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Within HTTP2:


So when request one html page, with multiple domains(www.example.com, api.example.com...), it is said, there will be multiple connections.

因此,当请求一个html页面时,有多个域(www.example.com, api.example.com…),会有多个连接。

but what if these domains share one same IP? Are there still multiple connections?


2 个解决方案



That depends on the client.



http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html HttpExtra

Clients SHOULD NOT open more than one HTTP/2 connection to a given host and port pair, where the host is derived from a URI, a selected alternative service [ALT-SVC], or a configured proxy.



A client MAY open multiple connections to the same IP address and TCP port using different Server Name Indication [TLS-EXT] values or to provide different TLS client certificates but SHOULD avoid creating multiple connections with the same configuration.

客户端可以使用不同的服务器名称指示[TLS- ext]值打开同一个IP地址和TCP端口的多个连接,或者提供不同的TLS客户端证书,但是应该避免使用相同的配置创建多个连接。


Connections that are made to an origin server, either directly or through a tunnel created using the CONNECT method (Section 8.3), MAY be reused for requests with multiple different URI authority components. A connection can be reused as long as the origin server is authoritative (Section 10.1). For TCP connections without TLS, this depends on the host having resolved to the same IP address.


So there's not really a hard requirement, so if a client has very good reasons for making multiple connections instead of reusing one it is allowed to do so.


Specially if both domains use a different TLS certificate (not one where both names are present as SubjectAltNames) I'd expect to see a separate connection for each.

特别是如果两个域都使用不同的TLS证书(而不是两个名称都作为subject - taltnames显示的证书),我希望看到每个域都有单独的连接。



As @mata says this is up to the client.


However one clear use case is in connection coalescing.


Under HTTP/1.1 domains were often sharded (e.g. www.example.com might also have a static.example.com domain for serving static assets). This was for two reasons:


  1. To break the 6-8 connection limit per domain that browsers often used and allow more downloads in parallel.
  2. 为了打破浏览器经常使用的每个域的6-8连接限制,并允许更多的并行下载。
  3. To have so called "COOKIE-less" domains which saved on the overhead of sending these HTTP headers for static assets that didn't need them (e.g. images, css, Javascript).
  4. 有所谓的“无COOKIE”域,它节省了将这些HTTP头发送给不需要它们的静态资产(例如图像、css、Javascript)的开销。

Under HTTP/2 there is one connection and the limit on parallel downloads is the stream limit which is much higher (usually 100-150 though can also be unlimited). Additionally with HPACK header compression large COOKIEs cause less of a performance hit (though there can still be security issues which can be another reason for COOKIE-less domains).


So, should we just give up on sharded domains completely now? What about those clients that cannot support HTTP/2? While support is very good it is not universal and those behind proxy connections (e.g. corporate connections or antivirus software) often cannot use this even if their browsers can.


Connection coalescing is used by browsers to collapse near identical connections (usually those with the same IP address and same TLS certificate) into one connection rather than opening a single one when using HTTP/2 and allows HTTP/1.1 connections to continue seeing these as separate domains. Daniel Haxx has the best blog post on how this is actually implemented by browsers(though it's about a year and a half old at the time of writing so this may have changed). To summarise it, Chrome uses it as you'd expect, Firefox is (overly?) aggressive about coalescing in as many circumstances as it can (and maybe some that it shouldn't!) and Edge and Safari don't do coalescing at all.

浏览器使用连接合并将几乎相同的连接(通常是具有相同IP地址和相同TLS证书的连接)合并到一个连接中,而不是在使用HTTP/2时打开一个连接,并允许HTTP/1.1连接继续将这些连接视为独立的域。Daniel Haxx有一篇关于浏览器是如何实现这一功能的最好的博客文章(尽管写这篇文章的时候已经有一年半的时间了,所以可能已经发生了变化)。总而言之,Chrome按照你所期望的那样使用它,Firefox在尽可能多的情况下(也许有些情况下它不应该这么做)积极地进行合并,而Edge和Safari根本就没有合并。

If a connection is coalesced when it shouldn't be, the server can respond with a 421 HTTP Status code which basically means "What are you doing, that's not a request for me!!" and the browser can then try again with a separate connection.

如果连接不应该被合并,服务器可以使用421 HTTP状态码进行响应,这基本上意味着“您在做什么,这不是我的请求!”,然后浏览器可以再次尝试使用一个单独的连接。

It also looks like that HTTP/2 will shortly add the ORIGIN Frame which will allow the server to respond to any request with a "hey, I can also serve you api.example.com requests if you want" style message. Even if the IP address doesn't match (which has some people concerned about the security implications of that!).


While we're on the topic, it's not always the case that as single domain will always use one connection either. Read Jake Archibald's excellent post on HTTP/2 Push which shows that there are various circumstances when that's not the case (summarised as: for non-credentialed requests, when having the same domain open in a separate tab in Edge, or randomly even on the same tab for Safari).

虽然我们在讨论这个主题,但并不总是单个域总是使用一个连接。请阅读Jake Archibald在HTTP/2 Push上发表的优秀文章,该文章显示,当情况并非如此时,会出现各种各样的情况(总结为:对于未认证的请求,当同一域在Edge的另一个选项卡中打开时,或者在Safari的同一个选项卡上随机打开时)。

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