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I have added Crashlytics into my iOS app via Fabric for providing crash reports. I've followed the instructions given with Fabric, placed the Fabric calling method last in applicationDidFinishLaunching and verified that my dYSM is up to date. When my app crashes on my iPhone 6 the crash is logged and reported fine. I also have a beta distributed using Fabric's beta testing service to a few friends. For some reason at least one of them has been experiencing crashes on an iPhone 4s and I haven't received a single report for this device. Is there a common cause for such a problem?

我已经通过Fabric将Crashlytics添加到我的iOS应用程序中,以提供崩溃报告。我按照Fabric给出的说明,将Fabric调用方法放在applicationDidFinishLaunching的最后,并验证我的dYSM是最新的。当我的应用程序在我的iPhone 6上崩溃时,会记录崩溃并报告正常。我也有一个使用Fabric的beta测试服务分发给一些朋友的测试版。出于某种原因,其中至少有一个人在iPhone 4s上遇到过崩溃,而且我还没有收到有关此设备的单一报告。这样的问题有共同的原因吗?

1 个解决方案



As a sanity make sure that you and your tester have allowed crash reports to be sent. Go to Settings->Privacy->Diagnostics & Usage and dust accordingly.

作为一种理智,确保您和您的测试人员允许发送崩溃报告。转到设置 - >隐私 - >诊断和使用并相应地清除灰尘。

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