作者:Aaron Chen | 来源:互联网 | 2024-10-19 13:25
基础篇 CleanCode《代码整洁之道》PragmaticUnitTesting《单元测试之道》TheProductiveProgrammer《卓有成效的程序员》Test-Dr
Clean Code《代码整洁之道》
Pragmatic Unit Testing《单元测试之道》
The Productive Programmer《卓有成效的程序员》
Test-Driven Development By Example《测试驱动开发》
The Clean Coder《程序员的职业修养》
The Art of Readable Code《编写可读代码的艺术》
Refactoring To Patterns《重构与模式》
Implementation Patterns《实现模式》
Code Completed《代码⼤全》
The Pragmatic Programmer《程序员修炼之道》
tructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
《计算机程序的构造和解释》 Working Effectively with Legacy Code
《修改代码的艺术》 Architecture & Design | 架构与设计
Agile Software Development
《敏捷软件开发:原则、实践与模式》 Head First Design Patterns
《深⼊浅出设计模式》 Design Patterns
The Art of UNIX Programming 《Unix编程艺术》
Practical API Design 《框架设计的艺术》
Domain Specific Languages 《领域特定语⾔》
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture 《企业应⽤架构模式》
Release It 《上之》
Domain-Driven Design 《领域驱动设计》
Enterprise Integration Patterns《企业集成模式》
Beautiful Architecture《架构之美》
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture《⾯向模式的软件架构》
Methodology |
User Stories Applied《⽤户故事与敏捷⽅法》
The Gold Mine《⾦矿》
Scrum and XP From the Trenches《硝烟中的 Scrum 和 XP》
Continuous Integration《持续集成》
Extreme Programming Explained《解析极限编程》
Lean Thinking《精益思想》
Continuous Delivery《持续交付》
How Google Tests Software Agile Testing Extreme Programming Refactored《重构极限编程》
Specification By Example Thought & Leadership | 思想与领导⼒
基础篇 The Effective Executive《卓有成效的管理者》
Are Your Lights On?《你的灯亮着吗》
Becoming A Technical Leader《成为技术领导者》
The Fifth Discipline《第五项修炼》
The Design Of Business Management 3.0《管理 3.0:培养和提升敏捷领导⼒》
Presentation To Win The McKinsey Way《⻨肯锡⽅法》
⾼级篇 Thinking, Fast and Slow《思考快与慢