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GIS apps


  1. Avenza PDF Maps App for Apple iOS – Geospatial PDF reader for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.PDF Maps is the first application of its kind designed specifically for using geographically-aware PDF files on portable devices and opens the door to allowing any map to be GPS-aware.
  2. Esri ArcGIS for iOS app – The app lets users collect, edit, and update features and attribute information while performing field data collection and inspection. To download or get more information about ArcGIS API for iOS, visit the ArcGIS Resource Center
  3. AutoCAD WS – think Autodesk on your iPhone… enable AutoCAD users to edit and share AutoCAD files on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch so they can have real-time collaboration even while on the go.The latest release (1.1) adds new features such as offline capabilities, email attachment support, a more intuitive touch and gesture interface, and more.
  4. TomTom App for iPhone with MapShare – TomTom Map Share enables iPhone users to make changes instantly to their own maps and to benefit from free, map updates made by the TomTom community and verified by TomTom
  5. MapZen PoI Collector for OSM data collection using iPhone (Download directly HERE) A mobile app enabling rapid and simple contribution and data editing of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data.
  6. lLOE – iPhone Little OSM Editor – “iLOE” (iPhone Little OpenStreetMap Editor) was built to use the “iPhone” and the “iPod Touch” to update and insert nodes in OpenStreetMap. More information at OpenGeo or Download directly HERE
  7. Field Assets provides users with a versatile asset management tool. The application enables data collection, mapping, voice recording and photography, all to be carried out using the one device. iTunes download link
  8. Navman Wireless  GPS Fleet Tracking on the Go (iTunjes Link) – free iPhone app that makes real-time vehicle location maps and a variety of other fleet data available
  9. iPad GISRoam from Cogent3D, Inc is reported to be the first iOS GIS application to natively load raster and elevation when 3G/ WIFI is unavailable. This is a powerful mobile GIS application for when users are away from the desk and need to collect, review, edit, and colorize Shapefile layers on your iPad/iPhone
  10. CitySourced – I’m a huge fan of crowd-sourcing so this app is a huge hit. CitySourced enables the user to grab information and share a report with their local government agency. Snap a photo, geolocate it, add a description (like a pothole needing repair) and submit! This is an awesome service built using the ArcGIS API for iOS and a perfect complement to any local government looking to get up and running quickly with a useful mobile solution to connect with the local population. http://www.citysourced.com
  11. BONUS app… Fulcrum for iOS- a simple to use, highly cutomizable and flexible full-blow data collection app for iOS from Spatialnetworks. Account hosting, custom form builder, sync to web, data export and much more are provided.


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