATION. COMPONENT SUBSTITUTION AND PRINTEDCIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT CIRCUITPERFORMANCE OR RELIABILITY. CONTACT LINEARTECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING FOR ASSISTANCE.THIS CIRCUIT IS PROPRIETARY TO LINEAR TECHNOLOGY ANDSCHEMATICSUPPLIED FOR USE 本团队核心人员组成主要包括硅谷工程师、BAT一线工程师,精通德英语!我们主要业务范围是代做编程大作业、课程设计等等。我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全 汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写编程、代写程序、代写留学生程序作业语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:C/C++/C#代写Java代写IT代写Python代写辅导编程作业Matlab代写Haskell代写Processing代写Linux环境搭建Rust代写Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写MIPS代写Machine Learning 作业 代写Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导Web开发、网站开发、网站作业ASP.NET网站开发Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代Prolog代写Computer Computational method代做因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com 微信:codehelp

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  • 本文介绍了一个题目的解法,通过二分答案来解决问题,但困难在于如何进行检查。文章提供了一种逃逸方式,通过移动最慢的宿管来锁门时跑到更居中的位置,从而使所有合格的寝室都居中。文章还提到可以分开判断两边的情况,并使用前缀和的方式来求出在任意时刻能够到达宿管即将锁门的寝室的人数。最后,文章提到可以改成O(n)的直接枚举来解决问题。 ... [详细]
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