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If I have a movieclip that has a class assigned to it and I change a property of that movieclip in code, it seems that the property can no longer be tweened on the timeline.


For example, if my class sets this.x = 100, and later on the timeline I tween the position of the object, that timeline tween will not occur.

例如,如果我的类设置this.x = 100,稍后在时间轴上设置对象的位置,则不会发生该时间轴补间。

Changing either scaleX or scaleY property also seems to stop timeline tweens from happening.


Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, is there a way around it?


2 个解决方案


You have it right. Changing certain properties of an MC on the stage will cause Flash to assume that you are going to position it with script, and tweens will no longer work. A couple of workarounds:


  1. Reparent things so that you separate scripted and IDE positioning. That is, if you were tweening an object's X position and also rotating it with script, change it so that you tween the X of a container clip, and rotate an inner clip inside.
  2. 重复的事情让你分开脚本和IDE定位。也就是说,如果您正在补间对象的X位置并使用脚本旋转它,请更改它以便补间容器剪辑的X,并旋转内部剪辑。

  3. Do all your positioning with script - i.e. use the Tween class, or a tween library.
  4. 使用脚本完成所有定位 - 即使用Tween类或补间库。

  5. If the playhead goes past a frame where the clip is not on the stage, and then to a frame where it is, this will "reset" the clip to work with IDE positioning and tweens. This is true even if you jump past the empty frame with gotoAndPlay. So for example, if you use script to move the clip on frame 10, and then on frame 20 you do gotoAndPlay(30);, then a tween at frame 30 will work correctly if you put a blank frame somewhere between frames 20 and 30.
  6. 如果播放头经过一个剪辑不在舞台上的帧,然后到达它所在的帧,则会“重置”剪辑以使用IDE定位和补间。即使您使用gotoAndPlay跳过空框架也是如此。因此,例如,如果您使用脚本在第10帧上移动剪辑,然后在第20帧上执行gotoAndPlay(30);,那么如果您在第20帧和第30帧之间放置一个空白帧,则第30帧处的补间将正常工作。


I would stick strictly to the as3 code if I were you.


import these at the top of your actionscript


import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;

and then set your tween like this:


var myTween:Tween = new Tween(object, "property", EasingType, begin, end, duration, useSeconds);

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