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I have a Set with a single element and I'm failing when using .contains with it and a new SelectDTO, as follows:

我有一个带有单个元素的Set ,当我使用.contains和一个新的SelectDTO时,我失败了,如下所示:

Set setDTOs = new HashSet
//processing where an element with  is added.

SelectDTO selectDTO = new SelectDTO();
if (!setDTOs.contains(selectDTO)){
     throw new Exception();

I have override SelectDTO's .hashCode(), so that it's calculated as the sum of the parameters id and name. I have debugged and confirmed that the execution goes through .hashCode() two times: the first when the element is added to the set and the second when calling .contains(). Both elements' hashCode is -2024486876. But also, when debugging, I see that the table within the set has a single element, its "hash" being -1909995738.


This is the code for my hashCode, although I don't think the problem's there:


public int hashCode() {
    int result = 0;
    result += this.getName() != null ? this.getName().hashCode() : 0;
    result += this.getId() != null ? this.getId() : 0;
    return result;

I guess that .contains() is using this 'hash' value to compare, but I don't know why.


2 个解决方案



From the Set.contains() documentation:


Returns true if this set contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this set contains an element e such that (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)).

如果此set包含指定的元素,则返回true。更正式地,当且仅当此集合包含元素e时才返回true(o == null?e == null:o.equals(e))。

In other words, you do not only need to implement hashCode(), but also equals().




It seems you forgot to add the selectDTO element in Set:



Assuming you have added the element somewhere in your code, then you need to override the equals method and not hashCode. As contains() method uses equals() method to determine whether an element exist or not in the set. Interestingly, i believe this is how Set makes sure it does not push a duplicate element in the Set.


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