o IBinder接口
virtual status_t transact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0) = 0;
客户端 | 请求通过内核模块中转 | 服务端 |
o 客户端
status_t BpBinder::transact(
uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
// Once a binder has died, it will never come back to life.
if (mAlive) {
status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(
mHandle, code, data, reply, flags);
if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) mAlive = 0;
return status;
· code 是请求的ID号。
· data 是请求的参数。
· reply 是返回的结果。
· flags 一些额外的标识,如FLAG_ONEWAY。通常为0。
status_t IPCThreadState::transact(int32_t handle,
uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
status_t err = data.errorCheck();
flags |= TF_ACCEPT_FDS;
TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog);
alog <<"BC_TRANSACTION thr " <<(void*)pthread_self() <<" / hand "
< < } if (err &#61;&#61; NO_ERROR) { LOG_ONEWAY(">>>> SEND from pid %d uid %d %s", getpid(), getuid(), (flags & TF_ONE_WAY) &#61;&#61; 0 ? "READ REPLY" : "ONE WAY"); err &#61; writeTransactionData(BC_TRANSACTION, flags, handle, code, data, NULL); } if (err !&#61; NO_ERROR) { if (reply) reply->setError(err); return (mLastError &#61; err); } if ((flags & TF_ONE_WAY) &#61;&#61; 0) { if (reply) { err &#61; waitForResponse(reply); } else { Parcel fakeReply; err &#61; waitForResponse(&fakeReply); } IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() { TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog); alog <<"BR_REPLY thr " <<(void*)pthread_self() <<" / hand " < if (reply) alog < else alog <<"(none requested)" < } } else { err &#61; waitForResponse(NULL, NULL); } return err; } status_t IPCThreadState::waitForResponse(Parcel *reply, status_t *acquireResult) { int32_t cmd; int32_t err; while (1) { if ((err&#61;talkWithDriver()) err &#61; mIn.errorCheck(); if (err if (mIn.dataAvail() &#61;&#61; 0) continue; cmd &#61; mIn.readInt32(); IF_LOG_COMMANDS() { alog <<"Processing waitForResponse Command: " < } switch (cmd) { case BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE: if (!reply && !acquireResult) goto finish; break; case BR_DEAD_REPLY: err &#61; DEAD_OBJECT; goto finish; case BR_FAILED_REPLY: err &#61; FAILED_TRANSACTION; goto finish; case BR_ACQUIRE_RESULT: { LOG_ASSERT(acquireResult !&#61; NULL, "Unexpected brACQUIRE_RESULT"); const int32_t result &#61; mIn.readInt32(); if (!acquireResult) continue; *acquireResult &#61; result ? NO_ERROR : INVALID_OPERATION; } goto finish; case BR_REPLY: { binder_transaction_data tr; err &#61; mIn.read(&tr, sizeof(tr)); LOG_ASSERT(err &#61;&#61; NO_ERROR, "Not enough command data for brREPLY"); if (err !&#61; NO_ERROR) goto finish; if (reply) { if ((tr.flags & TF_STATUS_CODE) &#61;&#61; 0) { reply->ipcSetDataReference( reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.buffer), tr.data_size, reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.offsets), tr.offsets_size/sizeof(size_t), freeBuffer, this); } else { err &#61; *static_cast(tr.data.ptr.buffer); freeBuffer(NULL, reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.buffer), tr.data_size, reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.offsets), tr.offsets_size/sizeof(size_t), this); } } else { freeBuffer(NULL, reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.buffer), tr.data_size, reinterpret_cast(tr.data.ptr.offsets), tr.offsets_size/sizeof(size_t), this); continue; } } goto finish; default: err &#61; executeCommand(cmd); if (err !&#61; NO_ERROR) goto finish; break; } } finish: if (err !&#61; NO_ERROR) { if (acquireResult) *acquireResult &#61; err; if (reply) reply->setError(err); mLastError &#61; err; } return err; } 这里transact把请求经内核模块发送了给服务端&#xff0c;服务端处理完请求之后&#xff0c;沿原路返回结果给调用者。这里也可以看出请求是同步操作&#xff0c;它会等待直到结果返回为止。 在BpBinder之上进行简单包装&#xff0c;我们可以得到与服务对象相同的接口&#xff0c;调用者无需要关心调用的对象是远程的还是本地的。