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Ever since I upgrade from Chrome 58 => 59 on Mac OS El Capitan, when I use Dev Tools Network inspector to view WebSocket frames, the frames no longer are visible. We build an app that makes heavy use of WS, so I rely heavily on this capability.

自从我在Mac OS El Capitan上从Chrome 58 => 59升级后,当我使用Dev Tools网络检查器查看WebSocket框架时,框架不再可见。我们构建了一个大量使用WS的应用程序,所以我非常依赖这个功能。

I thought perhaps it was something maybe we changed in our app -- encoding or protocol that maybe causes it to not show up, so I tried this simple test here: https://websocket.org/echo.html

我想也许这可能是我们在应用程序中改变的 - 编码或协议可能导致它不显示,所以我在这里尝试了这个简单的测试:https://websocket.org/echo.html

  1. Open DevTools
  2. 打开DevTools
  3. Go to https://websocket.org/echo.html
  4. 转到https://websocket.org/echo.html
  5. Go to Network tab, filter on WS, go to Frames tab
  6. 转到“网络”选项卡,在WS上过滤,转到“帧”选项卡
  7. Click Connect in echo app followed by Send Message
  8. 单击echo in echo app,然后单击Send Message

This results in no frames showing up in DevTools, but the socket messages work fine with the app. I've asked a few other people and some of them do not have this problem.


I'm wondering if I either have an extension that is causing this issue, or if I have some other arcane setting that might be blocking the frames from displaying?


enter image description here

2 个解决方案



The bottom "frame details panel" sometimes hides the "frames list" panel, unless you hover your mouse under a column header and drag down.


wonderful websockets ux design



Ugh, the UI was pulling the wool over my eyes. The pane that shows new frames was pulled all the way up so I could not see them.


It's a split pane with the frame summary on top, and individual frame inspector on bottom -- but the split divider was pulled all the way to the top. Was tough to see that. Google UI team: would be great to provide a better visual indicator on this :)

它是一个拆分窗格,顶部是框架摘要,底部是单独的框架检查器 - 但拆分分隔线一直拉到顶部。很难看到这一点。 Google UI团队:很高兴为此提供更好的视觉指示:)

enter image description here

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