作者:爱夫777 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-10-15 13:45
第29期OSC源创会#南京#开始报名,AngularJS、Netty 等
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.7 发布,此版本现已提供下载。此版本是个分支版本,包括 bug 修复和系统改进,建议每位用户都升级到最新版本!更多更新内容请看发行说明。
Changes in Oak 1.0.7
Bug 修复
[OAK-1768] - DocumentNodeBuilder.setChildNode() runs OOM with large tree
[OAK-2118] - Aggregation cursor introduces doubles in the result set
[OAK-2123] - Tests do not tear down repository completely
[OAK-2127] - Long running merge may block other commits
[OAK-2132] - BackgroundWriteTest uses relative paths
[OAK-2142] - Possibility of numeric overflow in blobCacheSize in DocumentMK
[OAK-2144] - Intermittent Node not found at given revision with
[OAK-2146] - empty resultset for PropertyIndex and multi-value
properties with mixed OR+AND
[OAK-2147] - [Ordered Index] Indexing on large content is slow
[OAK-2151] - DocumentNodeStore does not detect hierarchy conflict
[OAK-2157] - Better error message for getPrimaryItem
[OAK-2163] - Oak-run "checkpoint" and "backup" don't use memory mapped files
[OAK-2166] - CacheConsistencyTest may fail with IllegalStateException
[OAK-2167] - Last revision recover incomplete
[OAK-2172] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Segment.getRefId()
protection and logs
[OAK-2057] - Add timing to OrderedIndex
[OAK-2115] - Turn async indexer checkpoint warning log to debug
[OAK-2120] - Simplify BranchStates
[OAK-2133] - Lucene: improved batching and logging
[OAK-2134] - Lucene: not using the path restriction can speed up queries
[OAK-2143] - NodeObservor should catch exception in case event processing
[OAK-2160] - mk.getRevisionHistory: clarify since parameter
[OAK-2161] - MicroKernelIT: clean test content
[OAK-2054] - MissingLastRevSeeker optimized only for MongoDS
[OAK-2141] - Log timing of background operation
Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..
随着内容管理应用程序的日益普及,对用于内容仓库的普通、标准化 API 的需求已凸现出来。Content Repository for
Java Technology API (JSR-170) 的目标就是提供这样一个接口。JSR-170
的一个主要优点是,它不绑定到任何特定的底层架构。例如,JSR-170 实现的后端数据存储可以是文件系统、WebDAV 仓库、支持 XML
的系统,甚至还可以是 SQL 数据库。此外,JSR-170 的导出和导入功能允许一个集成器在内容后端与 JCR 实现之间无缝地切换。