拿ServiceManager来说&#xff1a; class BpServiceManager : public BpInterface { public: BpServiceManager(const sp& impl) : BpInterface(impl) { } ... virtual status_t addService(const String16& name, const sp& service) { Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(IServiceManager::getInterfaceDescriptor()); data.writeString16(name); data.writeStrongBinder(service); status_t err &#61; remote()->transact(ADD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); return err &#61;&#61; NO_ERROR ? reply.readInt32() : err; } ... }; BpServiceManager实现了 IServiceManager和IBinder两个接口&#xff0c;调用者可以把BpServiceManager的对象看作是一个IServiceManager对象或者IBinder对象。当调用者把BpServiceManager对象当作IServiceManager对象使用时&#xff0c;所有的请求只是对BpBinder::transact的封装。这样的封装使得调用者不需要关心IServiceManager对象是本地的还是远程的了。 客户通过defaultServiceManager函数来创建BpServiceManager对象&#xff1a; sp defaultServiceManager() { if (gDefaultServiceManager !&#61; NULL) return gDefaultServiceManager; { AutoMutex _l(gDefaultServiceManagerLock); if (gDefaultServiceManager &#61;&#61; NULL) { gDefaultServiceManager &#61; interface_cast( ProcessState::self()->getContextObject(NULL)); } } return gDefaultServiceManager; } 先通过ProcessState::self()->getContextObject(NULL)创建一个Binder对象&#xff0c;然后通过interface_cast和IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(ServiceManager, “android.os.IServiceManager”)把Binder对象包装成 IServiceManager对象。原理上等同于创建了一个BpServiceManager对象。 ProcessState::self()->getContextObject调用ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle创建代理对象&#xff1a; sp ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle(int32_t handle) { sp result; AutoMutex _l(mLock); handle_entry* e &#61; lookupHandleLocked(handle); if (e !&#61; NULL) { // We need to create a new BpBinder if there isn&#39;t currently one, OR we // are unable to acquire a weak reference on this current one. See comment // in getWeakProxyForHandle() for more info about this. IBinder* b &#61; e->binder; if (b &#61;&#61; NULL || !e->refs->attemptIncWeak(this)) { b &#61; new BpBinder(handle); e->binder &#61; b; if (b) e->refs &#61; b->getWeakRefs(); result &#61; b; } else { // This little bit of nastyness is to allow us to add a primary // reference to the remote proxy when this team doesn&#39;t have one // but another team is sending the handle to us. result.force_set(b); e->refs->decWeak(this); } } return result; } 如果handle为空&#xff0c;默认为context_manager对象&#xff0c;context_manager实际上就是ServiceManager。 status_t BBinder::transact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { data.setDataPosition(0); status_t err &#61; NO_ERROR; switch (code) { case PING_TRANSACTION: reply->writeInt32(pingBinder()); break; default: err &#61; onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); break; } if (reply !&#61; NULL) { reply->setDataPosition(0); } return err; } PING_TRANSACTION请求用来检查对象是否还存在&#xff0c;这里简单的把 pingBinder的返回值返回给调用者。其它的请求交给onTransact处理。onTransact是BBinder里声明的一个protected类型的虚函数&#xff0c;这个要求它的子类去实现。比如CameraService里的实现如下&#xff1a; status_t CameraService::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { // permission checks... switch (code) { case BnCameraService::CONNECT: IPCThreadState* ipc &#61; IPCThreadState::self(); const int pid &#61; ipc->getCallingPid(); const int self_pid &#61; getpid(); if (pid !&#61; self_pid) { // we&#39;re called from a different process, do the real check if (!checkCallingPermission( String16("android.permission.CAMERA"))) { const int uid &#61; ipc->getCallingUid(); LOGE("Permission Denial: " "can&#39;t use the camera pid&#61;%d, uid&#61;%d", pid, uid); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } } break; } status_t err &#61; BnCameraService::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); LOGD("&#43;&#43;&#43; onTransact err %d code %d", err, code); if (err &#61;&#61; UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION || err &#61;&#61; PERMISSION_DENIED) { // the &#39;service&#39; command interrogates this binder for its name, and then supplies it // even for the debugging commands. that means we need to check for it here, using // ISurfaceComposer (since we delegated the INTERFACE_TRANSACTION handling to // BnSurfaceComposer before falling through to this code). LOGD("&#43;&#43;&#43; onTransact code %d", code); CHECK_INTERFACE(ICameraService, data, reply); switch(code) { case 1000: { if (gWeakHeap !