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I'm trying to implement the Http2 push server functionality using "PushPromise" .NET 4.6.1, for this I have a "html extension" with Razor (we did not implement MVC only used the Razor engine to build the pages).

我正在尝试使用“PushPromise”.NET 4.6.1实现Http2推送服务器功能,为此我有一个带有Razor的“html扩展”(我们没有实现MVC只使用Razor引擎来构建页面)。

    public static IHtmlString PushPromiseStylesheet(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string src, bool addDomElement = true)
        var cOntext= HttpContext.Current;
        var path = System.Web.Optimization.Styles.Url(src).ToString();

        var headers = new NameValueCollection { { "accept-encoding", context.Request.Headers["accept-encoding"] } };
        context.Response.PushPromise(path, "GET", headers);

        var styleElement = $"";

        return new HtmlString(addDomElement ? styleElement : String.Empty);

    public static IHtmlString PushPromiseJavascript(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string src)
        var cOntext= HttpContext.Current;
        var path = System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Url(src).ToString();

        var headers = new NameValueCollection { { "accept-encoding", context.Request.Headers["accept-encoding"] } };

        var JavascriptElement = $"";

        return new HtmlString(JavascriptElement);
    public static IHtmlString PushPromiseImage(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string src, bool addDomElement = false)
        var cOntext= HttpContext.Current;
        var path = System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Url(src).ToString();

        var headers = new NameValueCollection { { "accept-encoding", context.Request.Headers["accept-encoding"] } };

        var imgElement = $"";

        return new HtmlString(addDomElement ? imgElement : String.Empty);

    public static IHtmlString PushPromiseWebFont(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string src, string type = null)
        var cOntext= HttpContext.Current;
        var path = System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Url(src).ToString();
        type = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type) ? "font/woff2" : type;

        var headers = new NameValueCollection { { "accept-encoding", context.Request.Headers["accept-encoding"] } };
        context.Response.PushPromise(path, "GET", headers);

        var fOntElement= $" ";

        return new HtmlString(fontElement);

And in the of the page:





I have hosted the same project "without using PushPromise" (credimejorademo), and in another domain I have implemented PushPromise (aquituinmueble):


Demo(credimejorademo) | Demo2 (aquituinmueble)


1 个解决方案



Just a couple of things I'd mention here. Firstly, although this may seem counter-intuitive, you're probably best off not pushing -everything-. The limited amount of testing I've seen (eg: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/04/guide-http2-server-push/) suggests that pushing css only is probably the best way to improve performance, although it's worth playing around with on an individual site basis.

我在这里提到的几件事情。首先,虽然这看起来可能是违反直觉的,但你可能最好不要推动 - 所有东西 - 。我见过的有限数量的测试(例如:https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/04/guide-http2-server-push/)表明仅推送css可能是提高性能的最佳方法,尽管值得在个人网站上玩游戏。

The other thing is that the way you are implementing PushPromise means that IIS is only getting that request once it's already started processing the page. ie, you're requesting the push at more or less the same time the page would have requested it via a standard .


Hope this helps.


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