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I'd like to be able to add an option to the download dialog that pops-up in Firefox when starting a file download. Is it possible to do so using the new add-on SDK or do I have to do it the old way?


edit: Obviously, if the new option is selected, I need a way to know it and execute code based on it.


3 个解决方案



That's something you would use XUL overlays for. I guess that the dialog you are talking about is chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul - the download manager. AFAIK doing this isn't possible with the Add-on SDK, it only provides the most common UI integration points. You could create a traditional extension however, it can overlay any dialog.

这是你将使用XUL叠加的东西。我想您正在谈论的对话框是chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul - 下载管理器。使用Add-on SDK无法实现AFAIK,它只提供最常见的UI集成点。您可以创建传统扩展,但它可以覆盖任何对话框。



There is no existing module that will help you that I know of, so you would have to create one, or wait for one to be made by someone else. But the main idea to extending browser UI is simple, and goes like this:


  1. When the addon is loaded, scan for open windows of the type that you wish to extend.
  2. 加载插件后,扫描要扩展的类型的打开窗口。
  3. extend the open windows by adding xul elements and Javascript to the page.
  4. 通过向页面添加xul元素和Javascript来扩展打开的窗口。
  5. listen for newly opened windows, and test that they are the type that you are looking for once they open
  6. 听取新打开的窗口,并测试它们是打开后要查找的类型
  7. extend newly opened windows while your addon is active
  8. 在您的插件处于活动状态时扩展新打开的窗口
  9. Clean up after yourself when windows close or when your addon is disabled/uninstalled.
  10. 当Windows关闭或禁用/卸载插件时,请自行清理。

The last step is the most important and never matter with old school extensions which were not restartless.


Some for the built-in modules that you can look at that do this are the widget module, the context menu module, and the hotkeys module, all of which you can find here.


I've made a couple myself which are the toolbar button module, the xulkeys module, the menuitems module, and a few others, all of which you can find here.




Recently I wrote an extension do the same things. A bootstrap extension, not using addon-sdk.


I already submit it on AMO, but wait for review




And the source code




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