&#61; 0) { sp h &#61; gWeakHeap.promote(); IMemoryHeap *p &#61; gWeakHeap.unsafe_get(); LOGD("CHECKING WEAK REFERENCE %p (%p)", h.get(), p); if (h !&#61; 0) h->printRefs(); bool attempt_to_delete &#61; data.readInt32() &#61;&#61; 1; if (attempt_to_delete) { // NOT SAFE! LOGD("DELETING WEAK REFERENCE %p (%p)", h.get(), p); if (p) delete p; } return NO_ERROR; } } break; default: break; } } return err; } 由此可见&#xff0c;服务端的onTransact是一个请求分发函数&#xff0c;它根据请求码(code)做相应的处理。 o 消息循环 服务端(任何进程都可以作为服务端)有一个线程监听来自客户端的请求&#xff0c;并循环处理这些请求。 如果在主线程中处理请求&#xff0c;可以直接调用下面的函数&#xff1a; IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(mIsMain); 如果想在非主线程中处理请求&#xff0c;可以按下列方式&#xff1a; sp proc &#61; ProcessState::self(); if (proc->supportsProcesses()) { LOGV("App process: starting thread pool./n"); proc->startThreadPool(); } startThreadPool的实现原理&#xff1a; void ProcessState::startThreadPool() { AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (!mThreadPoolStarted) { mThreadPoolStarted &#61; true; spawnPooledThread(true); } } void ProcessState::spawnPooledThread(bool isMain) { if (mThreadPoolStarted) { int32_t s &#61; android_atomic_add(1, &mThreadPoolSeq); char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "Binder Thread #%d", s); LOGV("Spawning new pooled thread, name&#61;%s/n", buf); sp t &#61; new PoolThread(isMain); t->run(buf); } } 这里创建了PoolThread的对象&#xff0c;实现上就是创建了一个线程。所有的线程类都要实现threadLoop虚函数。PoolThread的threadLoop的实现如下&#xff1a; virtual bool threadLoop() { IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(mIsMain); return false; } 上述代码&#xff0c;简而言之就是创建了一个线程&#xff0c;然后在线程里调用 IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool函数。 下面再看joinThreadPool的实现&#xff1a; do { ... result &#61; talkWithDriver(); if (result >&#61; NO_ERROR) { size_t IN &#61; mIn.dataAvail(); if (IN cmd &#61; mIn.readInt32(); IF_LOG_COMMANDS() { alog <<"Processing top-level Command: " < } result &#61; executeCommand(cmd); } ... while(...); 这个函数在循环中重复执行下列动作&#xff1a; 在IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int32_t cmd)函数中&#xff1a; 按下列方式调用实际的对象&#xff1a; if (tr.target.ptr) { sp b((BBinder*)tr.COOKIE); const status_t error &#61; b->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, 0); if (error } else { const status_t error &#61; the_context_object->transact(tr.code, buffer, &reply, 0); if (error } 如果tr.target.ptr不为空&#xff0c;就把tr.COOKIE转换成一个Binder对象&#xff0c;并调用它的transact函数。如果没有目标对象&#xff0c;就调用 the_context_object对象的transact函数。奇怪的是&#xff0c;根本没有谁对the_context_object进行初始化&#xff0c;the_context_object是空指针。原因是context_mgr的请求发给了ServiceManager&#xff0c;所以根本不会走到else语句里来。 o 内核模块 android使用了一个内核模块binder来中转各个进程之间的消息。模块源代码放在binder.c里&#xff0c;它是一个字符驱动程序&#xff0c;主要通过binder_ioctl与用户空间的进程交换数据。其中BINDER_WRITE_READ用来读写数据&#xff0c;数据包中有一个cmd域用于区分不同的请求&#xff1a; 从binder_thread_write中调用binder_transaction中转请求和返回结果&#xff0c;binder_transaction的实现如下&#xff1a; 对请求的处理&#xff1a; 如何成为context_mgr呢&#xff1f;内核模块提供了BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR调用: static long binder_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { ... case BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR: if (binder_context_mgr_node !&#61; NULL) { printk(KERN_ERR "binder: BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR already set/n"); ret &#61; -EBUSY; goto err; } if (binder_context_mgr_uid !&#61; -1) { if (binder_context_mgr_uid !&#61; current->euid) { printk(KERN_ERR "binder: BINDER_SET_" "CONTEXT_MGR bad uid %d !