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Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD)


Part I – Create and use Virtual machine

Life cycle services


1.     Login to Lifecycle services using your work account. URL: https://lcs.dynamics.com/

2.     Go to Shared asset library. Direct URL: https://lcs.dynamics.com/V2/SharedAssetLibrary

3.     Select Downloadable VHD.

4.     Microsoft publishes recent version of Dynamics 365 Operations VHD files from time to time here. Download the desired version files as indicated in below screenshot.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

5.     Once all files are downloaded, extract the VHD by running “xxx01.exe” file.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

6.     Once extracted you will see VHD file as below:

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Windows Hyper-V Manager


Enable Hyper-V

1.     Enable Hyper-V manager role and restart windows. Go to control panel > programs.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Create Virtual networks


2.     Open Hyper-V manager and create network switches

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

External switch (To enable internet connection)

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Internal switch (To enable local network connection)

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Create new virtual machine

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Start Virtual machine


1.     Select the imported VM and click Start.

2.     Login to windows using:

User Id: Administrator

Password: pass@word1


Provision admin user


1.     On the desktop, double click “Admin user provisioning” tool.

2.     Enter your organization user account.

3.     Once user gets successfully provisioned, use below URL to access Dynamics 365 Operations: https://usnconeboxax1aos.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com

4.     Under login page use credentials for organization account user for provisioning. 


Part II – Configure Azure DevOps 

Azure DevOps, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services, the source code management repository tool that's used with Dynamics 365 Operations to make. Workspaces require that every computer or VM have a unique name. DevOps team integration will fail if you have two or more VMs that have the same name. Therefore, it is crucial that you rename your VM.

1. Open the Windows Explorer, by clicking on the shortcut in the lower left corner:

2. Right click on My PC in the left and select properties.

3. Click on the "Change Settings" button.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

4. Click on the "Change" button in the System Properties -> Computer Name tab.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

5. Change the computer name to some unique name within your organization and click on the "OK" button.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

6. You will be informed that you will have to restart your computer, click on the "OK" button. Then click on the "Close" button.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

7. You will then be prompted to restart the computer, click on the "Restart Now" button.

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Visual Studio (version control setup)


Reporting Services RS (change computer name in configuration)

Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片
Configure Dynamics 365 for Operations Virtual Machine/Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) - 文章图片

Activate or Rearm Windows license

By default windows license would be active for 180 days. In order to activate or rearm, follow below instructions.

Run command prompt as administrator.

slmgr –rearm

Check no of rearms left

slmgr -dlv


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