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When given 0,0 to 0,5, the y velocity becomes that number and breaks my code. I know I must have done something wrong as I just copy and pasted code (since I am horrible at maths)..

当给定0 0到0 5时,y速度就变成了这个数并破坏了我的代码。我知道我一定做错了什么,因为我只是复制和粘贴代码(因为我数学不好)。

This is how I calculate the numbers:


var radian = Math.atan2(listOfNodes[j].y - listOfNodes[i].y,listOfNodes[j].x - listOfNodes[i].x);
var vy = Math.cos(radian);
var vx = Math.sin(radian);



1 个解决方案



There i am assuming the velocity vector is FROM 0,0 TO 0,5. And 0,0 is i and 0,5 is j.

我假设速度向量是从0到0 5。0 0是i 5是j。

In that case the velocity vector is only along y and the y component should be 5 and x component 0. It is coming as opposite because,


cos(radian) whould be x velocity component and sin(radian) the y compunent.


And the number 6.123031769111886E-17 is actually returned in place of 0.


Look at the following figure:
enter image description here


Also as can be seen from the figure you do not need the trigonometric computations at all.
You can simply get the x and y components as follows:


// y2 - y1
var vy = listOfNodes[j].y - listOfNodes[i].y;
// x2 - x1
var vx = listOfNodes[j].x - listOfNodes[i].x;

This will avoid the floating point inaccuracy caused by the trig finctions due to which you are seeing 6.123031769111886E-17 instead of 0.
You only need to use atan2 if you actually need the angle θ in your code.

这将避免由trig finctions引起的浮点不准确,因为您看到的是6.123031769111886E-17而不是0。你只需要使用量化如果你真的需要角θ在您的代码中。

Update: Well if you need only unit (normalized) vector's components you can divide the vx and vy with the length of the original vector. Like this:


// y2 - y1
var vy = listOfNodes[j].y - listOfNodes[i].y;
// x2 - x1
var vx = listOfNodes[j].x - listOfNodes[i].x;
// vector magnitude
var mag = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);

// get unit vector components
vy /= mag;
vx /= mag;

Using the above you will get the exactly the same results as you are getting from trig sin and cos functions.


But if you still need to use the original code and want to make 6.12...E-17 compare to 0, you can use the epsilon technique for comparing floats. So you can compare any value within epsilon's range from 0, using flllowing code:


function floatCompare(a:Number, b:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean{
    return (a >= (b - epsilon) && a <= (b + epsilon));
// To check for zero use this code, here i'm using 0.0001 as epsilon
if(floatCompare(vx, 0, 0.0001)){
    // code here

So any deviation in the range of [b-epsilon, b+epsilon] would successfully compare to b. This is essential in case of floating point arithmetic.

因此,在[b, b+]范围内的任何偏差都可以成功地与b进行比较,这在浮点运算中是很重要的。

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