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/** Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and* limitations under the License.*/#ifndef ANDROID_STRING8_H
#define ANDROID_STRING8_H#include
#include #include // for strcmp
#include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------namespace android {class String16;
class TextOutput;//! This is a string holding UTF-8 characters. Does not allow the value more
// than 0x10FFFF, which is not valid unicode codepoint.
class String8
public:String8();String8(const String8& o);explicit String8(const char* o);explicit String8(const char* o, size_t numChars);explicit String8(const String16& o);explicit String8(const char16_t* o);explicit String8(const char16_t* o, size_t numChars);explicit String8(const char32_t* o);explicit String8(const char32_t* o, size_t numChars);~String8();static inline const String8 empty();static String8 format(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)));static String8 formatV(const char* fmt, va_list args);inline const char* string() const;inline size_t size() const;inline size_t length() const;inline size_t bytes() const;inline bool isEmpty() const;inline const SharedBuffer* sharedBuffer() const;void clear();void setTo(const String8& other);status_t setTo(const char* other);status_t setTo(const char* other, size_t numChars);status_t setTo(const char16_t* other, size_t numChars);status_t setTo(const char32_t* other,size_t length);status_t append(const String8& other);status_t append(const char* other);status_t append(const char* other, size_t numChars);status_t appendFormat(const char* fmt, ...)__attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3)));status_t appendFormatV(const char* fmt, va_list args);// Note that this function takes O(N) time to calculate the value.// No cache value is stored.size_t getUtf32Length() const;int32_t getUtf32At(size_t index,size_t *next_index) const;void getUtf32(char32_t* dst) const;inline String8& operator&#61;(const String8& other);inline String8& operator&#61;(const char* other);inline String8& operator&#43;&#61;(const String8& other);inline String8 operator&#43;(const String8& other) const;inline String8& operator&#43;&#61;(const char* other);inline String8 operator&#43;(const char* other) const;inline int compare(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator<(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator<&#61;(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator&#61;&#61;(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator!&#61;(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator>&#61;(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator>(const String8& other) const;inline bool operator<(const char* other) const;inline bool operator<&#61;(const char* other) const;inline bool operator&#61;&#61;(const char* other) const;inline bool operator!&#61;(const char* other) const;inline bool operator>&#61;(const char* other) const;inline bool operator>(const char* other) const;inline operator const char*() const;char* lockBuffer(size_t size);void unlockBuffer();status_t unlockBuffer(size_t size);// return the index of the first byte of other in this at or after// start, or -1 if not foundssize_t find(const char* other, size_t start &#61; 0) const;void toLower();void toLower(size_t start, size_t numChars);void toUpper();void toUpper(size_t start, size_t numChars);/** These methods operate on the string as if it were a path name.*//** Set the filename field to a specific value.** Normalizes the filename, removing a trailing &#39;/&#39; if present.*/void setPathName(const char* name);void setPathName(const char* name, size_t numChars);/** Get just the filename component.** "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "bar.c"*/String8 getPathLeaf(void) const;/** Remove the last (file name) component, leaving just the directory* name.** "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "/tmp/foo"* "/tmp" --> "" // ????? shouldn&#39;t this be "/" ???? XXX* "bar.c" --> ""*/String8 getPathDir(void) const;/** Retrieve the front (root dir) component. Optionally also return the* remaining components.** "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "tmp" (remain &#61; "foo/bar.c")* "/tmp" --> "tmp" (remain &#61; "")* "bar.c" --> "bar.c" (remain &#61; "")*/String8 walkPath(String8* outRemains &#61; NULL) const;/** Return the filename extension. This is the last &#39;.&#39; and any number* of characters that follow it. The &#39;.&#39; is included in case we* decide to expand our definition of what constitutes an extension.** "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> ".c"* "/tmp" --> ""* "/tmp/foo.bar/baz" --> ""* "foo.jpeg?s=#34; --> ".jpeg?s=#34;* "foo." --> ""*/String8 getPathExtension(void) const;/** Return the path without the extension. Rules for what constitutes* an extension are described in the comment for getPathExtension().** "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "/tmp/foo/bar"*/String8 getBasePath(void) const;/** Add a component to the pathname. We guarantee that there is* exactly one path separator between the old path and the new.* If there is no existing name, we just copy the new name in.** If leaf is a fully qualified path (i.e. starts with &#39;/&#39;, it* replaces whatever was there before.*/String8& appendPath(const char* leaf);String8& appendPath(const String8& leaf) { return appendPath(leaf.string()); }/** Like appendPath(), but does not affect this string. Returns a new one instead.*/String8 appendPathCopy(const char* leaf) const{ String8 p(*this); p.appendPath(leaf); return p; }String8 appendPathCopy(const String8& leaf) const { return appendPathCopy(leaf.string()); }/** Converts all separators in this string to /, the default path separator.** If the default OS separator is backslash, this converts all* backslashes to slashes, in-place. Otherwise it does nothing.* Returns self.*/String8& convertToResPath();private:status_t real_append(const char* other, size_t numChars);char* find_extension(void) const;const char* mString;
};// String8 can be trivially moved using memcpy() because moving does not
// require any change to the underlying SharedBuffer contents or reference count.
ANDROID_TRIVIAL_MOVE_TRAIT(String8)TextOutput& operator<<(TextOutput& to, const String16& val);// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No user servicable parts below.inline int compare_type(const String8& lhs, const String8& rhs)
{return lhs.compare(rhs);
}inline int strictly_order_type(const String8& lhs, const String8& rhs)
{return compare_type(lhs, rhs) <0;
}inline const String8 String8::empty() {return String8();
}inline const char* String8::string() const
{return mString;
}inline size_t String8::length() const
{return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)-1;
}inline size_t String8::size() const
{return length();
}inline bool String8::isEmpty() const
{return length() &#61;&#61; 0;
}inline size_t String8::bytes() const
{return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)-1;
}inline const SharedBuffer* String8::sharedBuffer() const
{return SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString);
}inline String8& String8::operator&#61;(const String8& other)
{setTo(other);return *this;
}inline String8& String8::operator&#61;(const char* other)
{setTo(other);return *this;
}inline String8& String8::operator&#43;&#61;(const String8& other)
{append(other);return *this;
}inline String8 String8::operator&#43;(const String8& other) const
{String8 tmp(*this);tmp &#43;&#61; other;return tmp;
}inline String8& String8::operator&#43;&#61;(const char* other)
{append(other);return *this;
}inline String8 String8::operator&#43;(const char* other) const
{String8 tmp(*this);tmp &#43;&#61; other;return tmp;
}inline int String8::compare(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString);
}inline bool String8::operator<(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) <0;
}inline bool String8::operator<&#61;(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) <&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator&#61;&#61;(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) &#61;&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator!&#61;(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) !&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator>&#61;(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) >&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator>(const String8& other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other.mString) > 0;
}inline bool String8::operator<(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) <0;
}inline bool String8::operator<&#61;(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) <&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator&#61;&#61;(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) &#61;&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator!&#61;(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) !&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator>&#61;(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) >&#61; 0;
}inline bool String8::operator>(const char* other) const
{return strcmp(mString, other) > 0;
}inline String8::operator const char*() const
{return mString;
}} // namespace android// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------#endif // ANDROID_STRING8_H


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