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What do people here use C++ Abstract Base Class constructors for in the field? I am talking about pure interface classes having no data members and no non-pure virtual members.

人们在这里使用C ++抽象基类构造函数?我说的是没有数据成员且没有非纯虚拟成员的纯接口类。

Can anyone demonstrate any idioms which use ABC constructors in a useful way? Or is it just intrinsic to the nature of using ABCs to implement interfaces that they remain empty, inline and protected?


6 个解决方案


Can anyone demonstrate any idioms which use ABC constructors in a useful way?


Here's an example, although it's a contrived, uncommon example.


You might use it to keep a list of all instances:


class IFoo
  //static members to keep a list of all constructed instances
  typedef std::set Set;
  static Set s_set;

  //new instance being created

  //instance being destroyed
  virtual ~IFoo()

  ... plus some other static method and/or property
      which accesses the set of all instances ...

Or is it just intrinsic to the nature of using ABCs to implement interfaces that they remain empty, inline and protected?


More usually they're just not declared at all! There's no reason to declare them:


  • Empty and inline => why bother to declare it?
  • 空和内联=>为什么懒得申报呢?

  • Protected => the ABC probably already has some pure virtual methods and therefore already can't be instantiated except as a subclass.
  • Protected => ABC可能已经有一些纯虚方法,因此除了作为子类之外,已经无法实例化。


Suppose that there is some behavior that is common for all the derived classes. Such as registering itself in some external registry, or checking validity of something.


All this common code can be placed in base class's constructor, and it will be called implicitly from the constructors of each of the derived classes.



How could an abstract base class's constructor be used for anything?


Suppose you have an abstract base class B and a derived class D. When an object of type D is created, B's constructor is called first, but at that point, the object "is" still of type B (see here) -- in particular, calling any virtual functions from the body of B's constructor will call B's own implementations of those functions. But if B is a pure abstract class, none of those virtual functions are defined, so the program will crash immediately.

假设你有一个抽象基类B和一个派生类D.当创建一个D类型的对象时,首先调用B的构造函数,但此时,对象“仍然”仍然是类型B(参见此处) - 在特别是,从B的构造函数的主体调用任何虚函数将调用B自己的那些函数的实现。但是如果B是纯抽象类,那么这些虚函数都没有定义,所以程序会立即崩溃。

I'm guessing that you intended for B's constructor to call down to the most-derived-class's (e.g. D's) implementation of a virtual function, right? That would be a bad idea in general because D's object is not fully constructed yet, so any accesses to member variables in D from inside D's implementation of the virtual function would access uninitialised memory.



Remember: "Resource acquisition is initialization".


Sometimes we use abstract base classes as some kind of locking mechanism. For example, in a multi-threaded environment, where several threads need to share a single resource, then a thread can use the constructor as a way to acquire the resource, and the destructor to release the resource


void PlayWithPaintBallGun(Target &target)
    PaintBallGun paintBallGun;    // constructor waits until the gun is free,
                                  // then picks it up.

    paintBallGun.Aim(target);     // Shoot something
    paintBallGun.Fire();          //

                                  // Clever! The destructor is automatically
                                  // called when it goes out of scope. So we
                                  // can't forget to put the gun down.



I can't think of many useful examples. A class without data-members has no state and thus can't initialize anything. You can have the constructor/destructor do logging for you, though. For example, to log the creation/destruction of all Visitor objects:


class Visitor {
    Visitor() {
        std::cout <<"Visitor@" <


usually its solely to initialise members to sensible values.


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