&#61; %d/n", current->euid, binder_context_mgr_uid); ret &#61; -EPERM; goto err; } } else binder_context_mgr_uid &#61; current->euid; binder_context_mgr_node &#61; binder_new_node(proc, NULL, NULL); if (binder_context_mgr_node &#61;&#61; NULL) { ret &#61; -ENOMEM; goto err; } binder_context_mgr_node->local_weak_refs&#43;&#43;; binder_context_mgr_node->local_strong_refs&#43;&#43;; binder_context_mgr_node->has_strong_ref &#61; 1; binder_context_mgr_node->has_weak_ref &#61; 1; break; ServiceManager&#xff08;frameworks/base/cmds/servicemanager)通过下列方式成为了context_mgr进程&#xff1a; int binder_become_context_manager(struct binder_state *bs) { return ioctl(bs->fd, BINDER_SET_CONTEXT_MGR, 0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct binder_state *bs; void *svcmgr &#61; BINDER_SERVICE_MANAGER; bs &#61; binder_open(128*1024); if (binder_become_context_manager(bs)) { LOGE("cannot become context manager (%s)/n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } svcmgr_handle &#61; svcmgr; binder_loop(bs, svcmgr_handler); return 0; } o 如何得到服务对象的handle o 如何通过服务对象的handle找到服务所在的进程 0表示服务管理器的handle&#xff0c;getService可以查找到系统服务的handle。这个handle只是代表了服务对象&#xff0c;内核模块是如何通过handle找到服务所在的进程的呢&#xff1f; 3. off_end &#61; (void *)offp &#43; tr->offsets_size; 4. for (; offp 5. struct flat_binder_object *fp; 6. if (*offp > t->buffer->data_size - sizeof(*fp)) { 7. binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d got transaction with " 8. "invalid offset, %d/n", 9. proc->pid, thread->pid, *offp); 10. return_error &#61; BR_FAILED_REPLY; 11. goto err_bad_offset; 12. } 13. fp &#61; (struct flat_binder_object *)(t->buffer->data &#43; *offp); 14. switch (fp->type) { 15. case BINDER_TYPE_BINDER: 16. case BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_BINDER: { 17. struct binder_ref *ref; 18. struct binder_node *node &#61; binder_get_node(proc, fp->binder); 19. if (node &#61;&#61; NULL) { 20. node &#61; binder_new_node(proc, fp->binder, fp->COOKIE); 21. if (node &#61;&#61; NULL) { 22. return_error &#61; BR_FAILED_REPLY; 23. goto err_binder_new_node_failed; 24. } 25. node->min_priority &#61; fp->flags & FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_PRIORITY_MASK; 26. node->accept_fds &#61; !!(fp->flags & FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS); 27. } 28. if (fp->COOKIE !&#61; node->COOKIE) { 29. binder_user_error("binder: %d:%d sending u%p " 30. "node %d, COOKIE mismatch %p !&#61; %p/n", 31. proc->pid, thread->pid, 32. fp->binder, node->debug_id, 33. fp->COOKIE, node->COOKIE); 34. goto err_binder_get_ref_for_node_failed; 35. } 36. ref &#61; binder_get_ref_for_node(target_proc, node); 37. if (ref &#61;&#61; NULL) { 38. return_error &#61; BR_FAILED_REPLY; 39. goto err_binder_get_ref_for_node_failed; 40. } 41. if (fp->type &#61;&#61; BINDER_TYPE_BINDER) 42. fp->type &#61; BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE; 43. else 44. fp->type &#61; BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_HANDLE; 45. fp->handle &#61; ref->desc; 46. binder_inc_ref(ref, fp->type &#61;&#61; BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE, &thread->todo); 47. if (binder_debug_mask & BINDER_DEBUG_TRANSACTION) 48. printk(KERN_INFO " node %d u%p -> ref %d desc %d/n", 49. node->debug_id, node->ptr, ref->debug_id, ref->desc); } break; o C调用JAVA 前面我们分析的是C代码的处理。对于JAVA代码&#xff0c;JAVA调用C的函数通过JNI调用即可。从内核时读取请求是在C代码(executeCommand)里进行了&#xff0c;那如何在C代码中调用那些用JAVA实现的服务呢&#xff1f; android_os_Binder_init里的JavaBBinder对Java里的Binder对象进行包装。 JavaBBinder::onTransact调用Java里的execTransact函数&#xff1a; jboolean res &#61; env->CallBooleanMethod(mObject, gBinderOffsets.mExecTransact, code, (int32_t)&data, (int32_t)reply, flags); jthrowable excep &#61; env->ExceptionOccurred(); if (excep) { report_exception(env, excep, "*** Uncaught remote exception! " "(Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)"); res &#61; JNI_FALSE; /* clean up JNI local ref -- we don&#39;t return to Java code */ env->DeleteLocalRef(excep); } o 广播消息 binder不提供广播消息&#xff0c;不过可以ActivityManagerService服务来实现广播。 接收广播消息需要实现接口BroadcastReceiver&#xff0c;然后调用ActivityManagerProxy::registerReceiver注册。 触发广播调用ActivityManagerProxy::broadcastIntent。(应用程序并不直接调用它&#xff0c;而是调用Context对它的包装) Category: Android You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. 3 Responses 1 Dig 太强大&#xff0c;太具体了&#xff0c;膜拜下 2 peimichael 写的挺详细的。 3 peimichael 不好意思&#xff0c;上面代码有个笔误
o 服务端
Thursday, 14. May 2009
Friday, 17. July 2009
void jpegCallback(sp &picture)
Parcel data,reply;
Friday, 17. July 2009
void jpegCallback(sp& picture)