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I'm writing a plug-in for a piece of software that takes a big collection of items and pops them into HTML in a WebView in Cocoa (which uses WebKit as its renderer, so basically you can assume this HTML file is being opened in Safari).


The DIVs it makes are of dynamic height, but they don't vary too much. They're usually around 200px. Anyway, with around six-hundred of these items per document, I'm having a really rough time getting it to print. Unless I get lucky, there's an entry chopped in half at the bottom and top of every page, and that makes actually using printouts very difficult.

它制作的DIVs是动态高度,但他们没有太多变化。他们通常在200 px。不管怎么说,每一份文档中大约有600个这样的条目,我很难把它打印出来。除非我很幸运,否则每一页的底部和顶部都有一个条目被切成两半,这使得使用打印输出变得非常困难。

I've tried page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside, and combinations of the three to no avail. I think it might be WebKit not properly rendering the instructions, or maybe it's my lack of understanding of how to use them. At any rate, I need help. How can I prevent the cutting-in-half of my DIVs when printing?

我已经尝试过了page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside,以及三者的组合都没有效果。我认为可能是WebKit没有正确地呈现指令,或者可能是我不理解如何使用它们。无论如何,我需要帮助。在印刷时如何防止插页?

8 个解决方案



This should work:


@media print  
        page-break-inside: avoid;

Please note current browser support (12-03-2014):


  • Chrome - 1.0+
  • 铬- 1.0 +
  • Firefox (Gecko) - 19.0+
  • Firefox(壁虎)- 19.0 +
  • Internet Explorer - 8.0+
  • Internet Explorer - 8.0 +
  • Opera - 7.0+
  • 歌剧- 7.0 +
  • Safari - 1.3+ (312)
  • Safari 1.3 +(312)



Only a partial solution: The only way I could get this to work for IE was to wrap each div in it's own table and set the page-break-inside on the table to avoid.




I have the same problem bu no solution yet. page-break-inside does not work on browsers but Opera. An alternative might be to use page-break-after: avoid; on all child elements of the div to keep togehter ... but in my tests, the avoid-Attribute does not work eg. in Firefox ...

我有同样的问题,但还没有解决方案。打开页面-在浏览器上不工作,而是在Opera上工作。另一种选择可能是使用page-break-after: avoid;在所有子元素的div保持在一起…但是在我的测试中,回避属性不起作用。在Firefox中……

What works in all ppular browsers are forced page breaks using eg. page-break-after: always




The possible values for page-break-after are: auto, always, avoid, left, right

页面中断后的可能值是:auto, always, avoid, left, right

I believe that you can’t use thie page-break-after property on absolutely positioned elements.

我相信你不能在绝对定位的元素上使用thie page-break-after属性。



page-break-inside: avoid; definitely does not work in webkit, in fact has been a known issue for 5+ years now https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5097


As far as my research has gone, there is no known method to accomplish this (I am working on figuring out my own hack)


The advice I can give you is, to accomplish this functionality in FF, wrap the content that you don;t want to break ever inside a DIV (or any container) with overflow: auto (just be careful not to cause weird scroll bars to show up by sizing the container too small).


Sadly, FF is the only browser I managed to accomplish this in, and webkit is the one I am more worried about.




page-break-inside: avoid; gave me trouble using wkhtmltopdf.


To avoid breaks in the text add display: table; to the CSS of the text-containing div.


I hope this works for you too. Thanks JohnS.




One pitfall I ran into was a parent element having the 'overflow' attribute set to 'auto'. This negates child div elements with the page-break-inside attribute in the print version. Otherwise, page-break-inside: avoid works fine on Chrome for me.




In my case I managed to fix the page break difficulties in webkit by setting my selected divs to page-break-inside:avoid, and also setting all elements to display:inline. So like this:


@media print{
* {
script, style { 
div {


It seems like page-break-properties can only be applied to inline elements (in webkit). I tried to only apply display:inline to the particular elements I needed, but this didn't work. The only thing that worked was applying inline to all elements. I guess it's one of the large container div' that's messing things up.


Maybe someone could expand on this.


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